
Developing attraction

Madhumangala Dasa - April 9, 2007 11:07 pm

Haribol. I was curious on ways that we can develop deeper attraction for Their Lordships, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai.

I have attraction to Radha-Krsna and of course tremendous love and attraction to our beloved Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra, but I fall short of having similar attraction and affection to Gaura-Nitai, I respect Them but the love and attraction for them is not as developed for me as it is for Radha-Krsna and Lord Jagannatha. So I am wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and how such tastes can be developed.

Hare Krsna.



Gaurangi-priya Devi - April 10, 2007 1:42 am
Haribol. I was curious on ways that we can develop deeper attraction for Their Lordships, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai.

I have attraction to Radha-Krsna and of course tremendous love and attraction to our beloved Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra, but I fall short of having similar attraction and affection to Gaura-Nitai, I respect Them but the love and attraction for them is not as developed for me as it is for Radha-Krsna and Lord Jagannatha. So I am wondering if anyone else has dealt with this and how such tastes can be developed.

Hare Krsna.




Read the Caitanya Caritamrita daily, chant the Siksastakam everyday, and really listen, I mean let it enter deep into your heart kind of listening, to Guru Maharaj talk about Gaura-Nityananda, are a few suggestions.

Babhru Das - April 10, 2007 2:07 am
Read the Caitanya Caritamrita daily, chant the Siksastakam everyday, and really listen, I mean let it enter deep into your heart kind of listening, to Guru Maharaj talk about Gaura-Nityananda, are a few suggestions.

I enthusiastically second Gaurangi-priya's suggestions. I would also add that reading of Chaitanya Bhagavat may help.

Shyam Gopal Das - April 10, 2007 3:26 am

Reading about Lord Chaitanya is indeed very nice. Use this as fuel for service as this will give you taste.

Swami - April 10, 2007 4:04 am

The Bhagavata says that this requires deep intelligence (sumedhasa). Think about it. First the giver, then the gift—yatha yatha gaura padaravinde. . . Indeed, one who gives Krsna prema (krsna prema pradayate) so readily is more worthy of consideration than the prema itself. Krsna giving himself away is most attractive. Oh to enter the kirtana held in the courtyard of Srivasa!

Syamasundara - April 10, 2007 1:37 pm

As your knowledge and feelings deepen in this process, you will find it impossible, if not unbearable or almost worthless, to look at Radha Krsna and Jagannatha outside the perspective of Gaura lila. I remember feeling like you in the beginning. I was at Nava Jiyada Nrsimha-ksetra in Germany, spending time in the book room while recovering from a food poisoning, and I remember noticing how all the books about Krsna had these colorful pictures, there were amazing riches and miracles described, while the Caritamrta was all so brown and tan, people dressed simply, sand, straw houses, philosophy...

Later on Forrest also confirmed to me that during his experience in Iskcon, Caitanya Mahaprabhu wasn't given much emphasis, compared to Krsna lila. Although I am sure SP explained all there was to know about Mahaprabhu, my guess is his focus was mostly on making people understand that Krsna is God, before explaining that Mahaprabhu is that same Krsna, much like Kaviraja Gosvami did.

My appreciation for Gaura lila sprouted when I got in touch with SSM and my Gurudeva.

So, reading can definitely help, maybe read only the translation of the verses, I find it helpful because it gives me more the feeling of the story; but reading is passive. Only a bhakta with a certain feeling for a certain aspect of God can convey that feeling to you, and of course, the chanting of the mantra received from such a bhakta. Since you wonder how to develop attraction for Gauranga and Nityananda, you already seem oriented toward success.

Forrest - April 11, 2007 2:01 am

I personally feel that the most potent means of developing this substantial attraction is through the association of the servants of Gaura-Nityananda who posess the desired love and affection. Through their mercy they pass on this nectar that they have collected from the lotus feet of the lords in question.


