
Description seva - WOW!

Margaret Dale - March 25, 2007 5:17 pm

This is about the description seva that Nanda-tanuja is managing - making outlines and summaries of GM's lectures.

I've been bouncing around ISKCON for about 20 years now. I have learned more about KC in the past three months than I had in the previous 20 years combined. When I am listening to GM's lectures in order to make an outline and a summary, it is impossible for me to gloss over things I don't know. I have to make sure I understand every nuance (well, at least the big nuances :Big Grin: ) so that I don't write something that is completely off. I have to pull up the scripture being discussed (Vedabase is fantastic for this, although they don't have everything); I have to research personalities being referenced if only to make sure I'm spelling it correctly; I even have to look up recent controversies to understand examples being used in lectures. It has been extremely humbling to find out how ignorant I am. At the same time, it has also been a bit of a relief. I know that the ideal is Krsna katha all the time. I used to wonder how on earth one could talk about Krsna all the time - I imagined people saying to each other "Wow, Krsna is great, isn't he?" "Yeah, I really like his lotus eyes." Now I am starting to see that there is so much that can be talked about.

I realize that a lot of GM's disciples on here are already very well versed and educated themselves long ago. But anyone who feels like maybe they could learn a little bit more, I'd highly recommend this seva. And besides, you get to listen to GM! That in itself makes it great.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 25, 2007 6:07 pm

Thank you, Margaret, for your seva and a shameless plug of this wonderful opportunity of doing something tangible for Guru Maharaja and Audarya. If anyone is interested to participate, please contact me for details. Thank you.

Jason - April 3, 2007 5:22 pm

Here comes another shameless plug, please forgive me if it's a bit long-winded.


Nanda-Tanuja has been sending me lectures to summarize for the site, 4 at a time, for a few months now. Just like anything else in my life, I tend to start out strong, with a lot of vigor and motivation. Then I slowed down and wasn't getting them completed for him as quick as we had agreed that I would. He sent me a "what's up?" email about 2 weeks ago to which I responded (which may have come across as more of an excuse). I closed the email by mentioning that I was trying to get up to Audarya last Friday (which didn't happen) and was hoping to be able to do some "hard labor"; some service for the new temple.


Nanda Tanuja responded that "...service shouldn't always be a hard labor". I was thinking about his Russian accent and maybe some occasional broken English and thought that maybe what he meant was, "service shouldn't be a chore". I had mentioned to him that sometimes, I felt like it was chore-like to get all my daily things done and then find time to work on the summaries. I spent the next week or so thinking about what he said; or what I thought he meant; our service to Sri Guru shouldn't feel like a chore, some obligation that should be squeezed into the day if and when time permits.


Then, when I had finished the last of the summaries that he had sent to me, I emailed him the last one and added this:


"Just out of curiosity, how many lectures are there that inevitably need to be summarized? Are there hundreds? Will the lectures that have summaries be the first ones available on the new site when it launches?


I've been thinking a lot about how you said that "...service shouldn't be a chore". Since I'm so bogged down with papers and exams and my semester is crazy, I want this service to be an escape from that; a chance for me to hear GM and "be with him" when I can't be with him physically. How can I make it feel like less of a "job"? Clearly, it's more enjoyable than mundane work, but given my present circumstances....it's often hard to fit it into my schedule."


To which, Nanda-Tanuja kindly replied:


"We currently have 372 lectures available, 139 are described. With several people working we are getting 16 lectures described per month. So with the current speed we are about 2 years away from the completion, which is very sad news. From my understanding all lectures will be available when we launch, but some will not have descriptions.


Hmmm, about your next question. I think it's a matter of love. If you love someone, making lunch for them is not a chore, right? Same thing. Especially if you will enjoy that lunch together. Do you love him enough to spend one hour a day doing this thing? I'm sure you do. Another way of thinking about it -- it's direct bhakti, direct guru-seva, it cannot get better then that. It's more important then doing offensive japa, or reading books you cannot completely comprehend yet. I'm not saying that you should stop doing japa, but to put things in perspective. It's a great mercy that you are getting engaged in the service that you are capable of doing."


He then added:


"(Actually) My original comment was "service shouldn't always be a hard labor", it was in reply to your "I will be up at Audarya next Friday for the day....a day of hard labor I hope" statement. What I've meant was, yes you can go and build a temple or carry manure in buckets, but are you an expert construction worker? Maybe the benefit of your describing (summarizing lectures) would be much higher for Audarya then your physical labor? Just a thought. Never underestimate a power of a pen :)"


So, it seems that in my misunderstanding of what he initially said, he helped to address two issues: Given our present circumstances, what should our most effective service be, and once that is defined, how to best approach it and see that service as quite important.


