
Audarya Bay Area

Prema-bhakti - January 19, 2008 4:39 am

Jason and I are happy to share a project we have been working on for a year with GM's blessings. We have established Audarya Bay Area as a vehicle to facilitate organizing engagements in yoga centers in the greater bay area as well as placing GM's books in yoga center shops. We currently have a P.O. Box address, a phone number to take book orders and inquiries as well as a press packet. The packet includes a Swami bio with endorsements and a beautiful book catalogue, which we will send out to yoga centers. Hopefully we will gain some inroads and slowly establish a presence.


Thanks to Kamalaksa, Krsangi, Guru Nistha, Rasaraja, and Chris for their help in this endeavor.


If anyone has any suggestions or contacts they'd like to share please contact me at prema@swami.org or Jason at jason@swami.org

Zvonimir Tosic - January 19, 2008 11:54 am

What a wonderful idea! A beautiful project.

Thank you for sharing and I hope it will be very inspiring for you and all the people you meet.

I can only suggest setting up a very small website for convenient online ordering (maybe just taking orders for start, not even processing them) and arranging delivery. But maybe you already have that?

Well done.


Ys, Z

Braja-sundari Dasi - January 19, 2008 12:11 pm

Great news Prema! :)

Prema-bhakti - January 19, 2008 3:14 pm
What a wonderful idea! A beautiful project.

Thank you for sharing and I hope it will be very inspiring for you and all the people you meet.

I can only suggest setting up a very small website for convenient online ordering (maybe just taking orders for start, not even processing them) and arranging delivery. But maybe you already have that?

Well done.


Ys, Z


GM's books are available to order on the swami.org website. We thought it best in addition to the website to have a local number to call since we will be making visits and personal contact with most of these centers.

Jason - January 19, 2008 7:11 pm

I'm really excited about the potential of this project. We're putting the finishing touches on a few things and are hoping to have a few engagements later this spring and summer. The networking possibilities in the area are virtually endless, so this could really be a BIG thing.


It would be really great if when any of you stumble across any cool new yoga centers or potential contact for Prema and I to make, please just call the Audarya Bay Area number (510)704-0719 and leave a message for us. Messages will be checked daily and any input would be greatly appreciated!



Zvonimir Tosic - January 19, 2008 10:32 pm
GM's books are available to order on the swami.org website. We thought it best in addition to the website to have a local number to call since we will be making visits and personal contact with most of these centers.



Jason - January 29, 2008 5:17 am

Today, Audarya Bay Area mailed its first round of beautiful press packets to over 30 yoga and meditation centers in the Bay Area! Prema and I have been compiling quite a large spreadsheet of contacts over the last several months. Chris and I had a marathon of printing address labels, and stuffing and packing up envelopes last night for this first mailing.


Round number two should happen in another week or so and that's sizing up to be another 30+ centers! My list of yoga centers to contact is continuing to grow, and if just a fraction of these centers decide to host an event with Guru Maharaja, it could be a very eventful summer here! :Sigh:

