
Question about Baladeva

Bhrigu - July 24, 2007 9:32 am

Some time ago I read the name Gadagraja for Krishna, translated as Gada's older brother. At first thought it was a mistake, but a quick check in the Puranic Encyclopedia revealed that Gada is one of several younger children of Vasudeva and Rohini, and thus a younger half-brother of Krishna. Of course, if Krishna is the son of Nanda and Yashoda, they are not more than distantly related.


At any rate, this got me thinking about the relationship between Krishna and Balarama. In Vraja, everyone knows that Krishna is the son of Nanda and Yashoda, while Balarama is the son of Vasudeva and Rohini, but still they call Balarama Krishna's older brother. Why?

Syamasundara - July 24, 2007 4:02 pm

Well, technically Balarama appeared first in Devaki's heart, then in Rohini. They usually make the point that Guru (Balarama) comes in someone's life and plows the soil, like Haladhara before Krsna makes his appearance.

So, in one sense both Krsna and Balarama are sons of Devaki and Vasudeva.

The version you give, is not for everyone to know.

As far as the Vrajavasis, you know them, they always put bhava over tattva, so it didn't really matter them. If he loved him like an older brother, and it felt like that to all, then it was like that.

Bhrigu - July 25, 2007 3:16 pm
As far as the Vrajavasis, you know them, they always put bhava over tattva, so it didn't really matter them. If he loved him like an older brother, and it felt like that to all, then it was like that.


Well, but... why then do they never call any of the other gopas Krishna's older or younger brother. It seems to be only Baladeva who is "Dauji". I still don't really get it.

Audarya-lila Dasa - July 25, 2007 4:39 pm

Well, they are living in the same house and both Rohini and Yashoda are the affectionate mothers.


I had my nephew living with us for only about a year but I still think of him as my son in many ways and my kids think of him as their brother as well.

Syamasundara - July 26, 2007 4:19 am

My sisters and I only have the same father, but we would never refer to each other as step brothers or sisters. Anyway, Baladeva and Krsna are officially the 7th and 8th child of Vasudeva and Devaki (again, Baladeva appeared first in Devaki's heart to purify it, and then continued on in the womb of Rohini, who was under Nanda's care already. Otherwise how could Vasudeva and Devaki later on have convinced Nanda baba to leave the two brothers in Mathura and separate from them? And why would Devaki have to say He is really "your" child, when they met at Kuruksetra?


By the way, I heard that after all that Sankarsana went through in the form of Laksmana he swore never to appear as the younger brother in the following avataras :) Hence Balarama/Nitai.


At any rate, GM says that all the explanations given by the gosvamis are just to appease the minds of those who want the facts straightened out (tattva), whereas bhava is really what rules and what matters for us (my wording).