
questions from bhagavad Gita commentary

Vivek - May 5, 2007 10:24 pm

Could you kindly please clarify

these points.

1.Verse 17.23:-

Oḿ ity etad brahmaṇo

nediṣṭhaḿ nāma (Ṛg Veda) indicates the first

goal. Then tat tvam asi (Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.8.7) indicates the

second goal.And sad eva saumya (Chāndogya Upaniṣad 6.2.1)

indicates the third goal.

I can understand the om tat sat together indicates supreme personality


God head, but could you explain the meaning of first goal, second goal


third goal which is given in the purport.

2. Second question is from chapter 15.18 where prabhupada quotes the

following( It is not clear to me how supersoul merges into impersonal

brahmajyoti as i thought it merges into body of mahavisnu at each cycle


creation, kindly explain that).

The following verse appears in the Vedas (Chāndogya Upaniṣad

8.12.3): tāvad eṣa samprasādo 'smāc charīrāt

samutthāya paraḿ jyoti-rūpaḿ sampadya svena

rūpeṇābhiniṣpadyate sa uttamaḥ

puruṣaḥ. "The Supersoul coming out of the body enters the

impersonal brahmajyoti; then in His form He remains in His spiritual

identity. That Supreme is called the Supreme Personality."