
Bhakti Vidya Purna Svami

Syamasundara - August 29, 2007 6:10 am

Does anyone know what became of Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja?

For those who don't know him by name, he is that sannyasi that lived at Mayapura Candrodaya Mandira, totally into Vedic lifestyle, going around with wooden padukas, a parasol, making a yajna with the gurukulis every morning, and teaching in the gurukula.

Last time I was in Vrndavana, in 2000, Visnu Maharaja told us he had left Iskcon, cuz he couldn't take it anymore... Oh no! Jaya Pataka mhj or Bhakti Caru mhj, actually just kicked him out as they wanted to give his post to someone else.

I saw him in Vrndavana walking by blissful, but I wonder what became of him. Did he join Narasimha mhj like that gurukuli, Gopa-vrnda-pala?

Braja-sundari Dasi - August 29, 2007 7:39 am
Last time I was in Vrndavana, in 2000, Visnu Maharaja told us he had left Iskcon, cuz he couldn't take it anymore... Oh no! Jaya Pataka mhj or Bhakti Caru mhj, actually just kicked him out as they wanted to give his post to someone else.


As far as I know he still lives in Mayapur but he is forbidden to initiate any disciples. And of course there are still attempts to remove him from managing the gurukul. I heard this from Batanath who is former gurukuli.