
Help needed: Sapta-mrittika for the opening homa!

Bhrigu - February 27, 2008 10:11 am

Dear devotees, I need help with one ingredient needed for the homa for opening the new temple: sapta-mrittika. It basically means seven kinds of auspicious and pure clay/ earth. These seven should be taken from:


1) a horse stable

2) an elephant stable

3) an anthill

4) a river confluence

5) a lake

6) a goshala

7) a veranda


I am sure that nrs. 3, 6 & 7 are available at Audarya, but I need help with the rest. We don't have a single elephant here in Finland, but perhaps someone lives near a zoo which has one? Please post here if you can bring any of these to Audarya for the festival. We need only very small quantities, perhaps 3 tablespoons of each.

Syamasundara - February 27, 2008 10:28 am

You've got to be kidding me :Sick:


Well I've got the big ole San Diego Zoo right here, but I ain't paying $30 to get in. I wonder if I can explain the situation (vaguely) to someone of the staff, and maybe use the magic keyword (religion) so people become all liberal and available.

What concerns me is the anthill. I haven't seen ants making hills outside of Africa and Asia.

Recognizing where ants live in all that mud around Audarya must be a real challenge, too.

Bhrigu - February 27, 2008 10:58 am

My wife also thought that I was kidding, but I am quite serious. For a big occasion like this, I think it would be cool to get all the details right, instead of as usually substituting them with something else.


As for anthills, I am sure it doesn't have to be one of those big, hard termite-hills (I've never seen them in India either) but just any regular anthill. Not sure how pleased they would be to have some of their house torn away, but it is all for a good purpose...

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 27, 2008 12:04 pm

Well I thought that needle of a porcupine was the most strange thing that one may need to do some homa. I was wrong... :lol:

Babhru Das - February 27, 2008 12:13 pm

Earth from an anthill is easy. This place is made of them. If getting it at Audarya is at all troublesome, let me know, and I'll get some from my wife's front yard--or fromt he temple, or wherever.

Vrindaranya Dasi - February 27, 2008 12:28 pm

I actually don't remember seeing any anthills at Audarya, so bring it from Florida by all means!

Babhru Das - February 27, 2008 2:08 pm

You got it!

Hari Bhakti - February 27, 2008 4:28 pm

I happen to live very near the confluence of the Willamette River and the Columbia River, let me know if you would like me to bring some clay for the homa.

Bhrigu - February 27, 2008 6:11 pm

That would be great, Hari Bhakti! Thank you! And thanks for the anthill-earth, Babhru! Four down, three to go!

Syamasundara - February 27, 2008 6:19 pm

I must admit the first post in this thread made me smile, as this hasn't really been our style in doing things, no matter how important an event is.

However, I recognize there is a lot of potency in this. Going out of my way to get the dust stepped on by elephants for Mahaprabhu, doing something I'd never do, like when GM suggested the O'Hara airport authorities to change the name into O Hare (or something), just because SP brought it up.

Even just getting clay from a river confluence is not as challenging, but still such an act out of the ordinary, made exclusively for Mahaprabhu, and that will carry that consciousness during the yajña.

So, I am honored to go get the dirt from the zoo, or at least try. Short of that, I can't think of any other place where elephants hang out.


If I think you've just come back from India...

Syamasundara - February 27, 2008 6:25 pm

However, I'd like everyone to do this while keeping in mind that should any of this fall through (like I just thought: "What if I collect the dust in a plastic bag and then it breaks? I should get a plastic container."), Audarya dust will be more than a suitable replacement for anything, or sweep GM's room.

Syama Gopala Dasa - February 27, 2008 6:38 pm
However, I'd like everyone to do this while keeping in mind that should any of this fall through (like I just thought: "What if I collect the dust in a plastic bag and then it breaks? I should get a plastic container."), Audarya dust will be more than a suitable replacement for anything, or sweep GM's room.


Why would you like that?


Edit: Never mind I'm reading things, you're not saying.

Bhrigu - February 27, 2008 6:56 pm
If I think you've just come back from India...


Yes, but back then I still thought I wouldn't make it to the festival...


I know details such as this may not be "our style", Syamu, but I thought that what the heck, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so why not make it really special and go all the way (wait till you see the kusha brahmana!). The saptamrttika has a minimal part in the homa (or rather the vastu-mandala-puja -- it is just one of several ingredients in the kalashas), but I thought that if different people bring earth from different places, it would be a nice way to come together and celebrate our different backgrounds. Already we have earth from the Columbia river and from Florida!


Too bad the vastu-mandala-puja is not done in the Sri Vaishnava way. I would get to dress up in a black dhoti and uttariya... :lol:

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - February 27, 2008 9:41 pm

I’m planning to thoroughly enjoy Bhrigu’s solemn performance of our traditional religious rites and humbly participate if I’m in luck. I’m sure demigods are already fighting for the best sits to shower flower petals from the sky on this auspicious occasion.

Syamasundara - February 27, 2008 10:04 pm
Why would you like that?


Edit: Never mind I'm reading things, you're not saying.


Yeah I know, it sounded weird, like I was teaching or admonishing somebody. It's just that I got inspired by my own thought and I thought I'd share it.

Vamsidhari Dasa - February 28, 2008 7:39 am

bhrigu you are amazing. i am so impressed and cant wait for the super excellent rights you will perform. syam, what is your problem? just let it be. what he is trying to do is great and that so many people are gathering things for the whole globe for this event is fantastic. what a fortunate group we are. I only wish that i had an elephant. i dont even know what this is that bhrigu is going to do but i love it already!!!!!

