
Kartika drops

Syamasundara - October 26, 2007 4:08 pm

vāṇī guṇānukathane śravaṇau kathāyāḿ

hastau ca karmasu manas tava pādayor naḥ

smṛtyāḿ śiras tava nivāsa-jagat-praṇāme

dṛṣṭiḥ satāḿ darśane 'stu bhavat-tanūnām


SB 10.10.38: Henceforward, may all our words describe Your pastimes, may our ears engage in aural reception of Your glories, may our hands, legs and other senses engage in actions pleasing to You, and may our minds always think of Your lotus feet. May our heads offer our obeisances to everything within this world, because all things are also Your different forms, and may our eyes see the forms of Vaiṣṇavas, who are nondifferent from You. (Manigriva and Nalakuvara to Lord Damodara)


This year my kartika vow is to read half an hour of sastra a day no matter what. Sounds simple, but, as much as I want it, it is a little austerity for me to get around to doing it.

Reading sastra now, after being in touch with the Vaisnavas for 15 years, and after a long pause is yet another blessing that's falling on me. Every sloka feels like a nuclear bomb in my consciousness, every character comes alive, every thing makes me sigh a lot.


Incidentally, the last line of this sloka has a meter that has nothing to do with the previous ones. I wonder why. To express the emotional state of Manigriva and Nalakuvara?

Read this prayer carefully; it's one of the best out there, which I am sure I did read some 15 years ago, both in Italian and English, yet then it was just a moment in the narration. SP just touches upon it in his purport, but that's just an impetus to read all of his books, and all of his purports to have a proper appreciation of each sloka, and become serious.


sadhu-sanga sadhu-sanga sarva sastre kay

lava matra sadhu-sange sarva siddhi hay


PS Can everyone view the diacritics as I do? Should I adjust it?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - October 26, 2007 6:07 pm

Beautiful prayer...

Bhrigu - October 27, 2007 6:27 am

Kartika is the best of times! I have no special vows this year, apart from chanting the Damodarastaka and Kartika-kirtanas and offering a lamp to Damodara, but those things in themselves are so sweet. I love these kind of "timed" events -- waiting for it to begin, offering the sweetrice on Rasapurnima, then Govardhana-puja, etc...


Shyamu: the metre of the verse is Vasantatilaka. You need to read darsane as darasane to make the metre of the last line correct (like sparasa for sparsa in the hantayam adrir-verse, but that is there in the writing as well). I haven't the time to check other editions of the text right now, but I would suspect that this is adjusted in other editions. The diacritics look good, but there are some extra dots here and there.

Syamasundara - October 27, 2007 6:46 am

Gotta love those tricky semivowels.

I see those dots and apostrophes, too, but I wouldn't know how to adjust it, I pasted it straight from the vedabase online.


Vows are a tricky thing, besides being a meditation, they can be a spur to a deeper meditation and vijñana. I was just coming back from my pottery class one hour ago and feeling separation from the Bhagavatam; I caught myself thinking: "I'd read some more even if I already read my half hour this morning, but if I did, then my vow would lose shape and identity."

Now, isn't that the lamest thing? One thing is to make sure you don't keep fasting when Ekadasi is over, because it would feel like you are fasting for your own reasons, and not because it was auspicious and "hari-tosana" to do it at that time, but the Bhagavatam is a fountain of eternal youth for a Vaisnava or apprentice.

So I think I'll tap some more. After all I said "at least" half an hour a day.

Tadiya Dasi - October 28, 2007 5:04 am
Kartika is the best of times! I have no special vows this year, apart from chanting the Damodarastaka and Kartika-kirtanas and offering a lamp to Damodara, but those things in themselves are so sweet. I love these kind of "timed" events -- waiting for it to begin, offering the sweetrice on Rasapurnima, then Govardhana-puja, etc...


Agreed! :Cow: I find the whole Damodara-lila and the singing of the Damodarastakam/offering the lamp to be such a sweet period of time in the Vaisnava year. It's good to be reminded of the light of prema in the middle of the Finnish darkness in a daily basis :Shame On You:


And, Syamasundara, that prayer is wonderful! Thank you for sharing it with us.

