

Joseph Rael - July 26, 2007 11:35 pm

I decided to write a book first instead of starting with a screenplay.

I am a genuine Lover of Radha Krishna although uninitiated, I still revere Srila Prabhupada as my Siska Guru.

Please have mercy on my ignorance and I realize alot of you are fully realized Vaishnavas as is our Revered Guru Maharaja, but I have a genuine desire to get this out there. I Could have started a preaching center or church> I feel if I bring any one just one soul to his or her true consciensness then my journy in this lifetime will have been successful.

Question ....in the life of Sri Brahma.... in the 12 hour period of wakefullness and 12 hours of sleep approximatly how many lifetimes would an unrealized jiva going thru transmigration have? Does that make any sense?

ANYONE OF YOU SELF REALIZED DEVOTEES....want to help a struggling jivatma to spread the word?


HARIBOL....What a great oppertunity we have....aint it great?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - July 27, 2007 12:00 am

I'm not sure I've understood the question. One 'Day of Brahma' lasts about 4.32 billion solar years (or 4,320,000,000 solar years). How many times jiva changes body during that time? I guess it will depend on the life span of the body and it will depend on what body we are taliking about. Elephant lives 69 years, Turkey Buzzard -- 118 years and a House Mouse just 4.

Citta Hari Dasa - July 31, 2007 12:04 am



While it is laudable that you want to spread Sriman Mahaprabhu's message to others, I must say I think you're getting a bit ahead of yourself here. Writing books requires, at the least, a solid grasp on the philosophy. If it were me I would not even dream of writing a book unless 1) I had 10 or 20 years of study and practice under my belt and/or 2) Guru Maharaja specifically asked me to do it.

Swami - July 31, 2007 1:37 am

Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti cautions against utsaha-mayi, a false sense of enthusiasm that deludes one into thinking oneself to be more qualifed than one is. Writing is leading, but it is leading the course of following. You will undestand all of this if you listen to my CD lectures regularly, read my books, and associate with those that I have taken seriously and thus given myself to. Krsna-bhakti is not a small topic. There is much to learn and one can only give it out to the extent that one has realized it.

Joseph Rael - August 1, 2007 12:33 pm
Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti cautions against utsaha-mayi, a false sense of enthusiasm that deludes one into thinking oneself to be more qualifed than one is. Writing is leading, but it is leading the course of following. You will undestand all of this if you listen to my CD lectures regularly, read my books, and associate with those that I have taken seriously and thus given myself to. Krsna-bhakti is not a small topic. There is much to learn and one can only give it out to the extent that one has realized it.

Swamigi All Glories:

I replied last nite but the reply isn't here this morrning. Thank you for your advice. I realize you don't know me, although I have made an attemt to bare my soul and feelings on this forum and have written you personally ( without a response) several times.

Perhaps the moderator deciced my reply wasn't proper, although I was just expressing my feelings in my respose, that being said, may I say Thank You for taking the time to respond to my query.

I am not new to KC althouth I am new to Tattva-Viveka, alot of my questions were asked just to generate backa and forth dialog with your other devotees( as I do value the opinions of your forum members.)

From reading Tatva Vivka I know how nuch you are Loved and revered by your Diciples, unfortunatly I don't have that oppertunity, as I am not initiated. My life has been immersed in Krishna for several years, and I realize the Diksa-Siksa debate still rages on in and out of Iskcon. I felt that yours was the genuine alternative. I have constant an unalloyed devotion to Krishna, I accept the importance of self-realization, and the philisophical search for the absolute truth. Lord Sri Krishna declares these to be knowledge as opposed to ignorance. I Know I need a Guru and a Spiritual Master......I just seem to have hit a road block in that area.

MY book is going to be written , not as a spiritual text , but as a novel, hoping that in the event That I draw one person to the Lotus feet of a Master ( as yourself) perhaps my journey in this lifetime will have had some modocum of success.


Thank you for your rely.

All of Krishna's blessings on you and your followers.

Bhakti Das Das

Syamasundara - August 1, 2007 1:24 pm

>Swamigi All Glories:

I replied last nite but the reply isn't here this morrning. Thank you for your advice. I realize you don't know me, although I have made an attemt to bare my soul and feelings on this forum and have written you personally ( without a response) several times.





I wouldn't take it personally. Search through TV and you'll see how many times someone's postings just don't make it up somehow, and people repost. Also, you are not the only one Swami doesn't reply to, or not as fast as we would like; but please keep in mind a) that as you may have read, they don't have a stable connection, and :Shocked: that the silence of a Vaisnava is as good a transcendental vibration as many of his words sometimes. That's when the disciple does his or her 50% of the job, trying to fill in that silence, trying to harmonize, based on sastra, common sense and what the Lord says in the heart, whether one is initiated or not.



