
The best tee-shirt ever

Jason - June 21, 2007 3:26 am

I assume this could be the spot to post this. I just saw the best tee-shirt ever made. A disciple of Sripad Dhanurdhara Maharaja in Columbus, OH., who I met on (I hate to admit it)....MySpace, named Jai Nitai dasa, has a pic of himself wearing a shirt that reads:


"My guru left ISKCON and all I got was this lousy tee-shirt"


Sort of made my day. :LMAO:



Prema-bhakti - June 24, 2007 1:24 pm

:Big Grin: :LMAO: Jai Nitai should know. He was DDS's legal council through his whole ISKCON GBC ordel.

Rathi Krishna Dasa - September 28, 2007 3:34 pm



Syamasundara - September 28, 2007 4:51 pm

It's hilarious that such a t-shirt exists, but where and why would one wear it?

Babhru Das - September 28, 2007 6:26 pm

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. :blush:

Prema-bhakti - September 28, 2007 6:50 pm
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. :blush:


I know what you mean Babhru. :rolleyes:


When Sripad Dhanurdhara Swami was at Audarya a few months ago, he had a bit of a sense of humor about it as does the t-shirt wearer. DDS made up other possible t-shirt slogans that he himself could wear. He told me I should have one that said," My Siksa Guru (meaning DDS) left ISKCON But I Left First".

Rathi Krishna Dasa - September 29, 2007 3:01 am

Pffft. At least Jai Nitai got a t-shirt. I got nothing! :blush: