

Syamasundara - September 19, 2007 6:32 pm

This is in relation to what was discussed in the India Retreat thread. I am not really sure how to use this poll feature, but what I care to know is:


Should we have a flag for our group? Would it be something to be proud of, something that would talk about a standard we should try to live up to if we live under or for it? Or would it be taken as a negative message of segregation?



Should there be a positive feedback, then we can sic all the designers among us. I think the flag should talk about what makes us unique. It should represent SP and SSM and how they come together in our GM, it should talk about substance breaking out of form, and it should look more Western than Indian. I just wanted to launch the poll, but then I got my own idea for a flag, only it would look rather medieval and not very sober.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - September 19, 2007 8:23 pm

I think it's great idea. Maybe not a flag, but logo for sure.




Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math


Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Matha


Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math



Collaboration between Guru Maharaja, Vrindaranya, Bhrigu and Kamalaksa can be very fruitful in this respect.

Babhru Das - September 19, 2007 8:57 pm

What's given above as Narasimha Chaitanya Math's logo is, I believe, the logo for the Gaudiya Math designed by Srila Sarasvati Thakura. Srila Prabhupada had that logo painted over the entrance to his Mayapura Chandrodaya Mandir.

Prema-bhakti - September 19, 2007 9:09 pm

I thought there was a logo already in the works for Sri Caitanya Sanga.

Syamasundara - September 20, 2007 12:22 am

I made this just for fun (I had A LOT of fun). Now, explaining it would make it look too serious, but I guess some explanation is required.


The static and square part close to the shaft will have to be kept stiff and square with a frame, and it represents form, the flapping flames represent substance. The static part is also tattva, and the flames bhava. The blue is SP's "camp" with the blessings of Nityananda Prabhu, the yellow one SSM with those of Radha. The two blend to form that yucky color (what can I do?) that is our GM, and his contemporary preaching, symbolized by the @ that replaces Sri Mrdanga in Bhaktisiddhanta's logo, or the printing press, or Krsna's flute. Well, condenses, not replaces.

It looks a little shabby, but I've run out of time.


Madan Gopal Das - September 20, 2007 1:16 am
I thought there was a logo already in the works for Sri Caitanya Sanga.

Guru Maharaj once showed Gauravani and I a logo that he had drawn up and he said that it would get more work from Kamalaksa. It is the sun and the moon rising simultaneously on the horizon - think vande sri krsna caitanya...

Syamasundara - September 20, 2007 5:59 am

That's another good one! Kind of like a fusion of the Turkish flag with the Japanese :He He: :ninja:


I'd like to see the concept of reaching out to go within in a logo version, but any gaudiya group could adopt those ideas.

I am obviously going to be fine with any logo GM will decide to have, and I can't think of a better person; the only thing is that he won't include himself in the symbolism.

Syamasundara - February 12, 2008 5:42 am
Guru Maharaj once showed Gauravani and I a logo that he had drawn up and he said that it would get more work from Kamalaksa.


And how is it coming along? No, seriously, can the design be sent in time to someone who can sew and embroider at least one of these flags to decorate the temple on the inauguration?