
prabhupada's comments on dog or pigs in vrindavan

Vivek - October 25, 2007 6:40 am

Sometimes prabhupada would say that if a person commits serious offenses to devotees or becomes a sahijya he may be born as a dog, monkey or pig in vrindavan. But doesn't goloka have all these animals too, and don't devotees take these forms in Goloka?

Bijaya Kumara Das - October 27, 2007 5:22 am
Sometimes prabhupada would say that if a person commits serious offenses to devotees or becomes a sahijya he may be born as a dog, monkey or pig in vrindavan. But doesn't goloka have all these animals too, and don't devotees take these forms in Goloka?


Morning Walk


April 7, 1975, Mäyäpur

Puñöa-kåñëa: The descriptions of Goloka Våndävana, that even the dust is personal... So we have experience of personal form. Even Kåñëa’s form is personal. How is the dust of Våndävana personal? How is it individual living entity?

Prabhupäda: If you want something from this dust, you cannot get it. That is material. But in Våndävana, even from the dust if you want any, he will deliver immediately.

Syamasundara - October 27, 2007 6:12 am

The Radha-Krsna ganoddesa dipika says that in Goloka Vrndavana Krsna has a pet dog for herding, there are people who herd water buffaloes and even goats. Monkeys are mentioned in the Bhagavatam, Damodara lila, but I never heard of any pigs.


As far as your question, you link the two parts of it with "but", but you seem to imply a third part to it without knowing which my first reaction was: "So what that these animals are in Goloka?"


What I wonder is how someone could even take birth in Vrndavana, no matter what form, if he or she is an aparadhi or imitationist.

I know that if a devotee has material desires while in Vrndavana instead of associating with sadhus and serving the dhama, he or she will take birth as a pig or monkey, although still in Vrndavana, because they were devotees after all. I guess that same applies to someone who is or has been a devotee for a long time, but happens to commit an offense.

Being a hog in goloka Vrndavana is not the same as being a hog in bhauma Vrndavana. The formers have a body made of svarupa sakti, while a pig here is a pig, or rather a soul, that for good karma took birth in Vrndavana although in that body, but they could die outside of Vrndavana for example.