I wrote him back the following:


"I was just listening to a lecture GM gave some years ago on Srila Sridhar Maharaja's Tirobhava Mahotsava where he was saying that he was revealing his vision and ideas for his mission/preaching endeavors to another devotee, and that devotee responded, "Wow...I don't think that I can be apart of that; I don't know what to contribute." Maharaja told him that he should be honored to do something as simple as make lunches so that it will provide energy and free up time for others who can serve in other, more "hands-on" ways to help Maharaja push forward.


Maybe you're right. I tend to get frustrated because currently, my situation won't allow me to get up there regularly. Then I get more upset because I feel like I should be participating more in the development of Audarya. Then I want to quit school and work and just move up there (and that's not practical either). Then my frustration just clouds my mind more and I feel like I should just give it all up. (Then I call Prema and she brings me back to reality) Maybe I really should try to see this (lecture summarizing) seva as being something I can do to benefit him. He's given you control of the service and you've delegated it to persons who probably don't get to physically be at Audarya so much. This is his mercy; he's allowing me/us to be engaged according to my/our ability. You haven't taken the service away from me, so I can only guess that I am doing an ok job.


If I try to see the service as just as important as putting on a roof, or tending to the cows, then I will start to do my service with more and more love; seeing it as an integral part of the big picture. Then, I'll come to really love my service the same way that I'm sure those at Audarya love to do what they're doing. I've noticed that when I have visited Audarya, sometimes the devotees there are so "into" their service, that it's hard for them to want to give up any part of it to guests for the day. That attachment to their service is so intense; to be separated from it to any degree is hard. They live for it. If I can try to see any service along the same lines, then it becomes a labor of love...not just labor. And ultimately...no labor at all....just love."


So, my plug is that anyone who can assist with this, please do so. I've heard that the site is coming along and should be up soon. The more lectures that have bullet points, sound-clips and summaries, the more attractive the site will be to visitors. It really would be sad if it took 2 more years before Nanda-Tanuja and GM were caught up on these.





Prema-bhakti Marga - April 3, 2007 6:27 pm
I've noticed that when I have visited Audarya, sometimes the devotees there are so "into" their service, that it's hard for them to want to give up any part of it to guests for the day. That attachment to their service is so intense; to be separated from it to any degree is hard. They live for it. If I can try to see any service along the same lines, then it becomes a labor of love...not just labor. And ultimately...no labor at all....just love."


The trick is to talk to them while doing service. :)

Swami - April 4, 2007 3:17 am

The lecture description seva is very important to me, especially now as the site is about to launch. You are all way behind me. Perhaps I should stop lecturing for a while to bring the point home.

Margaret Dale - April 4, 2007 5:26 am

Eeek! No! I'll work harder! Not that there isn't already enough in your lectures to keep me busy for a few lifetimes....I can't stand the thought of the Audaryites not getting nectar on a regular basis.

Bhrigu - April 4, 2007 11:38 am

Uh-uh... Better sign me up, Nandatanuja! I'm not quite sure of the details, but this is clearly something Guru Maharaja wants us to do.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 27, 2007 7:20 pm

From now on I will be publishing monthly statistics for lecture description seva.


APRIL 2007


Over this month 37 descriptions are done.

We have 173 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 376 lectures for monthly subscription.

46% of lectures are currently described.


During April:

Ramapriya described 5

Tadiya described 4

Tharshan described 2

Syamasundara described 4

Gaurangi-priya described 1

Jason Pearson described 4

Margaret Dale described 8

Nitai Gauranga described 8

Bhrigu described 3


Thanks! Good job!

Jason - April 27, 2007 11:13 pm

Hmmmm....now some friendly competition... :Nail Biting: Nice strategy!

Madan Gopal Das - April 28, 2007 12:46 am
Nitai Gauranga described 8

Who is this mystery das/dasi? Is that your pen name Nanda Tanuja? :Nail Biting:

Nitai Joseph - April 28, 2007 3:12 am
Who is this mystery das/dasi? Is that your pen name Nanda Tanuja? :Nail Biting:


:Big Grin: I wonder.......... :Cry:

Karnamrita Das - May 2, 2007 12:16 am

Hey Nandaji, I have a few hundred CD's and a good number of the MP3s, and I have written some highlights on the CD jacket on many of them so perhaps I can apply these for this purpose. I can send you a list of titles I have. I am not sure of how exactly you are doing this. Email me and let us see if this can help this project. Sign me up and I will see what I can do.



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - May 2, 2007 4:35 am

Dear Karnam, thank you very much for volunteering! I’ve sent you instructions via email.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - June 1, 2007 6:26 am

MAY 2007


Over this month 28 descriptions are done.

We have 200 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 380 lectures for monthly subscription.

53% of lectures are currently described.


