
Two new MP3 cds out!!

Guru-nistha Das - August 3, 2007 9:51 pm

In May and August Guru Maharaja gave 22 talks on the Ramananda samvada, a section in the Caitanya-caritamrta where Ramananda Raya explains all the possibilities available in spiritual life, from materially motivated Vishnu-bhakti to the highest reach of Radha-dasya in Vrindavana. I personally found these talks to be some of the most inspiring and potent talks I've hever heard Guru Maharaja give. He really hammers on the supremacy of suddha-bhakti over any other path. By explaining the gradation and the increasing spiritual absorption in the hierarchy of spiritual experience,Guru Maharaja highlights the purity of Vraja-bhakti by comparison.

Mostly there were only longterm visitors and the monastics present, so the talks are quite intimate and go deep into the subject (although Guru Maharaja said that he only scratched the surface). These talks are very helpful in getting a good theoretical grasp on how our path is related to other spirtual disciplines and what makes it so unique.



In June Guru Maharaja went to North Carolina again and gave 7 talks. Included are a good variety of different types of talks: stimulating questions&answers with close disciples and friends, an advanced talk on Krsna-nama and it's specialty among all spiritual practices, and a couple of talks for a New Age type audience that really appreciated Guru Maharaja's way of explaining Gaudiya Vedanta in an understandable, non-sectarian way.


Price is the same again,$ 15 dollars per a disc plus shipping. If you get both, the price is $ 25 plus shipping.

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