
Deity Worship book

Syamasundara - May 16, 2007 2:30 am

I am going through the deity worship book with Guruseva as she asked me to teach her Sanskrit pronunciation. The one she has is from the Eugene days. I understand Bhrigu prabhu went over it and made a corrected version (there were a few mistakes). Guruseva said it is available here, but I made a search and could not find anything.


Is there a digital and updated version of that book (that has the Sanskrit spelled correctly and includes the mantras for Krsna and Balaramaji) available to download and print somewhere?


PS By the way, she also asked me to make a CD with each and every possible mantra and gayatri she may have to say. Once it's ready, whoever is interested can contact me and I can ship it to them.


Maybe I'll send the first to Bhrigu for references! :Applause:

Babhru Das - May 16, 2007 4:37 am

Dang, I thought I had a bookmark for it, but I'm lost. I think there's a simple seva guide that Bhrigu put together on the uploads page (thought it was at the swami.org site, but I can't figure out how to get there). But I'm stumped.

Radhanama Dasa - May 16, 2007 5:43 am

I'm not sure if this will have exactly what you are looking for, but there are some PDF's here: http://www.swami.org/downloads/

Babhru Das - May 16, 2007 6:01 am

Oh, of course! Why was I looking for uploads! :Applause:


Thanks, prabhu. And, as we can see, this page has the beginning archana handbook. Is there what Syamasundar is looking for somewhere?

Bhrigu - May 16, 2007 5:48 pm

Shyamasundara, the Audaryarcana-paddhati is an unfinished project. I have begun it, but Guru Maharaja and I agreed to put it on hold for now. Since it is supposed to present the sevapuja at Audarya as the "standard", it cannot be finished before the sevapuja at Audarya has been finally determined. For example, should there be worship of Gopisvara? Or of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhar Maharaja? And how many aratis, two or three? All these things should be determined before finishing the book. There were also some other, unresolved questions, concerning for example the system of acamana.


As far as the mantras you asked about, I guess they are all found in ISKCON's Pancaratra-pradipa.


And do send me the first CD... :Applause: