
anadi karma and end of sristi lila

Vivek - June 1, 2007 6:35 pm

There was a question which came up in a discussion I had with a friend. He asked if karma is beginnless but every living entity's karma will come to an end will not the sristi lila finish eventually with no souls there. I met him with the usual arguments like souls are infinite and inexhaustable, but my friend was not convinced. GM had written before about some sage saying that as one soul is liberated another is created but jiva gosvami refutes it saying that soul is never created or destroyed but there are some souls who are yet to be awakened from slumber and they are put into lila. But as some souls are not yet awakened from slumber doesnt it mean that they have no "karma" with them yet. Also it susupti and the state which buddhists reach "prakriti nirvana" the same?