
Audarya Ratha Yatra 2007

Guru-nistha Das - August 1, 2007 12:38 am

This year we will be celebrating Ratha yatra on the 17th (fri) and 18th (sat) of August and on the 19th we will drive down to San Francisco to take part in the ratha yatra procession in the Golden Gate Park.


If you are planning on coming, please confirm it to me, even if you have already talked about it to somebody else in the ashram, including Guru Maharaja. I'm going to make the list of participants and figure out the accommodations so it's important that I don't miss anybody. Let me know when you are panning to come, for how long, and how many devotees you are bringing with you.






p.s. I'll post the schedule tomorrow.

Guru-nistha Das - August 3, 2007 1:00 am

The schedule for Ratha yatra:



Friday, Aug 17th:


Evening class 4:00 PM

Evening arati 6:30 PM

Dinner Prasada 8:00 PM



Saturday, Aug 18th:


Mangala arati 5:00 AM

Breakfast 8:00 AM

Morning class 10:00 AM

Feast 12:30 PM

Evening class 4:00 PM

Evening arati 6:30 PM

Dinner Prasada 8:00 PM



Sunday, Aug 19th:


Mangala arati 5:00 AM

Breakfast 8:00 AM

Ratha yatra in SF 12:00 PM