
Gifts for Guru Maharaja

Nitaisundara Das - March 16, 2008 3:44 am

For those who have gifts for Guru Maharaja, he will be accepting and opening gifts in a ceremony at some point during the festival. Please contact me so we can make a list and then call people forward to present their gifts to Guru Maharaja during the ceremony.


Also, Guru Maharaja is looking for a copy of Windows 2000 with authorization code. Yes I did say Windows 2000 as opposed to a newer version, Window XP does not seem to work as well for his needs on Parallels.


Guru Maharaja is in need of both a desk lamp and 2 floor lamps, the desk lamp and one floor lamp for his office and one floor lamp for his Vyasasana when he is giving class in the new temple room. These are the two he wants: both in black






Contact me before buying so that he doesn't end up with 4 of them.


Guru Maharaja will also need other furnishings for his house, such as a desk, a chair, etc. If you are interested in funding these things please e-mail me.


My email is Nitai@Swami.org


see you all soon

Nitaisundara Das - March 16, 2008 11:21 pm

Just wanted to bump this topic to the top to make sure people saw it, not to downplay the conference call recordings or anything.... :)

Nitaisundara Das - March 19, 2008 4:27 pm

Agni and Ratna have bought the desk lamp. The other two floor lamps are still available to buy for Guru Maharaja.

Gandiva Dasi - March 19, 2008 8:42 pm
Just wanted to bump this topic to the top to make sure people saw it, not to downplay the conference call recordings or anything.... ;)


No problemo mi amigo. :dance: This is from Prema, btw. I've temporarily merged with Gandiva.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 20, 2008 3:25 am

I will bring copy of Windows 2000 Pro.

Nitaisundara Das - March 20, 2008 4:30 am
I will bring copy of Windows 2000 Pro.

Great. Thank you

Babhru Das - March 20, 2008 7:09 pm

I've ordered one of the floor lamps.