Syamasundara - October 31, 2007 6:37 pm

Well, this thread may not go on after all. I was just reading the verses on the vedabase online, but when I came to that prayer I opened the purport, with all those quotations, and I remembered how GM used to study, going from one text to the other as SP would quote them in his purports. Now with those hyperlinks it's really a piece of cake, and it would be lame not to do it. The thing is, every purport has a lot of quotations, and so does the purport of the quoted texts, so this morning I realized I was lost in the labyrinth of the Srimad Bhagavatam. It's nice here, though, everybody is friendly: SP, Prahlada, Jiva Gosvami, Cakravarthi Thakura. I realized, What happened to the yamala-arjuna trees? I am really tempted to stop this verse hopping and go back to Krsna lila, but at this point that feels like enjoyment, while here there are so many personalities that have something to say, I'd feel like walking out on them.

Anybody else can come with kartika drops, though.


So much for books being the passive agent... but SP's version of Bhagavatam is a book that's full of gurus. How could I ignore the Bhagavatam for so long? :Big Grin:

Syamasundara - November 7, 2007 6:48 am

There you go:


deve varṣati yajña-viplava-ruṣā vajrāsma-varṣānilaiḥ

sīdat-pāla-paśu-striy ātma-śaraṇaḿ dṛṣṭvānukampy utsmayan utpāṭyaika-kareṇa śailam abalo līlocchilīndhraḿ yathā

bibhrad goṣṭham apān mahendra-mada-bhit prīyān na indro gavām



Indra became angry when his sacrifice was disrupted, and thus he caused rain and hail to fall on Gokula, accompanied by lightning and powerful winds, all of which brought great suffering to the cowherds, animals and women there. When Lord Kṛṣṇa, who is by nature always compassionate, saw the condition of those who had only Him as their shelter, He smiled broadly and lifted Govardhana Hill with one hand, just as a small child picks up a mushroom to play with it. Holding up the hill, He protected the cowherd community. May He, Govinda, the Lord of the cows and the destroyer of Indra's false pride, be pleased with us.

Madan Gopal Das - November 8, 2007 2:32 pm

I haven't had time to comment Shyam, but I've been in touch with you because I also have been reading 10th canto for kartika. I am reading a translation done by Advaita, published by Penguin. This time of year is so wonderful. Out here we have beautiful colors from the turning leaves... The leaves show such incredible beauty in the process of their death. I was listening to a class of GM yesterday where he was saying that we need to come up with our own analogies, from our lives, to express how the world is speaking to us the truths of the Bhagavat, in the same way that the trees and grass spoke to Mahaprabhu. Then today happened to be one of my favorite chapters of 10th canto, description of autumn. I couldn't resist posting some here to share...


5. When the appropriate time came, the sun began to release the earth's riches, in the form of water, which it had drunk for eight months by means of its rays.

6. Huge, fierce, lightning-bearing clouds, driven by the wind, released their pleasing water, just like merciful people.

7. Watered by the gods, the earth, which had been parched by heat, became fertile, just like the body of one undergoing austere practices with desires in mind, when it has obtained the fruit of these practices.

8. Because of the darkness, it is the fireflies that shine at the onset of night, not the planets, just as, because of sinfulness, it is the heretical doctrines that shine in the kaliyuga and not the vedas.

9. After hearing the rumbling of the clouds, the frogs, who had previously been resting silently, gave out their calls, just like brahmanas at the conclusion of their religious observances.

13. The inhabitants of the water and the land displayed pleasing forms as a result of the contributions of the new water, just as the devotees do from the service of Hari.

14. The ocean, abounding with waves and wind and joined by rivers, was agitated, lie the resolution of a neophyte yogi when driven by lust and influenced by the gunas.

15. The mountains did not flinch when pounded by the water-bearing clouds, just as those whose minds are dedicated to Adhoksaja do not flinch when assailed by adversities.

19. The moon, covered by clouds and illuminated by its own light, did not shine, like the soul, covered by the concept of ego and illuminated by its own light, does not shine.

20. The peacocks welcomed the arrival of the clouds and were joyful, like those who are depressed and unhappy at home become joyful when the devotees of Acyuta arrive. - (Several devotees of Acyuta will be arriving at our household next week!)

