
Enhancing the Search feature

Syamasundara - October 15, 2007 6:21 pm

I spent the whole morning looking for that picture of Dharma and Bhumi mentioned in "Audarya Photos."


People would see that picture stuck in the "window" of my wallet while I would check out at the store, you know, where people keep a picture of their kids, or girlfriend or a saint...


So, I don't have it in digital format, but I did find other pictures of us feeding the cows in Vrndavana on GM's birthday, as I remember describing in a thread that I think was called Audarya Memories.

I wanted to go there to see if I had posted those pics, but it's so difficult. Apparently it's not called like that, as I get no result. I did find one that I called another memory, and I wrote some memories in "Deities at Audarya" or something.

I must have posted it in 2005 from work, in Ireland.

I punch in keywords, but I get all kinds of unrelated results.


Also, how feasible would it be to create a feature, like a page on TV that contains all the thumbnails of the pics that are posted here and there, with two links underneath, one to enlarge the pic, and one to open the thread it was posted in?

That would be awesome. There are a lot of beautiful pictures, like post 39 in the Audarya Daily that just fall into oblivion if one doesn't copy them into their computers right away.


Who can answer?

Syamasundara - October 16, 2007 1:43 am

OK it was probably lame to post this in announcements, now it sounds like i enhanced the search; but where else? Questions and answers? It wasn't that philosophical. Oh well...