
The Deity

Jason - March 20, 2007 5:07 pm

I've got a question. I'm thinking that I may have an idea about the answer, but I'm checking in. I hear all the time that when Krsna appears in the material world, he brings his entourage from the spiritual world as well. Recently, in one of GM's older lectures, it was mentioned again and I needed some clarification. Do the associates from Goloka only appear here when a certain type of avatar of Krsna manifests here? For instance, did they all (Yashoda, Nanda Maharaja, the principal gopis) come when Bhagavan Nrsimha appeared? Is it only some associates that accompany Him? Maybe only those integral to the lila?


Since we know that the arca-vigraha form of Krsna is to be seen as non-different from Krsna Himself, and often times, the poetic language of Vaisnavism will say things like, "Krsna has so kindly manifested here in this new temple", then in essence, if the Deity is non-different from Krsna, then Krsna is always here on earth and as new temples are built, He's appearing here all the time. With all the Deities around the world and those that will inevitably house the Deity, does this mean that Krsna's associates are here as well?


Then there are temples where Radha and Krsna appear on the altar with their principal sakis too?


Am I making any sense here?


Thanks in advance,

Shyam Gopal Das - March 20, 2007 11:58 pm

Not to directly answer your question, but this morning during the reading of CC, Guru Maharaj mentioned how temples are manifestations of the devotees' hearts. So that Krishna appears everywhere is because he appears in the heart of the devotee. The temple is an outward manifestation of that. But I haven't fully comprehended this either.

Jason - March 21, 2007 4:00 am

Actually, Shyam Gopal, that does help a little, thank you. I had never heard that. Without a doubt, the temple developing there is coming from the hearts of devotees.

Mayapurcandra Das - March 22, 2007 11:26 am
Not to directly answer your question, but this morning during the reading of CC, Guru Maharaj mentioned how temples are manifestations of the devotees' hearts. So that Krishna appears everywhere is because he appears in the heart of the devotee. The temple is an outward manifestation of that. But I haven't fully comprehended this either.


I remember, when we were in Krsna-Balarama Mandir, in Srila Prabhupadas room, and during the lecture, GM said that this Mandir, Krsna-Balarama Temple in Vraja, is an expression of Srila Prabhupadas heart! Guru Maharaja also said that for that reason this project was so important to Srila Prabhupada, to establish this temple in Vrindavana.

It is so amazing, that without devotees there is no Krsna ;) Krsna appears in - and from the heart of the devotee.

We can have darsiana of Deities in the temple only thanks for mercy of devotee who invited Lord, and for this reason Lord manifest in form of Deity.


I hope that it make some sense :)