
Yogamaya in Vaikuntha

Gopisvara Dasa - June 18, 2007 7:52 pm

I was talking to Bahushira yesterday. He always has something interesting to discuss. He will ask me about something(as if I would know,although by Guru Maharaja's grace I often do). He asked "Is there Yogamaya in Vaikuntha and if so how is it acting?" My limited knowledge was only of Purnamasi in Vraja and Subadra in Dvaraka(?). I told him I didn't really know and he asked if I would ask Guruji. Of course,everyone's input is appreciated as well.


The residents of Vaikuntha with their awe and reverence know that Narayana is God. But situations may arise when someone hears mention of personalities from Goloka. At this time Yogamaya may come into play to hide any knowledge of that from them. Is this correct and how does it happen?

Swami - June 19, 2007 1:24 pm
I was talking to Bahushira yesterday. He always has something interesting to discuss. He will ask me about something(as if I would know,although by Guru Maharaja's grace I often do). He asked "Is there Yogamaya in Vaikuntha and if so how is it acting?" My limited knowledge was only of Purnamasi in Vraja and Subadra in Dvaraka(?). I told him I didn't really know and he asked if I would ask Guruji. Of course,everyone's input is appreciated as well.


The residents of Vaikuntha with their awe and reverence know that Narayana is God. But situations may arise when someone hears mention of personalities from Goloka. At this time Yogamaya may come into play to hide any knowledge of that from them. Is this correct and how does it happen?


Yogamaya is like the shadow of the Lord. She follows him everywhere anticipating his desire and facilitating it. An example of her influence in Vaikuntha is the cursing of Jaya Vijaya that facilitated Narayana's desire to taste vira rasa.


Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that some of the names of Goddess Yogamaya are given in the Maha-samhita:

"The goddess that fulfils the Lord's desires, is known as Sri, Bhu, Durga, Jivamaya, Atmamaya, Gunamaya, and Jadatmika."


The Skanda Purana explains:

"O limitless Lord, the potency that fulfils your desire is called Mayamaya, Avidya, Niyati, Mohini, Prakrti, and Vasana."


According to the Goswami granthas, Vrinda gopi is also an expansion of yogamaya sometimes referred to as lila-sakti. She is manifest in Vaikuntha as Tulasidevi.