
swami gaurangapada

Joseph Rael - June 4, 2007 12:45 am

I have also come across anther swami on the internet

Swami Gaurnagapada.

He preaches chanting of Nitiananda Gauranga in addition to the Maha Mantra.

This was very confusing to me at one point, as I had never heard of an additional mantra addred to the Maha Mantra.

Although Nitiananda and Gauranga being who they are and were I kind of understood , but Lord Chaitanya (as far as I understood) only propogated the chanting of Krishna. I'm so confused...HELP :Raised Eyebrow:

Brahma Dasa - June 4, 2007 3:56 am

Swami did a Sanga on this.


Here it is: Krsna Nama and Gaura Nama


Joseph Rael - June 4, 2007 11:53 am
Swami did a Sanga on this.


Here it is: Krsna Nama and Gaura Nama


Hare Krsna Brahma dasa:

Thank you for your understanding