
Purushottam masa

Babhru Das - May 16, 2007 4:44 am

I just read an article by one of Sripad B.B. Tirtha Maharaja's disciples about Purushottam masa. Any ideas of vratas to observe?


I'm intrigued by its placement this year. I was born on the dark ekadashi in Purushottama masa in '47. That was in August. Now it's in May. Does anyone understand how this works? (Bhrigu?) Whoa--does this mean I turn 60 now?!? (Noooooooo!) :Applause:

Bhrigu - May 16, 2007 6:01 pm

I don't know why Purusottama masa is so early this year. I'll try to look into it. As for good vratas, more rounds is always good. Narayana Maharaja's followers observe Purusottama vrata strictly, and they particularly recommend getting up early and observing or performing mangala-arati as well as daily performing Tulasi-parikrama. These foodstuffs are prohibited: eggplant, tomatoes, loki, parmal, urad dhal, honey, sesame seeds, mustard seeds and mustard oil. Also, brahmacaris and sannyasis do not shave.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - May 16, 2007 6:53 pm

When does it starts in SF Bay Area? When does it end? What is the significance of Purushottam masa? Thanks!

Syamasundara - May 16, 2007 11:39 pm
These foodstuffs are prohibited: eggplant, tomatoes, loki, parmal, urad dhal, honey, sesame seeds, mustard seeds and mustard oil. Also, brahmacaris and sannyasis do not shave.


No parmal??!!? I could never obseve that vow then, too hard.


What the heck is it?


Babhru, my understanding is that the Purusottama masa is an extra month that's put there every once in a few years to make up for the difference between the lunar day/month and the solar one. So if you go Vedic you should be much younger than 60, like those who are born on Feb 29th :Applause:

Babhru Das - May 17, 2007 2:14 am
Babhru, my understanding is that the Purusottama masa is an extra month that's put there every once in a few years to make up for the difference between the lunar day/month and the solar one. So if you go Vedic you should be much younger than 60, like those who are born on Feb 29th :Applause:

I just read somewhere that it comes every two years and eight months, so I guess that explains the shift forward. And you're right, Syamu--I'm probably approaching 20! Works for me! ;)

Shyamananda Das - April 9, 2010 2:59 pm

Now it's time for the next Purusottama month. As Babhru, I also read the article of Srila B.B. Tirtha Maharaj. And I wonder, does anyone know where I can find the "Chauragraganya Purusastakam"? I saw somewhere it's called "glorification of the foremost of thieves" in english.

Bhrigu - April 11, 2010 9:01 am

You can find it here, Shyamanandaji:



Shyamananda Das - April 11, 2010 8:14 pm

Oh, thank you Brighu!

Gandiva Dasi - April 14, 2010 4:14 pm
When does it starts in SF Bay Area? When does it end? What is the significance of Purushottam masa? Thanks!


I received this email today;

Glories of Purusottam Adhik Masa - HH Mahanidhi Swami .


I. Introduction

Purusottama month, or adhika masa (extra month) is also called mala masa (dirtymonth) by the performers of karma-kanda because they cannot get any material fruitive results from their worship during this month. Our acaryas say it iscalled mala masa because devotional activities performed in this month destroy the dirt and contamination caused by sins. It is called adhika (extra) masa because Sri Krsna has placed all His potencies, mercy, blessings in this month,and also because one gets more results from any pious act. Only works of devotion (Krsna-bhakti) give results in Purusottama month. Of all months, Purusottama is Krsna's favorite month. Lord Sri Krsna is Purusottama. As Krsna is the supreme among all incarnations, Purusottama is the supreme among all months. Purusottama month is the holiest month, far superior to the pious months of Magha, Vaisakha and Karttika. Purusottama month is worshiped all over the universe by devotees, sages, demigods and even Laksmi Devi Herself. If one sincerely worships Radha and Krsna in Purusottama month,he will attain everything. One who observes Purusottama vrata, will burn up the reactions of all his bad karma and attain the direct service of Radha andKrsna. Purusottama month is the best month for all spiritual advancement because Krsna overlooks all the aparadhas. Residence in the holy dhama in P.M.yields 1000 times the benefit.


II. Glories Of Purusottama Month (From Padma And SkandaPuranas)


1. Lord Sri Krsna: "Purusottama month has all the power I have to bless itsobserver. One who follows Purusottama vrata will destroy all his past sinfulreactions. Without performing Purusottama vrata, one cannot perform puredevotional service. The value of Purusottama month is far more valuable thanall other types of austerities and religious activities mentioned in the Vedas.Anyone who observes Purusottama vrata will return to my abode, Goloka, at theend of his life".


2. Durvasa Muni: "Just by bathing in a holy river during Purusottama month, onebecomes sinless. The glory of all other months is not equal to one-sixteenth ofthe glory of the Purusottama month. By bathing in a holy place, giving charityand chanting the Holy Name of Krsna during Purusottama month, all miseries aredestroyed, one attains all kinds of perfection and fulfills all his desires".


3. Valmiki Muni: "By observing Purusottama vrata, one attains more benefit thanperforming one hundred horse sacrifices. All holy places live within the bodyof a Purusottama month vrati. Anyone who faithfully performs Purusottama vratawill go to Goloka Vrndavana".


