
prayer to Balaram

Madan Gopal Das - August 30, 2007 1:55 am

I found this on a dated article from Swami B.V. Parivrajak and was wondering what the reference is. Can someone tell me where this is found?

My humble attempt to praise the mighty Sri Balarama ends with a verse from the Balarama Kavacha. This armor (kavacha) was given to the gopis of Vrindavan by Garga Muni. Later on, it was repeated to Duryodhan, who was a favorite of Balarama during the holocaust of Kurukshetra.


kamat sada raksha tu dhenukarih

krodhat sada mam dvivida prahari

lobhat sada raksha tu balvalarir

mohat sada mam kil magadharih


O Dhenukari, killer of the ass-like demon, kindly protect me from lust. O Dvivida Prahari, killer of the gorilla demon, kindly protect me from anger. O Balvalari, killer of Balvala, kindly protect me from greed. O Magadhari, kindly protect me against illusion.


Also, I researched who the Swami is and it said that he managed Rupanuga Bhajan Ashram of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Society (GVS) in Vrindavan, India, from 1994 to 1997! I also recognize his picture as the very nice, simple, young sannyasi that my wife and I met in Puri about 10 years ago and I was very impressed by his friendly personality to us dhama visitors who probably appeared lost and confused.

Nitaisundara Das - August 30, 2007 3:23 am

I too saw this article and checked him out and saw about the Rupanuga bhajan ashram etc. I asked Citta Hari about him and apparently he was involved with GM. Unfortunately he had some troubles along the way and at some point gave up his sannyas-vesa and supposedly took to the life of a babaji and disconnected from the Bhaktivinoda Parivare. I hope I'm remembering correctly.

Swami - August 30, 2007 3:53 am
I too saw this article and checked him out and saw about the Rupanuga bhajan ashram etc. I asked Citta Hari about him and apparently he was involved with GM. Unfortunately he had some troubles along the way and at some point gave up his sannyas-vesa and supposedly took to the life of a babaji and disconnected from the Bhaktivinoda Parivare. I hope I'm remembering correctly.


I gave him sannyasa but had to distance myself from him at one point. He had a lot of affection for me. After his troubles and confusion I saw him in Puri and he was again in his sannyasa vesa and humbled. Does anyone know where he is?



Syamasundara - August 30, 2007 4:07 am

When were you in Puri???

I thought the last time you went to Puri was when Damodara Maharaja and Parivrajaka Maharaja took sannyasa, and we were still in Eugene, and as far as I know, Parivrajaka Maharaja started to have trouble when we were in Point Arena (1999-2000), or at least, that's when I heard of it.

You went to Puri again?

Swami - August 30, 2007 1:48 pm
When were you in Puri???

I thought the last time you went to Puri was when Damodara Maharaja and Parivrajaka Maharaja took sannyasa, and we were still in Eugene, and as far as I know, Parivrajaka Maharaja started to have trouble when we were in Point Arena (1999-2000), or at least, that's when I heard of it.

You went to Puri again?


Yes, I did. With Subala and others a few years ago.