>Perhaps the moderator deciced my reply wasn't proper, although I was just expressing my feelings in my respose, that being said, may I say Thank You for taking the time to respond to my query.

I am not new to KC althouth I am new to Tattva-Viveka, alot of my questions were asked just to generate backa and forth dialog with your other devotees( as I do value the opinions of your forum members.)

From reading Tatva Vivka I know how nuch you are Loved and revered by your Diciples, unfortunatly I don't have that oppertunity, as I am not initiated.


Opportunity to love and revere him?


>My life has been immersed in Krishna for several years, ...I have constant an unalloyed devotion to Krishna,


As Swami said, one should read, understand and put into practice what a book says before he writes one, or takes any similar initiative. Have you read all of Swami's books? Or any? Any of Sridhara Maharaja's books? Or Srila Prabhupada's? You might want to make a research about supersubjective reality. Being immersed in Krsna sounds good, but even better is to make ourselves the receptacles of Krsna's attention, so that he will be immersed in us. That is a safer attitude, because if Krsna is immersed in you, believe me, you will know for sure, whereas the other way around might result in self-cheating. Krsna is trancendental, but it's possible to create a material concept of Krsna in our minds. We should think of Krsna as the supreme subject, it is him who descends into our hearts, throught the mouth of a Vaisnava and our ears. He will inspire us through the Vaisnava, especially at the beginning. Beware of any other method.

"Immersed in Krsna for several years" gives the idea of someone who has already felt the incredible urge to surrender to a self-realized agent of Divinity, and for years he or she has done but this agent's bidding.

Without some substantial service to the lotus feet of a Vaisnava, there is no chance of constant and unalloyed devotion.


>I accept the importance of self-realization, and the philisophical search for the absolute truth. Lord Sri Krishna declares these to be knowledge as opposed to ignorance. I Know I need a Guru and a Spiritual Master......I just seem to have hit a road block in that area.


That's right, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya.

Have you ever stopped to think who has put that road block right there? Have you really made room for Sri Guru in your heart? Who, from the transcendental camp, would not want you to find a guru that can help you join Krsna's fun? Maybe you could give some deep thought to that block and see if you are causing it, and if there is a way to remove it. You thank us and apologize, but then you seem impermeable to anything anybody may tell you. Just read Swami's exhaustive and unmistakable post and then read your reply.


>MY book is going to be written , not as a spiritual text , but as a novel, hoping that in the event That I draw one person to the Lotus feet of a Master ( as yourself) perhaps my journey in this lifetime will have had some modocum of success.


And who is going to write a book for your salvation? Oh wait, they are already there... :Nail Biting:

Swami - August 2, 2007 3:43 am
Swamigi All Glories:

I replied last nite but the reply isn't here this morrning. Thank you for your advice. I realize you don't know me, although I have made an attemt to bare my soul and feelings on this forum and have written you personally ( without a response) several times.

Perhaps the moderator deciced my reply wasn't proper, although I was just expressing my feelings in my respose, that being said, may I say Thank You for taking the time to respond to my query.

I am not new to KC althouth I am new to Tattva-Viveka, alot of my questions were asked just to generate backa and forth dialog with your other devotees( as I do value the opinions of your forum members.)

From reading Tatva Vivka I know how nuch you are Loved and revered by your Diciples, unfortunatly I don't have that oppertunity, as I am not initiated. My life has been immersed in Krishna for several years, and I realize the Diksa-Siksa debate still rages on in and out of Iskcon. I felt that yours was the genuine alternative. I have constant an unalloyed devotion to Krishna, I accept the importance of self-realization, and the philisophical search for the absolute truth. Lord Sri Krishna declares these to be knowledge as opposed to ignorance. I Know I need a Guru and a Spiritual Master......I just seem to have hit a road block in that area.

MY book is going to be written , not as a spiritual text , but as a novel, hoping that in the event That I draw one person to the Lotus feet of a Master ( as yourself) perhaps my journey in this lifetime will have had some modocum of success.


Thank you for your rely.

All of Krishna's blessings on you and your followers.

Bhakti Das Das



I have replied to a number of your emails. Please go back over them, if you have them, and study the contents. Look especialy to see if I gave you any advice of suggestions as to how to proceed in terms of being my student. If I make a suggestion or give a directive to someone and it is not followed, I tend not to take that person seriously.