4. Narada Muni: "Purusottama month is the best of all months, vratas andausterities. Just by faithfully hearing the glories of Purusottama month, oneattains Krsna-bhakti and immediately nullifies his sinful reactions. One whoperforms Purusottama vrata properly will attain unlimited sukrti and go to thespiritual world".


5. Naimisaranya Sages: "Merciful Purusottama month acts like a desire tree tofulfill a devotee's desire".


III. The Purusottama Vrata


1. Keep celibacy for one month. (Sleep on the floor – optional).

2. Rise in brahma – muhurta time.

3. Chant Hare Krsna Mahamantra and meditate on Radha-Krsna's rupa, guna, lila.Daily chant extra rounds: 24, 32, 64.

4. Daily offer ghee lamp to Radha-Krsna Deities or Picture. 33 lamps daily orat least 1 day in the month.

5. Daily aratika and parikrama of Tulasi Devi.

6. Daily mandira parikrama (4 times).

7. Daily offer Radha-Krsna Deities or Picture roses, lotus flowers and 100,000Tulasi leaves (or as many as you can).

8. One should bathe everyday before sunrise in a holy place. (At least , threedays in the month).

9. Daily read Srimad Bhagavatam – Radha-Krsna lila ; acaryas say it is a ruleto daily read S.B. 10.14---Brahma stuti.

10. Daily chant Sri Jagannathastakam, Sri Cauragraganya – Purusastakam, SriNanda-Nandanastakam, Jaya Radha Madhava, and other Radha-Krsna bhajanas andprayers.

11. Take a vow to remain peaceful and truthful throughout the month.

12. Be careful not to blaspheme any devotees, brahmanas, saints, cows, sastrasor vratis. And don’t ask anyone for anything

13. Try your best to please Radha and Krsna by performing devotionalausterities according to your abilities. Don’t break your vow in the middle ofthe month.

14. Eat on leaf plates sitting on the floor (optional).

15. No cutting of hair or nails (optional).

16. No cooking in oil or rubbing of oil on your body.

17. No eating or rubbing of mustard oil.

18. Diets: Best to eat once a day after sunset or noon the following diets: i)only milk ; ii) only fruits (no milk, no veg.); iii)no grains (selected veg.,fruits, nuts, milk); iv) selected foods (all categories as per caturmasyastandards).

19. Hari-bhakti-vilasa (Vol 4, Vs 437): "During Purusottama month, one shouldremember Lord Krsna and then donate thirty three milk cakes cooked in ghee to grhastha brahmanas, who are well versed in sastras. Failing to do so, one lose sall the piety he accumulated in the previous year."

20. Acaryas say chant daily some japa of Kaundinya Muni’s mantra: govardhanadharam vande, gopalam gopa rupinam / gokulutsava ne isanam,govindam gopikapriyam. “I worship the lifter of Govardhana Hill, Who has the beautiful form of a cowherd boy, and who continually plays with the gopas. He is the Lord of Gokula wherein everyday is a festival.

21. Daily offer 33 dandavats to Bhagavan Sri Krsna or the vaisnavas.

22. Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s P.M. vrata: Perform the Nirapeksa Vrata, which means30 days of concentrated, one–pointed worship and service to Radha-GovindaYugala by hearing, chanting, remembering Their divine names, forms, qualities,pastimes. All day and night, hear about Bhagavan Sri Krsna, chant the Hare Krsna Mahamantra, take mahaprasada.

23. Charity: Best days --- Ekadasi, Dvadasi, Purnima, Amavasya, SravanaNaksatra Day; DO offer money, gold, cloth, shoes, fruits, etc. to brahmanas andvaisnavas ; Also offer 33 plantains or mangoes plus dana and daksina ---whengiving dana (diff. items) to a brahmana, one must simultaneously donate daksina(money equal to the monetary value of the dana).


IV. Breaking Purusottama Vrata


1. Bathe in brahma-muhurta time, worship Radha-Syamasundara Deities or Picture,and chant this mantra: "O Supreme Lord, O Sanatana, O Purusottama, O Lord Hari ! I offer my obeisances unto you. May you and your beloved Radhika,please accept my offerings. I offer my repeated obeisances unto Syamasundara,who wears effulgent yellow garments on His beautiful body.

2. Offer puspanjali and obeisances to Radha-Syamasundara Deities or Picture.

3. Feed and give charity to 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 brahmanas to the best of yourability (e.g., new clothes, two pairs of shoes, Laksmi). The best charity is togive a Srimad Bhagavatam to a qualified grhastha vaisnava brahmana. This actwill deliver all your ancestors to the spiritual world and award them theassociation of Lord Purusottama !


Special Breaking Actions


1. If you ate fruits, ghee, rice, wheat etc, donate the same to brahmanas.

2. If you slept on the floor, give a bed and pillows to a brahmana.

3. If you ate on a leaf plate, feed brahmanas with ghee and sugar.

4. If you didn’t cut nails or hair, donate a mirror to a brahmana.

5. If you offered ghee lamps, give new lamps and pots to a brahmana.

6.* If you broke any rules or regulations during Purusottama vrata, feed different sweet juices to brahmanas.

7. Lord Siva says that the best charity is: "Fill a bell metal pot with thirty malpuas, bind the pot with seven new threads and give to a worthy brahmana".