
Verse translations from Swami's Bhagavad-gita

Zvonimir Tosic - May 30, 2008 7:00 am

Dear everyone


When referring to certain verses and thoughts from Bhagavad-gita, many of us use verses available elsewhere, especially online because it's convenient; in my case, I use vedabase.net.


However, we also have Swami's Bhagavad-gita, Its Feeling and Philosophy and I was thinking how it would be nice if we can use his verse translations when referring to Gita. I mean, that is the edition of Gita all of us here appreciate and reflect upon.


I wanted to ask Swami humbly, is it possible we somehow obtain just his verse translations in some digital form? We can use them with transliteration from the Vedabase if needed. For many people those new English translations can give some subtle tastes of Swami's work and reflect the idea where we get our inspiration from. I don't know is this the appropriate way to ask, but I hoped others had similar desire at some stage as well.


Whether you answer favourably or otherwise, I thank you wholeheartedly.