During May:

Ramapriya described 5

Tadiya described 0

Tharshan described 3

Syamasundara described 0

Gaurangi-priya described 0

Jason Pearson described 4

Margaret Dale described 1

Nitai Gauranga described 8

Bhrigu described 5

Ian described 2

Bhrigu - June 1, 2007 3:45 pm

Again the mysterious Nitai Gauranga takes the gold! :Applause: But the dramatic drop from 37 transcribed lectures in a month to 28 is a bit worrying. Let's hope and pray that Guru Maharaja doesn't follow up on his threat to stop lecturing before we catch up with him! :Raised Eyebrow:

Shyam Gopal Das - June 3, 2007 6:17 pm

who knows I haven't heard GM give a lecture for over a week :Raised Eyebrow:


keep up the good work and I'm sure at the Finnish retreat, GM will give the talks that will sustain us in as much as we follow up.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - July 2, 2007 8:05 pm

JUNE 2007


Over this month 36 descriptions are done.

We have 236 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 384 lectures for monthly subscription.

61% of lectures are currently described.


During June:

Ramapriya described 6

Tadiya described 21

Bhrigu described 3

Grant Upson described 6

Bhrigu - July 3, 2007 6:04 am

Tadiya ki jaya! :Star:

Prema-bhakti - July 3, 2007 3:50 pm

Hmmm. I thought I posted a reply yesterday but it is not here. :Star:


Anyway. Jaya!! Go Tadiya!!! :)

Tadiya Dasi - July 3, 2007 5:55 pm



I say, See the glory and power of sadhu-sanga?


May: 0.


June: 21.


(And that includes the power of your super-charged prasadam Prema-bhakti! :D:) Your chocolate-chip cookies kept me going, heh :Star::) )

Prema-bhakti - July 3, 2007 6:10 pm
:Star: I am glad I could be of some service!
Nanda-tanuja Dasa - July 3, 2007 7:17 pm
Tadiya ki jaya! :Star:

Yes, I agree BUT if one person is doing 60% of the load it is a big problem. We need more people to participate, but it seems that pool of people is shrinking, not growing. We have a lot of descriptions to do. Mathuranatha, Hari-bhakti, Rama-govinda, Margaret, Jason, Syamasundara? It's a bad time to start slacking! And no lame excuses, please.

Philip Breakenridge - July 7, 2007 1:17 pm

Sign me up too, Nanda-tanuja! Please send me the details so I can get started. :Star:

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - July 10, 2007 5:21 pm

I've sent you an email to temple200@hotmail.com address.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - August 1, 2007 4:33 pm

JUNE 2007


Over this month 18 descriptions are done.

We have 253 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 385 lectures for monthly subscription.

66% of lectures are currently described.


During June:

Ramapriya described 3

Tarshan described 4

Bhrigu described 3

Hari-bhakti described 2

Grant Upson described 4

Philip described 2

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 1, 2007 5:09 am



Over this month 20 descriptions are done.

We have 274 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 389 lectures for monthly subscription.

70.5% of lectures are currently described.


During August:

Ramapriya described 6

Tarshan described 4

Margaret described 3

Bhrigu described 3

Grant Upson described 2

Philip described 2

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 2, 2007 6:41 pm



Over this month 14 descriptions are done.

We have 288 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 393 lectures for monthly subscription.

73% of lectures are currently described.


During September:

Ramapriya described 3

Tarshan described 4

Bhrigu described 3

Grant Upson described 4

Bhrigu - October 3, 2007 7:36 am

We're down to 14 lectures a month, two less than the 16 according to which we would still have two more years before finishing. :Shocked: Are the really not more devotees who could help?


Perhaps one factor that contributes to the lack of motivation is the question of what happens to the descriptions. I haven't seen a single one up yet at the website, though I have heard some are. Do we need clearer guidelines for how to compile the descriptions, or what is the problem?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 3, 2007 5:26 pm

The major blocker in descriptions being published on the website is lack of editor to check descriptions and make them uniform. Originally the idea was that the editing would be done by Audarya, but with all residents being deeply involved in multiple seva there is no time available to accomplish this task. None the less, do not feel that all work is none in wane; we must continue and finish the task. Also, if anybody feels that he/she can be (or already is) an editor with some experience in this area the position is open – just ask for it. Ideally it should be a person solely responsible for this task, not shared between people.

Bhrigu - October 3, 2007 7:11 pm

I agree that in the interest of uniformity, there should be only one editor, but editing 288 descriptions is a herculean task indeed, especially since sound clips have to be created and added. As I see it, only a person who has access to mp3 versions of all the classes and some programming ability could take it on. Anyone?

Vrindaranya Dasi - October 3, 2007 10:59 pm

I edited 72 description files, and I assume that Shyam-gopala has added them to the store. Sridama (mercifully!) has taken over the editing seva and plans to complete 10 per week, so we're doing fine in terms of editing.




