
Narasimha Caturdasi 2007!!

Guru-nistha Das - April 13, 2007 4:00 pm

We would like to warmly welcome everyone to take part in the appearance day celebrations of Sri Narasimhadeva on the 28th and 29th of April.

The schedule is as follows:


Saturday, April 28th


6:30 PM Sundara Arati and a reading about Narasihmadeva from CC.

7:30 Evening Prasad



Sunday, April 29th


5:00 AM Mangala arati

10:00 AM lecture

3:30 PM abhiseka

4:30 PM lecture

6:30 PM sundara arati

7:30 PM feast



If you are coming, please confirm it to me at: gurunistha@earthlink.net

even if you have already confirmed it to Guru Maharaja. We want to be sure that no one will be fogotten about and that the accommodations will be sufficient. Thank you!

Guru-nistha Das - April 16, 2007 3:56 pm

Also, bring your own mattresses and pillows if you think you're not renounced enough to sleep on a bare floor!

There's only one bed per yurt.