Practically this can be done by hearing discourses of the lords' activities - through lectures, bhajans, and the texts mentioned above. If even after hearing these sweet discourses we are unable to taste what we so desire it seems to me that our only alternative is to beg for that taste through heartfelt seva to Guru-Gauranga. Through their mercy we shall understand things as they are, which will in turn flood our hearts with natural affection.


I pray for the grace of Nityananda, with his two outstretched hands bestowing mercy, that I may be able to follow my own advice. :Confused:

Vamsidhari Dasa - April 11, 2007 2:37 pm

I completely agree with what others have said. I also wanted to add that in the past, before I took shelter of Guru Maharaja, I felt something similar to what you are talking about, Madhumangala. I can only speak for myself when I say that, in retrospect, those were ticleks when compared to ecstatic laughter (not to be confused with me saying that I actually feel ecsatic anything). Perhaps, your feelings will transform and grow as you humbly approach Mahaprabhu and ask Him to grant you some service (you might want to try asking Lord Nityananda first, He has His ways).

I wanted to share a piece of my experience with you: when we were in Vrindavan, during one of Guru Maharaja's lectures I suddely realized that there is no way to reach Krishna without Sriman Mahaprabhu (dugh). I heard that said so many times before, but I never really felt it in my heart. In His infinite mercy He came to brings us back home. How? Well, Krishna has so many headaches and problems in His daily life. He is constatnly preoccupied with one thing only and it is hard to get His attention. Sri Caitanya came to show us how to get Krishna's attention. I am infinitely humbled by undeserved blessing bestowed on me on that day when my heart awakened to this Reality. Of course this would not be possible without Guru Maharaja's lovingly interceeding for all of us and making it possible.

Nitai-Gour Hari Bol!

Syamasundara - April 11, 2007 4:14 pm

jaya jaya nityananda caranaravinda

yanha hoite "pabo" sri radha-govinda!



Sri Nityananda has the power to bestow Gaura prema. How do you get his favor?

Read this song and melt.




Jason - April 11, 2007 7:38 pm

Though it's already been said, I guess emphasis doesn't hurt. Just as we get some taste for hearing about Krsna by hearing from such a qualified source as Guru maharaja, and by serving Sri Guru we'll be able to serve Radha and Krsna better, similarly, by taking shelter of the eternal spiritual master, Nityananda Prabhu, we'll gain some access to Mahaprabhu and appreciation (as Vamsi said) for His position. I guess I'm just the opposite...I'm really attracted to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai and absolutely LOVE hearing about Nityananda Prabhu, but it's much harder for me to get into the lila and position of Radha and Krsna. I would never want to say that I can "relate" to God, but I almost feel something akin to that when I read about Nityananda and Mahaprabhu. I feel like they're the only way that I can really understand a little bit more with each read, what Krsna's all about. Sorry if that sounds totally whack! I don't think I could ever fully appreciate the position of Radha and Krsna without hearing about Mahaprabhu. It's such a crazy idea (the love life of God in the earthly realm); seemingly so foreign yet once you have a glimpse, it makes all the sense in the world...it's like Mahaprabhu IS the Krsna that I can't grasp, but presenting Himself with all accessibility. For that I'm fortunate.

Syamasundara - April 11, 2007 10:28 pm



Let's never close this thread, before we know, we'll be discussing this in Navadvipa with different bodies.

Tadiya Dasi - May 15, 2007 4:13 pm

Madhumangala das,


I would also suggest reading about Mahaprabhu - try to get to know him and what he is all about; after all, Mahaprabhu is revealing the very essence of Krishna for us, Krishna madly in love with Radhika. Mahaprabhu is like an open secret of Krishna's love-life, when you (we) deeply understand him, you also understand what Vraja-Krishna is all about.


