
Sri Chaitanya Sanga on the www

Atmananda Dasa - February 21, 2008 2:46 pm

Dear Vaisnavas,


It seems that there are a few major webpages that serve the worldwide community of vaisnavas, Sampradaya Sun, Dandavats, etc. Some members of our sanga also post material there. We are, however, at the mercy of the administators of those sites and subject to their censor. I think it would be a beneficial service to the worldwide community of devotees to have our own space to publish writings on the web.


Maybe this has been discussed in the past. Does anyone have any thoughts about this?

Atmananda Dasa - February 21, 2008 3:19 pm

Maybe I could just share my own thoughts about it to start with...


I can only imagine that it would have a powerfully positive effect on the worldwide community of vaisnavas. The genius and glory of the hearts and minds in this sanga is a very beautiful thing to witness. The thought of seeing Swami's writings read more and more is like seeing the sun rise on a new chapter of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. The thought of sharing Archana Siddhi and Karnamrta's very wholesome and nuturing insights, Babhru's tried and true wisdom, Bhrigu's authoritative scholarship, Madan Gopala's hearfelt enthusiasm, Vivek's philisophical genius, Shyamasundar's witty and poignant perspectives.... This sanga has alot to give and it would be a glorious thing to give the greater community of vaisnavas access to all that mercy.


I hope I haven't gone too far here... :P

Atmananda Dasa - February 21, 2008 4:03 pm

And... Dhanurdar Swami, Paramadvaiti Swami, Nrsimha Maharaja and others can could also have a place to publish together on one website... If they desire to do so.

Atmananda Dasa - February 21, 2008 4:42 pm

Does anyone have any ideas for domain names?

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 21, 2008 5:15 pm
And... Dhanurdar Swami, Paramadvaiti Swami, Nrsimha Maharaja and others can could also have a place to publish together on one website... If they desire to do so.


I thought Vina is such a website.

Atmananda Dasa - February 21, 2008 5:34 pm
I thought Vina is such a website.

Thank you for that input

Syamasundara - February 21, 2008 6:29 pm

Really? That's not the vina i remember.

Atmananda Dasa - February 21, 2008 6:54 pm

As far as I know Dhanurdar Swami has not published anything on Vina. Here is the address to read an article that was published on a blog called Bhakti Collective.



Syama Gopala Dasa - February 21, 2008 9:17 pm

this has been discussed in the past, but can't find the thread right now.

It spoke about vnn.org too, but that never made it through.

Zvonimir Tosic - February 21, 2008 9:59 pm

What I believe would be nice is one article about Swami in Wikipedia. I mean, he really deserves that. There are already few articles there mentioning his words. With up to date list of his books and with a nice image of him, maybe one with him embracing the little cow (that one's really cute) and the next day will look so much brighter.

I'm ready to help if needed.

Babhru Das - February 22, 2008 1:58 am
Dear Vaisnavas,


It seems that there are a few major webpages that serve the worldwide community of vaisnavas, Sampradaya Sun, Dandavats, etc. Some members of our sanga also post material there. We are, however, at the mercy of the administators of those sites and subject to their censor. I think it would be a beneficial service to the worldwide community of devotees to have our own space to publish writings on the web.


Maybe this has been discussed in the past. Does anyone have any thoughts about this?

As Syama Gopala says, we discussed this extensively a while ago (I couldn't find the thread, either), and we had a plan to revive VNN. I still think something like this would be a good idea, but I wonder if other projects might not make it a stretch. When we can pull it off, it will be a nice service to our guru varga and the vaishnava community.

Vivek - February 22, 2008 7:08 pm

I think I had brought up the issue about an article on Maharaja and Gaurangi Priya seconded it. Maharaj gave permission for the article but nobody really wrote it eventually.