
References in relation to the fall issue

Atmananda Dasa - February 18, 2008 9:46 pm

Please excuse me for bringing up this topic again. I am trying to find references on the issues of the jivas position in relationship to the material world. What is really missing for me is specific sastric references as well as references from the commentaries of the acaryas. This may have been discussed previously on Tattva Viveka. I searched and I did find one thread that was started by Viveka Prabhu in april of 2007. I am particularly interested to know where references can be found that establish the anadi karma of the baddha jivas, the eternal position of the nitya siddha jiva, the fact that the jiva does not fall from the spiritual world to the material world. Also, some points that come from Srila Prabhupada's conversations, lectures, purports etc.

Audarya-lila Dasa - February 18, 2008 10:56 pm

I think we have discussed this topic before, but it may be hidden in a thread whose topic was something other than jiva origen. Anadi karma is discussed in Vedanta Sutra - I don't have the text with me at work, but if I get the time I'll look it up tonight and post the verse. Otherwise, even though I haven't read the text, I understand from good authority that Kundali dasa and Satyanarayana dasas' book 'In Vaikuntha not even the leaves fall' is a good book for references.


You can also read here:



You will find quite a bit to read in this article by Bhakti Bhavana Vishnu Maharaja.

Zvonimir Tosic - February 18, 2008 11:06 pm
... I understand from good authority that Kundali dasa and Satyanarayana dasas' book 'In Vaikuntha not even the leaves fall' ...


So there's no autumn in Vaikuntha? Just eternal summer or what?

Autumn is my favourite season! :D


In autumn, gentle breeze is shimmering golden leaves up in the trees, as each is trying to reflect Radha's complexion, the colour of her cheeks and the dance of her hair. And in the night, storms rumble up in the sky and drops of rain are falling down, flowing like pearls upon invisible silky strings, finally reaching and kissing the ground, tracks and flower petals left behind by cows and the all charming lord Madhava.

Atmananda Dasa - February 19, 2008 12:14 am
I think we have discussed this topic before, but it may be hidden in a thread whose topic was something other than jiva origen. Anadi karma is discussed in Vedanta Sutra - I don't have the text with me at work, but if I get the time I'll look it up tonight and post the verse. Otherwise, even though I haven't read the text, I understand from good authority that Kundali dasa and Satyanarayana dasas' book 'In Vaikuntha not even the leaves fall' is a good book for references.


You can also read here:



You will find quite a bit to read in this article by Bhakti Bhavana Vishnu Maharaja.


Braja-sundari Dasi - February 19, 2008 5:28 pm
So there's no autumn in Vaikuntha? Just eternal summer or what?

Autumn is my favourite season! :D


Don`t cry Zvonimir. We are going to Goloka. They have beautiful Autumn there :rolleyes::)

Audarya-lila Dasa - February 19, 2008 5:29 pm

Sorry I thought the link would take you directly to the article. Click on Articles at the bottom of the page and then open the article entitled 'Jiva-tattva'.