
about govardhana being non-different from krsna

Vivek - November 11, 2007 8:23 pm

The interesting subject of govardhan being krsna and servant of krsna was taken up on goardhan puja in finland. I mostly thought of a parallel between balarama and govardhana in this regard ( as balarama is also a servant of krsna and krsna both). But maybe my understanding is not sufficient. How do we distinguish between jiva being simultaneously one and different from krsna and govardhan being simultaneously one and different from krsna? Is govardhan manifested by balaram who presides over sandhini sakti?

Is govardhana direct expansion of krsna or to be counted among his sakti, i.e internal potency.


I posted this question in questions and answers section where it is more appropriate.