Bhrigu - October 4, 2007 4:33 am

That's great news! Now we then just need more lecture descriptions...

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 4, 2007 4:18 pm

We need to keep track of what descriptions are edited and back them up as well. I can keep my eye on it. Please send me edited descriptions.

Syama Gopala Dasa - October 8, 2007 6:20 pm

those 72 are indeed up and running. I keep a list of which lectures don't have descriptions online as well.

Bhrigu - October 11, 2007 12:16 pm

I managed to find some descriptions in the "Saints" cathegory. The descriptions there differ from the new rules we got from Nandatanuja Prabhu, though: there is only the summary part, no list of topics, neither is the name of the author given. Which system should we follow?

Nitaisundara Das - October 11, 2007 5:05 pm

The list points and name are for the editor, so they can reference the topics and adjust the summary as needed, if needed. The name, I assume, is just practical if someone misunderstood the instruction and consistently does something that makes it harder for the editor, they can be contacted and explained to expedite the overall process.

Bhrigu - October 12, 2007 10:25 am

I see. That means that I at least will have to change the way I'm doing my descriptions. Since I didn't know the list points would be edited out, I have given the main gist in the description and mentioned details and separate points in the list. If I had known that the points would be edited out, I would of course have done it in another way. So if the list is anyway dropped, why don't we just write a short summary paragraph? It is of course helpful to note down points while listening, but sending the paragraph + list to the editor seems like a waste of everyone's time.

Nitaisundara Das - October 12, 2007 7:28 pm

It takes very little extra time to note the points as you listen, and it helps the oringinal writer to see what the options are to summarize, also I think it is quite essential as some people doing desc. are not totally fluent in english and it might be hard for an editor to get the desired result without the added help of the points. Or say a desc. is too short: if the editor wants to extend it without other points to add in, they would basically just have to put in filler words, which don't really add meaning. All in all I think if the editor finds them helpful then they should be done, I know GM has a certain idea of how the finished desc. should come across on the website, so whatever it takes.....

Bhrigu - November 3, 2007 1:12 pm

How did we do in October, Nandatanujaji?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - November 4, 2007 8:34 pm



Over this month 16 descriptions are done.

We have 302 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 397 lectures for monthly subscription.

76% of lectures are currently described.


During October:

Ramapriya described 4

Tarshan described 3

Bhrigu described 4

Grant Upson described 4

Philip described 1

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - December 1, 2007 9:14 pm



Over this month 13 descriptions are done.

We have 315 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 401 lectures for monthly subscription.

78.5% of lectures are currently described.


During November:

Ramapriya described 4

Tarshan described 4

Grant Upson described 4

Tadiya described 1

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - December 31, 2007 7:36 pm



Over this month 7 descriptions are done.

We have 322 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 405 lectures for monthly subscription.

79.5% of lectures are currently described.


During December:

Tarshan described 4

Grant Upson described 2

Tadiya described 1

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - December 31, 2007 8:36 pm

This is the chart of our progress, as you can see the number of descriptions is dropping every month. We need more people to participate in this seva. Thanks!


Syama Gopala Dasa - January 2, 2008 8:10 pm

Only 80 left to come up to par!

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - February 4, 2008 2:10 am



Over this month 13 descriptions are done.

We have 335 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 409 lectures for monthly subscription.

82% of lectures are currently described.


During January:

Babhru described 3

Ramapriya 2

Tarshan described 4

Grant Upson described 4

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 1, 2008 3:00 am



Over this month 7 descriptions are done.

We have 342 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 413 lectures for monthly subscription.

83% of lectures are currently described.


During February:

Ramapriya described 2

Tarshan described 3

Grant Upson described 2

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 1, 2008 3:08 am

MARCH 2008


Over this month 8 descriptions are done.

We have 350 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 417 lectures for monthly subscription.

84% of lectures are currently described.


During March:

Babhru 2

Ramapriya 3

Tarshan described 3

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - May 7, 2008 3:59 am

APRIL 2008


Over this month 19 descriptions are done.

We have 369 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 421 lectures for monthly subscription.

88% of lectures are currently described.


During April:

Tharshan described 4

Tadiya described 9

Maciek described 3

Babhru described 1

Rama-priya described 2

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - June 13, 2008 3:07 am

MAY 2008


Over this month 8 descriptions are done.

We have 377 descriptions total from the start of the project.

Audarya published 425 lectures for monthly subscription.

89% of lectures are currently described.


During May:

Tharshan described 3

Tadiya described 1

Rama-priya described 2

Grant Upson described 2

Yamuna Dasi - October 7, 2008 9:35 pm

I've read this thread but could not catch up where are these lectures published? Are these all lectures given by Maharaj through the years?