Think about it: Who is dancing in the heart of Mahaprabhu - Radha-Krishna. Also, the Jagannath Deities - who loves them more and shows more devotion towards them than Mahaprabhu? Who has given us access to these Deities - Sri Caitanya (and Sri Guru acting as his agent). Who has given Harinam? We are Gaudiya vaishnavas, and we have an unique philosophy and unique angle of vision in terms of how we see Krishna's lilas and the emphasis on Prema-dharma (not devotional mukti in Vaikuntha etc.) when in comparision to other Vaishnava groups. Who has given us all of this - the eyes to see, so to speak, Vraja-Krishna and the exalted position of Gopis and their love for Govinda - Mahaprabhu and his associates. So, when you go in front of your Radha-Krishna/Jagannath Deities, think about the fact that you're actually seeing them through the understanding of Mahaprabhu's teachings. I think that this is the gift of Mahaprabhu....


Also, though Mahaprabhu is not here on earth, the Name he gave us is. Mahaprabhu has given us the highest conception of the Holy Name; he's the one who truly revealed the glory of Vrindavan and the whole Vraja-lila. Without him - what would we know about Krishna? Would anyone of us be chanting "Hare Krishna"? Don't think so.


I second Gaurangi-priya's suggestion about reciting the Siksastakam. Personally, this has been very helpful to me. Also, for me it is natural to approach Mahaprabhu through Gurudev - thinking about how much Guru Maharaj loves him, how he speaks of him with such tender love and affection in his lectures, etc. If Mahaprabhu is what Krishna is all about then Gurudev is all about Mahaprabhu & his teachings. ;):Applause:

Prema-bhakti - May 22, 2007 4:49 pm

I wanted to add my own particular struggles in developing deeper attraction for Mahaprabhu to this thread.


Recently there was a thread discussion about Madhavi Devi and Mahaprabhu’s strictness as a sannyasi. I would like to explore this idea of Madhavi being considered half an intimate servant because she was a woman as explained in the purport by SP. I have read and heard some explanations that because of the social and political climate of the time KDK chose to describe Madhavi in that way and I don’t consider that Mahaprabhu would have ever thought any less of her service based on her bodily designation. Even though I have this understanding, I still find it difficult to identify with this aspect of Mahaprabhu’s lila as a strict sannyasi and his lila in general in this regard. Although I genuinely appreciate hearing the CC and the emotions and exchanges of the devotees particularly from GM who relishes as well as demonstrates by example Mahaprabhu’s compassion and affection, if I really look deeply inside my heart I find my feelings rather distant in some respects towards the deity and lila of Mahaprabhu as well the idea of aspiring to someday “be there”. It kind of hurts me to admit this as I do feel so much gratitude to Gaura Nityananda and their servants. I especially so much appreciate Nityananda's outstretched palms and meditate on them at Audarya and feel genuine reciprocation. Last time I visited I reflected on how merciful Nityananda is and although I don’t even glorify him or his name properly he is so merciful.


Obviously these are symptom of my being engrossed in the bodily concept of life. I would appreciate any insight into understanding and overcoming these obstacles.

Syamasundara - May 22, 2007 10:10 pm
if I really look deeply inside my heart I find my feelings rather distant in some respects towards the deity and lila of Mahaprabhu as well the idea of aspiring to someday “be there”.


That's understadable, even somebody in a male body could feel that as some sort of discrimination that kind of gets in the way. But as you say, it's all filtered by our bodily identification. Sri Rama refused to unite with the sages of Dandakaranya who had been meditating on the Absolute Truth chanting the Gopala mantra and developed srngara rasa. They recognized him as the param brahman they had been meditating on, but Rama had to turn them down (I guess the sages could have assumed a female form if he had accepted), because in that lifetime/lila he had taken ekapatni vrata, and could only have one wife. How come we have nothing to say about his strictness?


It kind of hurts me to admit this as I do feel so much gratitude to Gaura Nityananda and their servants. I especially so much appreciate Nityananda's outstretched palms and meditate on them at Audarya and feel genuine reciprocation.


That's exactly the key, and the right attitude, after all, Gaura and Nitai are one and the same, and they can both grant entrance into Gaura lila and give prema bhakti.

