
Who's speaking in CC and SB?

Margaret Dale - April 4, 2007 8:01 am

I find that I can easily get lost in who the speaker is when reading or listening to SB and CC. Maybe it's just me, but with people relating stories of things that happened to relatives when they were talking about a pastime.....I find it can be especially challenging when I'm looking up a specific verse. It takes me a while to sort out the context and the speaker. I was wondering if anyone knows of a computer resource that either gives a pop up at each verse or shows an outline to the side indicating what is going on. For instance, a pop up next to SB 1.8.27 would say something like "Queen Kunti praying to Krsna after he saved her from Asvattama's attack, as related by Suta Goswami to Maharaja Pariksit." Or is there an overall outline of SB that I could reference to see where I am? Thanks.

Prema-bhakti Marga - April 4, 2007 4:50 pm

Hi Margaret,


I have also had similiar issues in terms of studying Srimad Bhagavatam.


I don't know of any online source but there is overview that I found helpful called, Srimad Bhagavatam at a Glance by Narayani dasi. It was put out by the Vrndavana Institute of Higher Education quite a number of years ago. It provides an overview of the entire Srimad Bhagavtam in a very concise clear manner canto by canto chapter by chapter, providing context, etc. There are even poster charts explaining who's who's, etc. I found it helpful to look over before reading the actual verse or section of the SB. It's a paperback availble on Krsna.com for $12.95.

Margaret Dale - April 4, 2007 6:00 pm

Thanks! That should be very helpful.