21. The trees, who drink through their feet, become transformed after drawing in water through their roots, like those who had previously suffered and became exhausted by austere practices become transformed through indulging in pleasures.

25. So Hari, accompanied by Balarama and surrounded by the cows and cowherders, entered that immense forest to play. It contained ripe dates and jambu fruits.

32. In due course, while Balarama and Kesava were living there in Vraj, autumn arrived with gentle breezes, clear waters and cloudless skies.

34. The autumn removed the debris from the water, the mud from the earth, the intermixing of the elements, and the clouds from the sky, just as devotion to krsna removes impurities from those who follow the asrama.

36. The mountains sometimes release pre water and sometimes did not, like the wise on occasion give, or do not give, the nectar of knowledge.

40. Upon the arrival of autumn, the ocean becomes quiet and its waters still, just as, finding quietude in teh self, a hogi completely refrains from the agama ritualistic texts.

45. The people, embracing the wind from the forest flowers, which is constant in cold or heat, let go of their distress - except for the gopis, whose hearts had been stolen by Krsna.



Now that is what I call poetry!!!

Syamasundara - November 8, 2007 3:29 pm
This time of year is so wonderful.


It's the most wonderful time of the year,

with the lamps every ev'ning and vows for achieving and Damodar's here!

It's the most wonderful time of the year!


It's the hap- happiest season of all,

we'll be a host and a half, and we'll worship a calf, on the ground we will roll,

it's the hap-happiest season of all!



Syamasundara - November 8, 2007 9:52 pm

And now, check out what I've come across:


Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti's Govardhanastakam


1. krsna-prasadena samasta-saila-

samrajyam apnoti ca vairino 'pi

sakrasya yah prapa balim sa saksad

govardhano me disatam abhistam


krsna -- of Krsna; prasadena -- by the mercy; samasta -- of all; saila --mountains; samrajyam -- sovereignty; apnoti -- attains; ca -- and; vairinah -- from the enemy; api -- even; sakrasya -- Indra; yah -- who; prapa -- attained; balim -- the respectful offering; sah -- he; saksad -- directly; govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill; me -- my; disatam -- may grant; abhistam--desire.


May Govardhana Hill, which by Krsna's mercy became the king of all mountains and received the respectful tribute of its arch-enemy Indra, fulfull my desire.


2. sva-prestha-hastambuja-saukumarya-

sukhanubhuter ati-bhumi-vrtteh

mahendra-vajrahatim apy ajanam

govardhano me disatam abhistam


sva -- own; prestha -- dear; hasta -- hand; ambuja -- lotus; saukumarya -- delicateness; sukha -- of transcendental bliss; anubhuteh -- from the experience; ati -- abode; bhumi -- the earth; vrtteh -- because of the activity; mahendra -- of Indra; vajra -- of the thunderbolts; ahatim -- the striking; api --even; ajanan -- unaware


As it was held above the earth it became so filled with happiness by experiencing the softness of its beloved Krsna's lotus hand it did not even know it was being struck by Indra's thunderbolt. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


3. yatraiva krsno vrsabhanu-putrya

danam grhitum kalaham vitene

sruteh sprha yatra mahaty atah sri-

govardhano me disatam abhistam


yatra -- where; eva -- certainly; krsnah -- Krsna; vrsabhanu-putrya -- with Srimati Radharani, the daughter of King Vrsabhanu; danam -- the toll; grhitum -- to collect; kalaham -- quarrel; vitene - instigated; sruteh - of the Vedas; sprha -- desire; yatra -- where; mahati -- great; atah -- from that; sri- govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill.


Trying to collect a toll, Krsna quarrelled there with King Vrsabhanu's daughter. The personified Vedas yearn to listed to that quarrel. May Govardhana his fulfill my desire.


4. snatva sarah svasu samira-hasti

yatraiva nipadi-paraga-dhulih

alolayan khelati caru sa sri-

govardhano me disatam abhistam


snatva – having bathed; sarah -- in the lake; svasu -- very quickly; samira -- of the breese; hasti -- the elephant; yatra -- where; eva -- certainly; nipa -- of the kadamba; adi -- and the other flowers; paraga-dhulih -- carrying the pollen; alolayan -- moving; khelati -- plays; caru -- pleasantly; sah -- he; sri-govardhanah -- Govardhana Hill.


