

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - September 3, 2007 6:35 pm

Feel free to download these devotional desktops. These collages were made by Tulasi dd (my better half ;] )


Some Audarya accent: http://www.box.net/shared/rfmdp4auak


and other stuff:





Syamasundara - September 3, 2007 6:58 pm

Thank you, but, don't take it personally, I don't know if I would want to have Krsna in the background and move and place all kinds of files over his nose, etc. It feels like the Indians taking pictures of themselves and using the altar as a backdrop. Everything affects consciousness.

I think in Eugene GM said something about not liking Krsna as a background when we put a computer in the common room, or maybe it was his picture.

I wouldn't go farther than putting cows. But maybe others have other opinions.

I know that Sridhara Maharaja was adamant about every picture of Krsna being the same as him and worth worshiping, so, no Krsna Tshirts, bead bags, etc. I believe in that matha they even cover the pictures with cloth at night.

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - September 3, 2007 7:25 pm

You say so? I don't really agree. I think it is important to have something reminding you Krsna everywhere, so He will become part of your life, even when you are surfing internet. Actually last days I am thinking about this little bit, in regard to my enthusiasm in Krsna consciousness which is dropping down fast. I was wondering where is the problem and I think mostly it is the way I am approaching spiritual life lately. I separated my "own" things from sadhana- like when I am practicing Krsna Consciousness I am one person, and when I am doing my own things I am someone else. I want to say that in some way I am not letting Krsna into my personal life; I rather give Him some small piece of my time, because, well, He is God so I have to. And then spiritual life gets dry. So I think it is nice to have Krsna everywhere, so He is not any more like intruder, or someone you look up being careful not to offend Him, but rather someone like a family member, or someone you feel really comfortable to be with.


PS. And well- having Krsna conscious desktop it maybe easier to resist internet temptations? :rolleyes:

PS. But sure- I agree that we have to be careful not to disregard Krsna's pictures. No doubt about that.

Syamasundara - September 4, 2007 4:41 am

Yes, I don't like that sort of separation either. I'd much rather do the nastiest things with Krsna involved somehow, even just as a witness, or as a kirtan in the background (I'm always toggling among three live stream Iskcon radio stations, while on the computer), than having devotee moments or parts of the day, or activities, and others in which, what, I willingly exclude Krsna out of my life? What's up with that? It's already bad enough when I get distracted or forget about him due to the material pushes and pulls, but to purposefully exclude him...


Still, to me, a devotional desktop would feel as you are working in the same room with someone, and you start putting post-it notes on his or her back, use their pockets as trash, etc...

How would they take it? They would say at least: "Yo, I am a person! Don't treat me like I'm not even here."

You could have a picture of Krsna next to the PC and that would be a good enough reminder. Again, I am saying this because I heard it from my Gurudeva.


Then again, "Always remember Krsna, never forget Krsna." Whatever helps you stay focused... but if you can choose between a favorable and an unfavorable way of doing the same thing...


Having said all this, I just realized that listening to Kirtana radios as a background is probably as bad as using Krsna's form as a background, but it's still better than listening to mundane music. Like Krsna says in a whole series of verses in the Gita, if you can't do this, do at least that... It takes wisdom to be able to make compromises.

For example, one thing I hate is when a class is being played and people start talking without stopping the class and let GM (or whoever) talk to no one; but if it is kirtanas in the background it is a little less serious.

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - September 4, 2007 7:59 am
Still, to me, a devotional desktop would feel as you are working in the same room with someone, and you start putting post-it notes on his or her back, use their pockets as trash, etc...


If it makes you feel better I never place files or folders on Krsna's face :rolleyes: I always arrange all the stuff on my desktop, so He is in the central point, without any disturbence. Any way, I think these desktops are sweet and I thought I might share it with Tattva Vivekans. It didnt pass my mind that this idea could be disrespectfull to Krsna in any way. Still I think I have much bigger problems in my spiritual life then this one :Praying:

Gaurangi-priya Devi - September 4, 2007 4:42 pm
If it makes you feel better I never place files or folders on Krsna's face :rolleyes: I always arrange all the stuff on my desktop, so He is in the central point, without any disturbence. Any way, I think these desktops are sweet and I thought I might share it with Tattva Vivekans. It didnt pass my mind that this idea could be disrespectfull to Krsna in any way. Still I think I have much bigger problems in my spiritual life then this one :Whew:



Thank you Madhavendra Puri for sharing the beautiful desktop arrangements. Tell your wife, I think they are so sweet and beautiful, and will definitely download some. I have a photo of my Gaura Deity as my desktop right now, and it's always wonderful to open my computer and see His smiling face. :)

Babhru Das - September 4, 2007 6:39 pm

I like your desktop wallpaper, Madhavendra; still, like Syamu, I've sometimes images of the Lord becoming the background for so many activities. I'm a little less worried now that my life is becoming more withdrawn from anything other than direct service.


In any case, I used to have a picture of the Houston (I think) Giriraja on my desktop. For several years, though, I've had one of my favorite B. G Sharma Krishna-Balaram pictures. This picture takes up just the center of the desktop, leaving plenty of room on either side for shortcut icons.



Syamasundara - September 4, 2007 6:54 pm

Oh MY!!


What must it be to look into those sweet eyes while holding him lovingly and feeding him laddu, hoping the laddus will never end.


Can somebody make an emoticon that rolls on the ground with glazed eyes?

Syamasundara - September 5, 2007 2:59 am

Is anybody watching the temple cam of Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa? Their flower outfit? :rolleyes:

Syamasundara - September 5, 2007 3:06 am

Babhru, do you have a bigger version of that pic?

Babhru Das - September 5, 2007 3:15 am

Yep--here's the one my computer says I use on the desktop:



Syamasundara - September 6, 2007 4:18 am

You know what, I don't know if it's right or wrong anymore, but that picture is now my new desktop picture, in the center, with files all around.

Madhavendra Puri Dasa - September 6, 2007 8:02 am
You know what, I don't know if it's right or wrong anymore, but that picture is now my new desktop picture, in the center, with files all around.


Syamasundara - October 20, 2007 8:47 pm

Speaking of touching up (Sadhu Sanga>Ananda really is the best), I took the liberty to make in such a way that Balarama actually looks Krsna in the eyes.


It's amazing how approximate Indian miniatures can be, especially considering the subject, when Indian artists paint huge billboards by hand and with amazing accuracy.
