
Bogus chanting?

Margaret Dale - March 12, 2007 12:44 am

In reading "The Search for Sri Krisna" by Sridhar Maharaja, I ran across a passage that is troubling me. On p. 156, he says "chanting the name of Krishna without an attitude of service produces sound, but that is only tongue deep...Our chanting of the holy name of Krishna must be surcharged with a serving temperament....Otherwise the sound we produce is bogus." I of course don't disagree that a service attitude is key for our growth, but my question is if the physical vibration of Krishna's name is able to produce any benefit if my attitude is not correct? Sometimes I can't focus my mind but chant because I feel that Krishna's name is more powerful that my weakness.

Swami - March 12, 2007 1:52 am
Sometimes I can't focus my mind but chant because I feel that Krishna's name is more powerful that my weakness.


So you do want to serve!

Margaret Dale - March 12, 2007 7:51 pm
So you do want to serve!

Is that service? I guess my idea of service is not very well developed. Can you help?