Bathing in a nearby lake, the elephant of a pleasant breeze, covered with pollen of kadamba and other flowers, gracefully plays there. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


5. kasturikabhih sayitam kim atrety

uham prabhoh svasya muhur vitanvan


govardhano me disatam abhistam


kasturikabhih -- with fragrant musk; sayitam -- sleeping; kim -- how is it?; atra - here; iti -- thus; uham -- transformation; prabhoh -- of the Supreme Lord; svasya -- own; muhur -- repeatedly; vitanvan -- spreading; naisargika -- natural; sviya -- own; sila -- rocks; sugandhaih -- with fragrances


Does the sweet fragrance of Govardhana come from the musk deer who relax there? From the Lord who plays there? Or is it Govardhana's own natural scent? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


6. vamsa-pratidhvany-anusara-vartma

didrksavo yatra harim harinyah

yantyo labhante na hi vismitah sa

govardhano me disatam abhistam


vamsa -- of the flute; pratidhvani -- echo; anusara -- following; vartma -- path; didrksavah -- eager to see; yatra -- where; harim -- Lord Hari; harinyah - the deer; yantyah -- going; labhante -- attain; na -- not; hi -- indeed; vismitah -- astonished; sah - he.


Searching there for Lord Hari on the path of His flute music, the astonished deer do not find Him. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


7. yatraiva gangam anu navi radham

arohya madhye tu nimagna-naukah

krsno hi radhanugalo babhau sa

govardhano me disatam abhistam


yatra -- where; eva --- certainly; gangam -- the river; anu -- following; navi -- in the boat; radham --- Srimati Radharani; arohya -- invited to enter; madhye -- in the middle; tu -- but; nimagna-naukah -- began to sink; krsnah -- Lord Krsna; hi -- certainly; radha-anugalah -- with Srimati Radharani fearfully clinging to Krsna's neck; babhau -- appeared very splendid; sah -- He.


As the Divine Couple travelled on the Ganges there the boat began to sink in the middle. Krsna was splendidly handsome as Radha clung to His neck. May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


8. vina bhavet kim hari-dasa-varya-

padasrayam bhaktir atah srayami

yam eva saprema nijesayoh sri-

govardhano me disatam abhistam


vina -- without; bhavet -- there may be; kim -- how?; hari -- of Lord Hari; dasa -- of the servants; varya -- of the best; pada -- of the lotus feet; asrayam -- the shelter; bhaktih -- pure devotional service; atah -- therefore; asrayami -- I take shelter; yam -- of whom; eva -- certainly; sa - with; prema -- pure love of Godhead; nija-isayoh -- of my two masters;


WIthout taking shelter of the feet of the hill that is the best of Lord Hari's servants and full of love for the divine king and queen, how is it possible to attain pure devotional service? May Govardhana Hill fulfill my desire.


9. etat pathed yo hari-dasa-varya-

mahanubhavastakam ardra-cetah

sri-radhika-madhavayoh padabja-

dasyam sa vinded acirena saksat


etat -- this; pathet -- may read; yah - who; hari-dasa-varya -- of the best of Lord Hari's servants; maha -- with great; anubhava -- glories; astakam -- eight verses; ardra -- moistened with love of Godhead; cetah -- whose mind; sri-radhika-madhavayoh -- of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava; pada -- feet; abja -- lotus; dasyam -- service; sah -- he; vindet -- may find; acirena -- quickly; saksat -- directly.


May the reader of these eight verses glorifying Lord Hari's greatest servant, his heart melting with pure love, quickly attain direct service to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava.








by Srila Raghunath das Goswami




O Govardhana! You became the umbrella which was held by the arm of your own Lord Krsna! In this way Sri Krsna diminished Indra, the king of the demigods, who was intoxicated by great pride. You are the incomparable king of all the big mountains, please allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! The young Divine Couple, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna, play splendid wild loving games in your every cave, so I became very eager to see Them there. Please allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! In topmost joy Krsna plays together with Balarama and the cowherd boys in your incomparable jeweled pavilions and thrones, in the hollows of your trees, in your caves, and valleys. Please allow me to live close by you!




