
Audarya Audio: CD or MP3?

Shyam Gopal Das - March 29, 2007 5:46 pm

With the launch of a new swami.org website and a new store nearing completion, we have also been talking about the Audarya Audio monthly subscriptions. Currently the system works that everyone receives 2 or 4 cds by mail. This system takes a lot of work, because all these cds need to be duplicated and stamped, the envelopes have to be labeled and finally the cds have to be shipped to the post office. It is all handiwork. With quite a number of subscriptions this has its effects on other services done at Audarya.

If instead of mailing cds, Audarya Audio would make available downloadable mp3s, this would be a much less expansive and time-consuming way for Audarya. We know people like playing the cds in their cars, but with the rise of mp3 players and computers with cd burners, I personally don't think this is an objection. There will still be the option of receiving the cds by mail, but this might be phased out in time.


We would like to know how the subscribers feel about this. Please fill out the poll so we can take your opinion in consideration. If you have any further comments or objections, please let us know in this thread as well.

Syamasundara - March 29, 2007 10:01 pm

I think it would be very wise to point the preaching in the same direction progress is pointing to, whether good or bad. What preaching would it be otherwise? I know they are beginning to make cars with a USB port, so the change is inevitable, whether we want to adopt it sooner or later.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 29, 2007 10:10 pm

Though I have voted for MP3 switch I would like to remind you that some people in our sanga are not very computer literate nor have computers at all, so it would be a bad thing to cut them off like that. I think we should have both CDs and MP3s available, but maybe make CD subscription more costly to try to stir people into MP3 direction.

Bhrigu - March 30, 2007 8:47 am

I voted for keeping the CDs, since I find them more practical (easier to transform into Mp3 than the other way around, and I can play them in more places than I could mp3 files). Also, getting a real CD (especially in the old days of the beautiful, colourful stickers -- sigh!) feels more substantial than getting a download.

Margaret Dale - April 1, 2007 8:34 am

I really like getting CDs, but I would hate for all that work to cut into other services. Maybe the CD making and mailing bit could be farmed out to a few of the more computer literate people?