
When Srila Prabhupada was first called a shaktyavesha-avatara

Bhrigu - February 13, 2008 4:34 am

Greetings from Vrindavana dhama, dear brothers and sisters! I heard a story yesterday that I wanted to share with you. I have been going to the evening classes by Sripad Bhakti Niloy Mangala Maharaja, a senior disciple of Madhava Maharaja. Mangala Maharaja is something of a character, and he has come up with his own theory on the nature of the jiva which nobody else here accepts, but his classes are conveniently located just down the road at Vinoda Vani Gaudiya Matha, and he likes to speak English. At any rate, yesterday Maharaja spoke about when Srila Prabhupada was first called a shaktyavesha-avatara.


At the first commemoration meeting after "Swami Maharaja's" passing (I think he said in 1978), many people had gathered at Krishna-Balarama. Vishwambhar Deva Goswami presided, Bon Maharaja was vice-president, and all other disciples of Prabhupada (BSST) in Vrindavan were also there, such as Indupati Prabhu, Navin Krishna Prabhu, and Yajavar Maharaja. Maharaja was also there, at that time Mangal Niloy Brahmacari (yes, the same one that is mentioned in many early letters of our Prabhupada). Many talks were given. Brahmananda Maharaja's loud crying in separation was noted and appreciated. In his talk, Bon Maharaja said something "not so nice" (probably about "Swami Maharaja just preaching to low-class people") and everyone felt a little sad after it. However, then Yajavar Maharaja spoke, and called Swami Maharaja a shaktyavesha-avatara, and glorified him profusely. This created a bit of a stir. Afterwards, prasadam was served, and this was the first time many Gaudiya Matha devotees accepted prasadam at ISKCON, out of respect, even though it was of poor quality and a bit impure. (Indupati and Navin Krishna did not take prasada).


Afterwards, in Mayapur, Mangal Niloy reported about Yajavar Maharaja's remark to Madhava Maharaja. He said nothing (he was quite ill then), but another disciple of BSST in the room (I forget the name) spoke up heavily against such "atistuti", saying it was completely bogus.


However, Mangal Niloy did not leave it at that but went to Sridhar Maharaja in Navadvip for his opinion. Sridhar Maharaja listened, then sat silent and rubbed his head with his right hand for some time. He then spoke, saying that Yajavar had spoken from a neutral standpoint. Swami Maharaja was much his junior in the mission, and Yajavar Maharaja was "from brahmin stock". He could have no ulterior motives in speaking so, and it must be correct. It is according to our siddhanta and understanding as well. Swami Maharaja accomplished wonders, and must have had the avesha of Bhagavan.

Vivek - February 13, 2008 10:42 pm

What is his new theory on the nature of jiva bhrigu?

Bhrigu - February 14, 2008 4:04 am

Basically he is saying that the jiva is a part of Krishna's being (vastu), not of his energy (sakti), quoting Prabhupada's "part and parcel of the Lord" and the mamaiva.so-verse of the Gita. But he has not been able to get much (any really) support for this.

Vivek - February 14, 2008 3:59 pm

I think Ramanuja and Nimbarka are closer to that position but Madhava stresses the difference to the extreme and Chaitanya deva found Madhava's feeling very conducive for devotional service. Sometimes Prabhupada also says that when living entity is separated from krsna he feels pain like you feel when you body part gets disconnected from you.

Vamsidhari Dasa - February 14, 2008 4:32 pm

Thanks for the story Bhrigu. What I do not understand is how prasadam can be impure and low quality. If it is prasadam then it cannot have such adjectives attached to it. Wouldn't that be "aparadhic"? Just wondering.....

Rathi Krishna Dasa - February 14, 2008 6:59 pm

I believe they are referring to the consciousness and quality of those cooking it (Prabhupada's young American disciples for the most part) rather than the quality of the foodstuffs itself.



Thanks for the story Bhrigu. What I do not understand is how prasadam can be impure and low quality. If it is prasadam then it cannot have such adjectives attached to it. Wouldn't that be "aparadhic"? Just wondering.....
Vamsidhari Dasa - February 14, 2008 9:51 pm
I believe they are referring to the consciousness and quality of those cooking it (Prabhupada's young American disciples for the most part) rather than the quality of the foodstuffs itself.

But once it has been touched by lords lips how can it be impure?????

Syamasundara - February 14, 2008 10:00 pm

That's probably the point. The Lord accepts it to the extent that the consciousness of the cook is pure, and that's probably what they were questioning, and I guess ultimately their affection and dedication to SP, and SP's sakti :D

Zvonimir Tosic - February 14, 2008 10:17 pm
But once it has been touched by lords lips how can it be impure?????


What they were thinking at the moment .. it can be anything, but in this story narrator also says that a layer of cultural bias was visible too. And it's quite understandable that it has caused a counter-effect on the other side, then bounced back again mixed together with other waves of disharmony, which eventually distanced two parties further away.


And who can absorb such waves of fury when they become wild and almost uncontrollable? Usually those innocent ones, endlessly compassionate and good people, who have the capacity to love and forget, who can absorb the blows that would otherwise destroy others. Kind people like Srila Sridhara Maharaja.

Madan Gopal Das - February 14, 2008 10:39 pm
But once it has been touched by lords lips how can it be impure?????

With some creeping in of caste consciousness (after all, some of these sadhus have "high" births) food cooked by non-brahmanas of questionable background becomes an issue over which to draw lines. It is an issue of faith in the supremacy of bhakti, and that the white converts are doing bhakti. With time most people saw the sincerity of the converts and accepted them as bhaktas.

Bhrigu - February 16, 2008 4:14 am

As I understood Maharaja, they were suspicious of both the quality of the devotion and the ingredients themselves. I think he said that the food had been standing in the sun, unprotected from flies, for hours. But the main thing is that some of them didn't know what to make of Srila Prabhupada's young disciples.