O Govardhana! You are the witness of Radha and Krsna's tax game (In which Krsna charges tax from the ghee the gopis carry on their heads) which is an ocean of mellows. You increase the joy of the mellows of the devotees with your display of bluish platforms that are full of splendour and fragrance. Please allow me to live close by you!




O Govardhana! You affectionately and secretly embrace the neck of your own dear friend, Sri Radha Kunda, the place which is very dear to you and Lord Hari. Please allow me to live close by you and show me the intimate pastimes of the Divine Young Couple there!





O Govardhana! You make your name, keeper of cows, successfully constantly giving land, water, grass and the shade of your trees to the cows and thus you are famous in the three worlds. Please allow me to live close by you!




O Govardhana! Your glories are increased by the enemy of Aghasura and Bakasura, Sri Krsna, when He protected the Vrajavasis and vanquished Indra by quickly using you as their new shelter from the rain. Please allow me to live close by you.!




O Govardhana! King of mountains! Because the nectar of your name as Hari's best servant emanated from Srimati Radharani's pearl-like mouth, which was revealed by Vedic scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam (10.21.18), you are called the new tilaka (because of your long thin bluish shape at the edge of Vraja) of Vraja. Please allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! You are the only giver of joy to Sri Sri Radha Krsna and Their associates, that are always surrounded by the people, animals and birds of Vraja in the mood of friendship. Please mercifully accept me and allow me to live close by you.




O Govardhana! Although I am vile and deceitful, the causelessly merciful Sri Sacinandana submitted me to you. Therefore, do not consider whether I am qualified or unqualified and accept me. Allow me please to live close by you.




Anyone who carefully recites these ten verses praising the king of mountains Srila Govardhana, that are the givers of divine mellows, will swiftly attain a place to live close by Govardhana, the bestower of bliss, and he will attain the precious jewel of the auspicious loving service of the Divine Couple, Sri Sri Radha Krsna.


namaste girirajaya sri govardhana namine

ashesha klesha nashaya paramananda dayine


I offer my respectful obeisances unto the king of all hills, Govardhana Hill (the source of enjoyment for the senses, land, and cows). He is a servant of Krsna and is Krsna Himself. He puts an end to unlimited sufferings and bestows the supreme bliss. (Preyo Bhakti Rasarnava)


hantayam adrir abala hari-dasa-varyo

yad rama-krsna-carana-sparasa-pramodah

manam tanoti saha-go-ganayos tayor yat



Of all the devotees, this Govardhana Hill is the best! O my friends, this hill supplies Krsna and Balarama, along with Their calves, cows and cowherd friends, with all kinds of necessities-water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way the hill offers respects to the Lord. Being touched by the lotus feet of Krsna and Balarama, Govardhana Hill appears very jubilant. (SB 10.21.18)



These two verses are known as the sri-govardhana-pranama-mantra.



govardhano jayati saila-kulaadhi-raajo

yo gopikaabhirudito hari-daasa-varyah

krsnena sakra-makha-bhanga-krtaarcito yah

saptaaham asya kara-padma-tale 'py avatseet


saptaaham evaacyuta-hasta-pankaje

bhrngaayamaanam phala-moola-kandaraih

samsevyamaanam harim aatma-vindakair

govardhanaadrim sirasaa namaami



"Glorious is Sri Govardhana, the great King in the dynasty of hills, whom the gopis praised as the best of Krsna's servants; who was resting for seven days in Krsna's lotus hand and whom Krsna made worshipable by disrupting Indra's sacrifice."


"I offer my prostrated obeisances to the Govardhana Hill, who was kept for seven days in the lotus hand of the infallible Lord Krsna and who served Him with his own paraphernalia—swarms of black bees and an abundance of delicious fruits and roots."



Both verses are related to SB 10.21.18 and that is why I have translated "gopikabhiruditah" as "praised" by the gopis. The word would normally mean "bewailed by the gopis". It must have been used to refer to the special state of mind in which the gopis were when they glorified Krsna's flute.(Your servant, Ekanatha dasa)

Syamasundara - November 9, 2007 6:21 am

It's the most joyful period indeed,

with that hill made of goodies and everyone's mood is as good as could beeee,

it's the most joyful period indeed!


Ok I'll stop.

Citta Hari Dasa - November 9, 2007 4:31 pm

vrajendra-varyArpita-bhogam uccair

dhRtvA bRhat kAyam aghArir utkaH

vareNa rAdhAM chalayan vibhuNkte

yatrAnna-kUTaM tad ahaM pradadye


When Vraja's king offered a great quantity of foodstuff to Govardhana Hill, Krsna, the enemy of Aghasura, assumed a gigantic form, proclaimed that he was actually Govardhana Hill, invited everyone to ask boons from him, and, fooling even Srimati Radharani, ate all the offered food. Let me take shelter of the anna-kuta festival, when Lord Krsna enjoyed these pastimes.


-Vraja-vilasa-stava 75



Sri Giriraja Govardhana Maharaja ki jaya!

Bhrigu - November 10, 2007 8:48 am

This is one of my favourite Govardhana-verses (nr 2 in Raghunatha Dasa Goswami's prayers quoted above by Shyamu). Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati used to recite the last line often during his last days.


pramada-madana-līlā kandare kandare te

racayati nava-yūnor dvandvam asminn amandam

iti khila kalanārthaṁ lagnakas tad-dvayor me

nija-nikaṭa-nivāsaṁ dehi govardhana tvam


In your caves the blissful, eternally youthful Couple

enact their delightful, passionate pastimes.

For this reason, I am eager to see the two of them.

O Govardhana, give me residence near you!

Citta Hari Dasa - November 20, 2007 3:49 pm

Guru Maharaja sent me this note on his lectures in North Carolina. It's amazing what he can draw out of a verse!



Things are going well here. At present we are at PV as of last night. Small crowd but a good talk on Damodarastakm 3. Punah prematas tam satavrtti vande (again and again I offer with love my pranam to isvara/Damodara) can also be construed to imply "again and again I offer my loving pranam to bhaktair jitatvam, or that kind of love that is devoid of aisvarya (tadiyesitajnesu). Read in this way, he is saying pujala ragapata gaurava bhange.
Syamasundara - November 21, 2007 5:52 am

What's PV? :dance:

Madan Gopal Das - November 21, 2007 12:10 pm

Prabhupada Village

Gandiva Dasi - November 21, 2007 12:33 pm

Prabhupada Village?

Babhru Das - November 21, 2007 12:53 pm

That's the community in Sandy Ridge, where Karnamrita and Archana-siddhi live.

Syamasundara - November 26, 2007 4:50 am

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.23.22


śyāmaḿ hiraṇya-paridhiḿ vanamālya-barha-

dhātu-pravāla-naṭa-veṣam anavratāḿse

vinyasta-hastam itareṇa dhunānam abjaḿ





śyāmam — dark blue in complexion; hiraṇya — golden; paridhim — whose garment; vana-mālya — with a forest garland; barha — peacock feather; dhātu — colored minerals; pravāla — and sprigs of buds; naṭa — like a dancer upon the stage; veṣam — dressed; anuvrata — of a friend; aḿse — upon the shoulder; vinyasta — placed; hastam — His hand; itareṇa — with the other; dhunānam — twirling; abjam — a lotus; karṇa — upon His ears; utpala — lilies; alaka-kapola — with hair extending over His cheeks; mukha-abja — upon His lotuslike face; hāsam — having a smile.




His complexion was dark blue and His garment golden. Wearing a peacock feather, colored minerals, sprigs of flower buds, and a garland of forest flowers and leaves, He was dressed just like a dramatic dancer. He rested one hand upon the shoulder of a friend and with the other twirled a lotus. Lilies graced His ears, His hair hung down over His cheeks, and His lotuslike face was smiling.


This is from the yajña-patni lila. Thanks NC devotees for making me think of what lilas I might mime in a charade (Audarya Notes > Sri Caitanya Sangha North Carolina, GM's visit Nov. 2007; post #6).


Is there a book/collection of slokas like this for mantropasana-mayi meditation?

If not, I volunteer.

I still remember when I read about Krsna giving darsana to Mucukunda, coming out of the shadow with four arms, glowing in the darkness of the cave, moving his hips with the gaze of a deer. Aaaah, he is the best.