
Return of the Swami Call on Sunday March 16, 2008

Prema-bhakti - March 6, 2008 8:35 pm

I am very happy to inform you that the Swami Calls will resume Sunday, March 16th. Same time. Same number. If you aren’t already on my call reminder list and would like to be in order to receive a weekly reminder at your email address please contact me at prema@swami.org.


Dandavats. Jai Sri Guru and Gauranga.


On Sunday, March 16, 2008 Swami B.V. Tripurari will be answering questions on his weekly “Swami Call.”


Swami will begin speaking promptly at 11:30 am (Eastern Standard Time). Participants are urged to start calling in at 11:15 am. The number to call is 1-605-990-0400 after you get connected, you will then be prompted to enter an access code. The code is 761074 followed by the “#” key. Every time a person joins the conference a chime will be heard. At that time Karnamrita and/or Arcanasiddhi will greet you and you can let them know if you have a question for Swami.


We would like to thank Karnamrita and Arcanasiddhi Prabhus for their continued effort in providing this wonderful opportunity for sadhu sanga.


Please let me know if I can be of any further service.


Your servant,


Atmananda Dasa - March 7, 2008 1:01 am
:Whistle: Thank you Krishna!!! Thank you!!!! ;)
Syamasundara - March 7, 2008 6:11 am

Oh man... even now that I am in the same time zone and I have unlimited minutes on my phone I can't participate, because I'm working :(


I wonder if I can call and evesdrop while working at the harbor and pitching to people. Are the participants muted and Karnamrta asks the questions on their behalf, or should I mute my microphone?

Prema-bhakti - March 8, 2008 3:25 am
Oh man... even now that I am in the same time zone and I have unlimited minutes on my phone I can't participate, because I'm working :(


I wonder if I can call and evesdrop while working at the harbor and pitching to people. Are the participants muted and Karnamrta asks the questions on their behalf, or should I mute my microphone?


Mute your phone and you can listen in without disturbing the call.

Prema-bhakti - March 10, 2008 6:55 pm
I wonder if I can call and evesdrop while working at the harbor and pitching to people. Are the participants muted and Karnamrta asks the questions on their behalf, or should I mute my microphone?


You can unmute to ask a question to Guru Maharaja.

Abhay Krsna Dasa - March 14, 2008 1:56 am

I am really looking forward to this!!! It will be great to hear the devotees again, it has been to long!!!

Abhay Krsna Dasa - March 14, 2008 2:23 am

Just so I can better prepare, how long do the calls usually last for??





Prema-bhakti - March 14, 2008 2:29 am
Just so I can better prepare, how long do the calls usually last for??






One hour.