

Gaurangi-priya Devi - September 19, 2007 4:14 pm

Happy Radhastami!





The flute-song of Sri Krsna, expressed as the gayatri mantra, is reminding us and engaging us in our service. And what is our service? Our service must be to surrender ourselves in the service of Srimati Radharani-to accept the suggestion of Radharani. The gayatri mantra will excite us to be mindful about Srimati Radharani's lotus feet, to obey her orders. She is mainly representing the whole service area. So to try to engage ourselves in her service, under her order- to accept her direction and to obey her- that is the service of Sri Radha. In this way, the meaning of the gayatri mantra has been drawn to radha-dasyam, self-determination (svarupena vyavasthitih ). (Srila B.R. Sridhar-deva Goswami)



Syamasundara - September 19, 2007 7:11 pm

Jaya Nilaksi! That's in Vrndavana, right? Are the pics from the same day? I thought that you could see Radha's lotus feet only when they dress her like Subala. What day is it?

Gaurangi-priya Devi - September 19, 2007 7:59 pm
Jaya Nilaksi! That's in Vrndavana, right? Are the pics from the same day? I thought that you could see Radha's lotus feet only when they dress her like Subala. What day is it?


I don't think the pics are from the same day. On Radhastami many temples in Iskcon dress Srimati Radharani so that her lotus feet show. Only once a year! I've never heard of Radha being dressed liked Subala. Where does that come from?

Syamasundara - September 19, 2007 9:14 pm

I read that description in a transcription of a Narayana Maharaja's talk, but I had already heard about it. For what I knew, there is one day in the year, where in the Vrndavana temples, including Krsna Balarama, they dress Radha like Subala.

Once Radharani was forbidden to go out of home for some reason, I suspect Jatila and Kutila were involved. So, she swapped garments with her twin Subala, who was free to go out and meet Krsna. I think the lila goes on with Radha tricking Krsna and getting him to talk about Radha and how much he is in love, before she reveals herself.

Swami - September 19, 2007 11:50 pm
I don't think the pics are from the same day. On Radhastami many temples in Iskcon dress Srimati Radharani so that her lotus feet show. Only once a year! I've never heard of Radha being dressed liked Subala. Where does that come from?



Your Radharani is very beautiful!


The lila is found in the Goswami granthas, perhaps Vidagdha Madhava. Krsna can't tolerate separation but the time is incovenient for them to meet. So he sends Subala, who looks very much like Radha, to bring her. Subala goes to Jatila's house on the pretext of finding a lost calf. Then he slips inside, tells Radha the situation, and changes clothes with her, sending her off to met Krsna pretending that her breasts are the lost calf in her arms under her sari (we have such small calves here by the way). When she arrives, Krsna laments, Oh Subala, where is Radha?" Realizing that he does not recognize her she replies, "Oh I could not get her, but I can bring Candravali." To this Krsna replies that she cannot satisfy him at all, and then with much pleasure Sri Radha reveals herself to Syama. Jaya Radhe! Jaya Subala! Jaya Syama

Prema-bhakti - September 20, 2007 12:02 am
Your Radharani is very beautiful!


That Radha is Syamasundara's Radha at the Krsna Balarama Mandir. I think she is the most beautiful. :ninja: They only show her feet on Radhastami as they do in all ISKCON temples. I never heard of an ISKCON temple dressing Radha as a cowherd and observing that festival in the US although they may observe it at ISKCON's Krsna Balarama in Vrndavana, not sure.

Swami - September 20, 2007 1:55 am

Radha is named after the nakshatra she was born under, Vishaka. Vishaka is another name for Radha. The Vishaka nakshatra is the favorite of the moon because it causes the moon to shine that much more. The moon is full in Vishaka during the spring, the season of love. Although the fickle moon romances with all 27 nakshatras, he is at his best when he shines in conjunction with Vishaka. Vishaka means “branch.” Just as the branch of tree makes the rising moon appear as though it is resting on the branch and that one could reach out and touch it, so does Radha make Krsna approachable. She brightens Kalacandji, the dearest black moon of Vraja, brings out the best in him, and makes the our otherwise extremely lofty ideal of attaining his lotus feet seem possible.


One whose birth is influenced by the Vishakha nakshatra is interested in long term goals and is determined against all obstacles to attain them. Such a person is likend to a a sadhaka or a farmer who invests in the earth and other natural elements with the end result in mind, knowing that in spite of his or her investment of time and energy the results are up to the powers that be. The agricultural gods preside over this nakshatra.


Now you may ask what my opinion of astrology is after all of the above. My answer is this. When Radha and Krsna’s charts were done they appeared incompatible. :ninja:

Syamasundara - September 20, 2007 5:52 am

That was such a wonderful poetic rendition.


Now you may ask what my opinion of astrology is after all of the above. My answer is this. When Radha and Krsna’s charts were done they appeared incompatible. :ninja:


Well, yes... she's always angry at him, but he's always guilty... they never managed to marry...



I have no problem with astrology whatsoever, but I recognize that GM's joke about Krsnaloka missing is quite to the point. Astrology refers to this world, and we are interested in another that is antithetical to it.

For example Saniscarya, or Saturn, is associated with the most downtrodden people, material loss, and begging, but it may also mean austerity, sannyasa and preaching to the fallen. Leo and Sun are associated with fortune and success, but when I was researching all that, in my ears it sounded like exploitation and false ego.

So what is an incompatible relationship in this world is actually the most wonderful expression of parakiya rasa.


Jaya Radhe! Jaya Krsna! Jaya Vrndavana!

Gaurangi-priya Devi - September 20, 2007 7:18 pm

Thanks so much, Gurumaharaj, for the wonderful stories and insight about Radhe-Shyam. Hope everyone had a nectar filled Radhastami, remembering our golden-hued Supreme Goddess, who yes, makes Krsna, God, accessible to us. And that access becomes available to us through Guru-parampara. We are fortunate, indeed. Jai Radheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!