Madan Gopal Das - February 28, 2008 9:01 am

We can cover the lake and horse stable dirt. Should I keep them separate? :lol:

Looking forward to seeing your fancy moves Bhrigu, though I was hoping to see some fancy clothes too. Purple instead of black?? :Praying:

Bhrigu - February 28, 2008 12:09 pm

Thanks, Madan! Yes, keep the two separate for now. The only missing one is now the elephant-mud. Let me know if you succeed in getting some, Shyamu. I have a plan B if it doesn't work out.

Syamasundara - February 28, 2008 3:47 pm

Vamsi, what is my problem for saying this?

However, I recognize there is a lot of potency in this. Going out of my way to get the dust stepped on by elephants for Mahaprabhu, doing something I'd never do, like when GM suggested the O'Hara airport authorities to change the name into O Hare (or something), just because SP brought it up.

Even just getting clay from a river confluence is not as challenging, but still such an act out of the ordinary, made exclusively for Mahaprabhu, and that will carry that consciousness during the yajña.

So, I am honored to go get the dirt from the zoo, or at least try.


I don't know, you tell me, since you seem to express the same opinion in your post.


Bhrigu, I can't go before Monday, but I guess I could call before to enquire.

Vivek - February 28, 2008 5:01 pm
Thanks, Madan! Yes, keep the two separate for now. The only missing one is now the elephant-mud. Let me know if you succeed in getting some, Shyamu. I have a plan B if it doesn't work out.

Bhrigu I am dying to see you as you are more Indian than me. :lol:

Bhrigu - February 28, 2008 5:22 pm

No need to go, Shyamu, my plan B just worked out. A friend of mine picked up some earth from the Maharaja's elephant-stable in Mysore! You won't get any more bona-fide elephant-earth than that! :lol: So now all the seven are covered. But if you can bring those two clay pots we mailed about earlier I would be most thankful.


I'm dying to meet you too, Vivek, and everyone else! This will be a great festival!

Madan Gopal Das - February 28, 2008 6:06 pm

damn we have a cool sangha!

Syamasundara - February 29, 2008 6:38 am
No need to go, Shyamu, my plan B just worked out. A friend of mine picked up some earth from the Maharaja's elephant-stable in Mysore! You won't get any more bona-fide elephant-earth than that! :Praying: So now all the seven are covered. But if you can bring those two clay pots we mailed about earlier I would be most thankful.


I wonder if I should be plan B then, because, not to jinx it, but you are not allowed to bring soil into the US, and if for some reason they check your baggage... At least I'm already in California; but even then, that would cover only the elephant dirt, they could stop those who fly into CA from NC just as well... anyway, let's keep our fingers crossed. :lol:


Too bad I won't take part in this transcendental treasure hunt, but I guess I already have my hands busy as far as clay and the festival.

The kumbhas for the yajña are ready. Sorta, they need to get fired, glazed and fired again. I even managed to make them similar looking (which is so tough)! I actually made them by mistake when the altar vases flopped. I thought I already had the altar vases done, but my teacher said they were way too thick to fire, and they might explode, so I destroyed a couple while trimming them, and the remaining ones I just realized they are too small and would tip off with flowers inside. So tomorrow I'm starting over again, but I should have time before the 18th. The kalashas for the abhisekha are done, though! Just brought them home. So funky looking, but cute.

By the way, any decorative theme for the kumbhas? I was gonna make one reddish and one bluish, but I could always paint auspicious symbols, if you tell me which.

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 29, 2008 8:43 am
I wonder if I should be plan B then, because, not to jinx it, but you are not allowed to bring soil into the US, and if for some reason they check your baggage... At least I'm already in California; but even then, that would cover only the elephant dirt, they could stop those who fly into CA from NC just as well... anyway, let's keep our fingers crossed. :lol:



I was also thinking about it. Usually they don`t check it but in case they do everyone has to prepare some good answer

Bhrigu - February 29, 2008 3:49 pm

Yes, that's a good idea, Shyamu. I've heard of devotees bringing literally suitcases of Vrindavan-dust into the States, but we just might get unlucky.


Great to hear that the kumbhas are ready! One more thing to tick off on my list, then. You don't need to add any decoration, but if you want to, svastikas are always good (svasti).

Vamsidhari Dasa - March 2, 2008 2:58 am

I would not worry just dont say you are bringiung it put it in your luggage in some cream or cosmetics small containers or something. if they ask you you can say that it is a face mud. same with water. just dont put it in the carry on. if you need more smuggling advice let me know.

Rathi Krishna Dasa - March 2, 2008 4:50 am
if you need more smuggling advice let me know.


sketchy. :lol:



Syama Gopala Dasa - March 2, 2008 6:17 pm
sketchy. :Whistle:




Italy meets Yugoslavia ;)

Vamsidhari Dasa - March 4, 2008 6:49 am
Italy meets Yugoslavia ;)



:Whistle:;) ;) :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:

Zvonimir Tosic - March 4, 2008 11:39 am
By the way, any decorative theme for the kumbhas? I was gonna make one reddish and one bluish, but I could always paint auspicious symbols, if you tell me which.


Apart from the history in the last 60 years, swastika has been auspicious symbol for millennia. But that's changing again, and its meaning coming back to its original state.

The other option is to paint smileys :Whistle:

Also, for me, auspicious symbol would be the whole Latin alphabet. Ancient Sanskrit text and old wisdom have been reborn in a new environment, in a whole new alphabet, breathing an all new, dynamic life in the West. I find that to be very auspicious.