Syamasundara - May 22, 2007 10:21 pm

What happened to Madhu Mangala? Dropped off?

Grant Upson - May 23, 2007 12:02 pm
I especially so much appreciate Nityananda's outstretched palms and meditate on them at Audarya and feel genuine reciprocation. Last time I visited I reflected on how merciful Nityananda is and although I don’t even glorify him or his name properly he is so merciful.


Yes, that is an amazing thing. Even though we may feel so defective, unworthy, and unqualified, Nityananda Prabhu props us up and beckons us into Gaura-lila; and, by way of Mahaprabhu, into the service of Sri Sri Radha-Govinda -- things to which we otherwise have no access. How possibly to show reciprocity and gratitude for this?


"Nityananda Prabhu is so magnanimous that He saves whoever he comes across on His way. His mercy is so raw, undiscriminating, and broad. Nityananda Prabhu is most benevolent. Mahaprabhu has a sort of discrimination, but Nityananda Prabhu does not care for any discrimination whatsoever. Whether one is a fit or unfit candidate, he is still counted as worthy. Such is His mercy." Bhakti Raksak Sridhara Maharaj, Sermons of the Guardian of Devotion: Every Word is a Song

Prema-bhakti - May 23, 2007 3:19 pm

Thank you Grant for this beautiful quote by Srila Sridhara Maharaja. I just put it up on the wall by my desk for inspiration.

Swami - May 23, 2007 9:06 pm
I wanted to add my own particular struggles in developing deeper attraction for Mahaprabhu to this thread.


Although I genuinely appreciate hearing the CC and the emotions and exchanges of the devotees particularly from GM who relishes as well as demonstrates by example Mahaprabhu’s compassion and affection, if I really look deeply inside my heart I find my feelings rather distant in some respects towards the deity and lila of Mahaprabhu as well the idea of aspiring to someday “be there”. It kind of hurts me to admit this as I do feel so much gratitude to Gaura Nityananda and their servants. I especially so much appreciate Nityananda's outstretched palms and meditate on them at Audarya and feel genuine reciprocation. Last time I visited I reflected on how merciful Nityananda is and although I don’t even glorify him or his name properly he is so merciful.


Obviously these are symptom of my being engrossed in the bodily concept of life. I would appreciate any insight into understanding and overcoming these obstacles.



If you are implying that you are more attracted to Krsna lila than you are to Gaura lila, that is the case with many devotees. Some are attracted more to one than the other and some equally to both. However, if you are attracted more to Krsna lila, you might consider that your dark handsome friend is up to some mischief and has now appeared in a fair complexion to pursue his ideal in romantic life. If you are indeed his friend, don’t you want to help him? Gaura is a most mysterious Krsna.

Prema-bhakti - May 24, 2007 7:44 pm
If you are implying that you are more attracted to Krsna lila than you are to Gaura lila, that is the case with many devotees. Some are attracted more to one than the other and some equally to both. However, if you are attracted more to Krsna lila, you might consider that your dark handsome friend is up to some mischief and has now appeared in a fair complexion to pursue his ideal in romantic life. If you are indeed his friend, don’t you want to help him? Gaura is a most mysterious Krsna.


I experience your shelter as Nitai’s mercy. Thank you for this wonderful meditation. I remember when I first had darsana of Gaura Nityananda, at first glance I perceived them as Krsna and Balarama with their turbans and Nitai’s cowherding stick. I had to take a few looks before I realized they were Gaura and Nitai. They always invoke that feeling when I am in their presence and I am attracted to them because they are a manifestation of your heart. I also feel that way about Audarya dhama and being with the cows and the feeling that this is indeed Vrndavana. Only by your mercy and kindness.

Syamasundara - May 24, 2007 10:43 pm

I found the thread I was telling you about!



Here is that special darshan:



Prema-bhakti - May 25, 2007 2:40 pm
I found the thread I was telling you about!

Here is that special darshan:




Thank you Syamasundara. Gaura Nityananda look beautiful.