
material body of kamadeva, incarnation of lord

Vivek - May 20, 2007 8:47 pm

In S.B Prabhupada speaks about incarnation of lord as kamadeva but the purport to me is not entirely clear about lord accepting material body. I couldnt understand how visnu tattva can take up material body. Isnt that the conception of mayavadis(obvioulsy they are different from people practising jnana marga in B.G) that visnu tattva has a material body.




This Kāmadeva, who appears as Kṛṣṇa's son named Pradyumna, is viṣṇu-tattva. How this is so is explained by Madhvācārya, who quotes from the Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa: kāmadeva-sthitaḿ viṣṇum upāste. Although this Kāmadeva is viṣṇu-tattva, His body is not spiritual but material. Lord Viṣṇu as Pradyumna or Kāmadeva accepts a material body, but He still acts spiritually. It does not make any difference whether He accepts a spiritual or a material body; He can act spiritually in any condition of existence. Māyāvādī philosophers regard even Lord Kṛṣṇa's body as material, but their opinions cannot impede the spiritual activity of the Lord.

Syamasundara - May 21, 2007 1:37 am

Wow, I had never heard of that. I read that part of the Bhagavatam, and it feels a little allegorical, but who am I to tell?

In general, I don't see anything surprising about the Lord moving in a material body while being spiritual, we are spiritual, and we do that all the time. Only, our consciousness gets affected by the gunas and we even end up identifying ourselves with matter, whereas this is not possible for Visnu.

Vivek - May 21, 2007 2:53 am

But if visnu tattva also takes material body it is almost similar to mayavadi argument that krsna takes material body though he is above the modes of material nature.

Swami - May 21, 2007 3:29 am

Sri Jiva Goswami writes in Krsna-sandarbha, "The Kamadeva whom Rudra burned up with his anger is a demigod subordinate to Indra. This demigod Cupid is a partial manifestation of the prototype Cupid, Pradyumna, who is a plenary expansion of Vasudeva. The demigod Cupid, being unable to attain a new body on his own, entered within the body of Pradyumna."


Obviously the demigod Cupid has or had a material body, but nothing is said here about Pradyumna having one. Perhaps Prabhupada was referring to the merging of the demigod with Pradyumna. Although this clearly not what is written in the purport. One might look to Cc Adi.5 where the catur vyuha is discussed at some length. Prabhupada goes to great lengths to establish the transcenental nature of all four of its members, one of whom in Pradyumna. Also read the lila of Pradyumna's birth in the 10th canto. More light might be found therein.


Bhagavata commentator Sridhara Svamiwrites that Kamadeva, or Cupid, appearing within Pradyumna is a portion of Vasudeva because he is manifest from the element citta, consciousness, which is presided over by Vasudeva, and also because he (Cupid) is the cause of material generation.

Vivek - May 21, 2007 5:03 pm

Thank you maharaja, I also had thought of the same answer but the purport was confusing.