
Do you want to go to your mother?

Babhru Das - May 27, 2008 7:30 pm

Bhurijana posted this on Dandavats:


Srila Jiva Gosvami describes kumara Krsna’s playing with Balarama and Their friends in the Vrindavana forest just after they have begun to care for the young calves.


Sri Jiva describes:


“After arranging that the calves eat the green grass that surrounded them, the boys playing until lunchtime. At that time Krsna and Balarama played Their flutes. They and Their friends hurled fruit and other projectiles at each other, kicked each other with angling-anklet-adorned feet, and enjoyed mock-fighting pastimes in imitation of bulls fighting amongst themselves.


They enjoyed water-pastimes, and, decorating themselves with forest-ornaments, They wandered about. The two brothers became filled with wonder upon seeing the varieties birds and animals within the forest. They playfully began imitating the sounds of the animals, but when They imitated the roar of some dangerous forest-beast, Their friends became, for a moment, frightened. They then enjoyed pastimes of wrestling. Grabbing each others’ heels, they made a great commotion.


Krsna and Balarama continued to watch as the calves ate grass and drank water. Krsna approached one calf, massaged the calf’s face and limbs, hugged the calf, and said in the calf’s ear, “Do you want to go to your mother? I will take you to her.”

Wilfredo Flores - May 28, 2008 12:02 am

Hare Krsna Babhru Prabhu,


This is a nice pastime we could try to envision while chanting. Thank you for posting here. That last line, when Krsna asks, "Do you want to go to your mother?", is compelling. Is He talking about Radha? Or is this the way we should think of Krsna? Or is it a metaphor as to how we should feel in our search for Him? Like little calves, longing for our Mother's care. This is a very nice story to try to remember and meditate on.


Recently, I've also been thinking about what it means to be a kanistha devotee. I've been hearing the term a lot lately and was wondering what the qualities of such a devotee are. I understand there are more advanced stages than this, but considering this is where I find myself, if at that stage, I was wondering what it actually means, to be kanistha?


If correct I understand that it means neophyte and basically one who is trying to advance spiritually. My question is at what stage does one become a kanistha? Is it a stage one gradually gets to after initiation or is one automatically kanistha just by sincerely inquiring about Krsna.


Any thoughts? Excuse such lame questions. But how else can I learn if I don't make a bigger fool of myself? :Cool:


One more question. Is there anyway to find out what Guru Maharaj's schedule is? Does he do much traveling to the east coast?


By the way, glad to see your posts.

Hope all is well with you.


Hare Krsna,

Jai Gauranga

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!



Bhakta Wil

Syamasundara - May 28, 2008 12:55 am

That was so nice, everything was so vivid.



I wouldn't think of all that while chanting, maybe focus on the mantra itself, so that one day that scenario will spring in your heart naturally.

As far as your questions, I don't quite understand them, I think he just meant to take the calf to his or her mother, a cow.

For a moment I identified myself with that little calf, toddling behind Krsna happy to go wherever he would take me; who cares about my mother, unless that gives him pleasure.


Kanistha (smallest), madhyama (medium) and uttama (highest) are terms used by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his generous analysis of how bhakti expresses itself in human society. Actually, a Vaisnava proper can't but be an uttama adhikari, the one who corresponds with all the descriptions of the Gita and the Bhagavatam.

However, as it's also said, a green mango is still a mango. So, that's where we belong, somewhere along the path of maturity.


There are very precise descriptions given about the three stages, but I don't have any source. I'd have to google it, but in the meantime, you could do just the same.