
Swami's Reflections - Desktop Widget

Zvonimir Tosic - June 14, 2008 5:52 am

Swami's Reflections is a beautiful blog and I think many can enjoy reading it and .. reflecting upon it, of course.


Thus I've programmed a Dashboard Widget called Reflections, that installs itself onto your Macintosh computers, and feeds itself with Swami's latest entries.

I hope you'll like it and recommend to your friends. Once it's installed on your Mac, whenever you access your Dashboard you can read Swami's latest blog articles. When you click on article's heading, you are forwarded directly onto his webpage.


Minimum requirement for this widget to work is Mac OS X 10.4.3. (that's OS X Tiger).


What is Dashboard?

Dashboard is an application for Apple's Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger and Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard operating systems, used for hosting mini-applications known as widgets. It is a semi-transparent layer that is invisible to the user unless activated by clicking an icon on the Dock or pressing a hotkey, which can be set to the user's preference.


Why design a widget with Swami's blog?

To many people computer screens are their workspaces today. Widgets are very popular additions to the Macintosh operating system and many are downloadable at www.apple.com. Lots of IT field experts, artists and writers share widgets with their community to stay in touch without any need to launch web browsers or open email clients. In other words, you become a part of the operating system. I use Dashboard widgets frequently, whether to see what's the weather forecast, world's clock, to access Dictionary, trace FedEx shipments, etc. Now I can't imagine my work without them! So, why not see Swami's newest articles and his smiling face to cheer up our days?


To paraphrase Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, widgets are so popular because they're handy, small, beautiful and completely unobtrusive.


Please try this one, if you find some time, and if you like it, we can advertise it on www.apple.com and among all your friends and online world.


Here's how it looks on screen:



You can download widget here (300 KB ZIP file).


As many beautiful things in this world, this widget doesn't work on Windows, unfortunately. You must have a Mac. However, for those die-hard Windows users among us, when you purchase your next computer, get a Mac. Since 2 years ago all Macs can run both Mac OS X and Windows operating systems natively -- no emulation needed! So in one affordable Mac computer you actually get both a Mac and a PC.


Illustration used in this widget is by Dhira Lalita devi and it is a portrait of Swami with little cows. If there are some copyright issues, etc., I'll replace it with a new one.

Thank you all.

Syama Gopala Dasa - June 14, 2008 11:51 am

This is great, Zvonimir!!!


I read GM's blog in my feed reader, but love this add-on as well.


Perhaps we could make smth with GM's citations from eg Sanga's?

Zvonimir Tosic - June 14, 2008 9:47 pm
This is great, Zvonimir!!!

I read GM's blog in my feed reader, but love this add-on as well.

Perhaps we could make smth with GM's citations from eg Sanga's?


Haribol Syama Gopal, thank you for your reply.


Yes, of course, Sanga snippets would be wonderful (better word is perfect).

Zvonimir Tosic - July 3, 2008 1:48 pm

Well, I don't know whom to ask, but I'll just leave my note here, hoping someone may know more about the issue...

I hope you're enjoying and reflecting upon this wonderful blog. To make blogs even more popular, comments are always welcome and they contribute popularity of the blog. They also keep search engines active and with more indexing it's more likely people will find this blog in cyberspace.


Thus I wanted to leave a short comment after the latest post; although it seemed to me everything went through -- the page refreshed itself and it showed my note (yes, all details were filled in) -- the change actually didn't happen. The page displayed my note upon refreshment, but it also displayed "no comments yet" after it, which I cannot explain; that note shouldn't be there (or my comment shouldn't be there). It could be some publishing software/DB glitch? My browser glitch?


I didn't want to post my note few times again, because I didn't want to be perceived as a spammer and/or a person who wastes everyone's time in self indulgence. Things can be misinterpreted easily.


However, this experience concerns me because: (1) there are no comments on Swami's several latest posts at all, and (2) it happened to me once before in this same blog. It may well be that a same or a similar glitch repeated to others?


I was using Safari v.3 on OS X, and later on I've checked the page again from a different computer; the comment wasn't there. I can't offer any more thoughts except my concerns; I don't know which software is used to publish Swami's blog, how everything was set, etc. Hopefully someone who reads this may have right answers and a nice solution.

Syama Gopala Dasa - July 3, 2008 4:27 pm

All comments are approved by Guru Maharaj first before they show up on the blog. This is quite standard practice with most blogs.


I can see yours now. Please check again.

Zvonimir Tosic - July 3, 2008 10:24 pm
All comments are approved by Guru Maharaj first before they show up on the blog. This is quite standard practice with most blogs.

I can see yours now. Please check again.


Ah, thank you!