
Mendocino County Fires

Nitaisundara Das - June 24, 2008 4:40 pm

As some of you may have heard there are over 500 fires right now in Northern California, about 130 of them in Mendocino county where we are. They were caused by lightning on friday night and saturday morning. For a day or so it was smoky here and sunday morning there was ash in the air. By sunday afterneoon we could see smoke from 1 to 3 fires on the other side of the first ridge that is directly visible if looking out from Guru Maharaja's deck. The fires were clearly near the top of the ridge and during the night we began to see red glowing from behind the trees. By 3 am monday morning we could see small flames slightly on our side of the mountain, they seemed to be on the ground and not in the trees. We then saw one tree catch on fire, that is the picture below with the zigzag red line. Throughout monday it was really smoky in the morning which makes it hard to see if there was fire on the ridge all day, or specifically where. One of the pictures below is of how smoky the air was monday morning. They were working most of the day with bulldozers and chainsaws, moving from one area to another. Right now it seems like they may have been successful putting out 1 of the original 3. By Monday night a 4th one further down on the right was smoking and we could see little fire by sunset. Overnight that part continued to burn and it and one other have slightly crept onto the side of the ridge facing us. If it was dark we would probably see fire in two locations. The last picture below is today and the other smoke one is yesterday. Right now there are 3 total on the ridge which are easily identifiable, two slightly facing us and one still on the other side. There are quit possibly more but they are hard to discern.


We have been told that the biggest threat would be from the area behind the temple, where far away a fire has caused a voluntary evacuation. We have been monitoring this area but only saw distant glowing in the night. To us it seems the closer area is more relevant.


We are ready to evacuate if it came to that, we have a plan made up, cars and trailer ready, essentials packed. We have 4 couples including Brahma and Lila who are ready to help, mostly with cows. There is a group who is assisting people with evacuating livestock so they would come with more trailers and help us and the local fairgrounds is accepting livestock to hold. We are quite prepared.


I know everyone will be concerned but it is easiest for us if people don't call because already so many people are calling and neighbors coming by to talk and we are still maintaining our normal schedule with a very small crew(3 people). If we need anything we will not be shy to call you all.


We spoke with Guru Maharaja today and he is aware of everything and will be in touch.


If you want more info I suggest google "Mendocino Fire 2008" anything with the date june 20 until now is about the current situation.


Please don't worry about us, all the fires have moved very slow so far and we don't think in all likelihood anything will happen.


Jaya Guru Maharaja! Jaya Audarya dhama! Jaya Madhuvana dhama

Nitaisundara dasa






Nitaisundara Das - June 24, 2008 4:44 pm

Also if you want to hear more you can stream the radio station kyzx & z. They usually give some update on every half-hour, although chances are that they will not mention us specifically, although they have at times.

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 24, 2008 5:22 pm

I am so glad you guys are OK. Please be careful and DON'T INHALE!

Gaura-Vijaya Das - June 24, 2008 6:03 pm

Why are there only 3. You, braja sundari, gaurasundar, tadiya, mayapura makes it 5 right.

Babhru Das - June 24, 2008 7:40 pm

Mayapura is at Madhuvana in Costa Rica. But I was thinking there were 4: Nitai, Gaurasundara, Braja, and Tadiya. Whose departure did I miss?

Braja-sundari Dasi - June 24, 2008 10:45 pm

Tadiya is not here... she is on her way back to Finland. She left just one day before whole thing began.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - June 25, 2008 12:03 am

Is she alright, she went back because of visa problems, did she?

Swami - June 25, 2008 12:47 am

I am now in almost constant contact with Citta Hari, Brahma, and the Audarya-vais from a hotel room internet. The situation at Audarya is serious and all the cows and Deities have been evacuated. Fire is now about 30% down the ridge that one sees from my deck. Helicopters are trying to stop it with water, but the fire department is understaffed. It is moving slowly down the hill, but if it reaches the bottom and leaps the creek it will fly up the hill, at which point we will have to run.


Citta Hari is on his way to Audaya, as is Gopisvara with his moving van. We are trying to assemble a crew to clear brush and dig trenches around the building in a last ditch effort to save the buildings if the fire comes up the hill.


If the fire is still burning down hill tomorrow morning, I will try to jump on a plane and return.


Please don't call Audarya unless you can be of service, and if you can, get up there. The situation is serious.

Madan Gopal Das - June 25, 2008 1:19 am

:Big Grin: :Praying: :Praying:


Kartamisana, you've swallowed bigger forest fires than this...

Gandiva Dasi - June 25, 2008 1:26 am

I saw the fires on the news this morning. I'm Praying for the safety of the devotees , temple, and quarters. Praying for heavy rain.


I don't know any thing about brush fires or if any of the fire blocking gels to spray on buildings are effective but I found a site with a retailer in Ukiah;


Hallywood Fire Equipment

Chris Hall

1621 Talmage Road

Ukiah, CA 95482

Phone: 707-462-3722

Toll-free: 866-930-3722

Fax: 707-462-4933




The website is http://www.firegel.com/

Babhru Das - June 25, 2008 1:38 am

My younger daughter, Lalasamayi, called an hour ago to ask how serious the situation is. Based on Nitai's earlier note, I told her it was serious, but I wasn't really worried then. Now I am. I wish I were there to help. I would also be grateful for a good, heavy rain, but I know it's too late in the year to expect it. And my weather.com desktop thingie, still set for Philo, says chances of rain tonight and tomorrow are slim to none.

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 2:22 am

This is pretty shocking. I wish I had the money to fly up. Can somebody provide a good link for the status pictures? I haven't been successful.

Swami - June 25, 2008 2:25 am

Thank you for that link Gadiva. Nitai has called the place in Ukiah to see if they have the product.


I just talked with Citta Hari and the head of the California Fire Dept (CFD) in Mendocino was just at Audarya. He has gave us good professional advice that we are adopting to protect the buildings. Moreover he is bringing 1000 men up to deal with the fire by tomorrow morning. Whew! That news comes as a big relief.

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 2:35 am

Yeah, no kidding. Slow fire and 1,000 men sounds encouraging. Evacuating is the least. I was freaking out at the idea of losing those buildings that have meant so much endeavor.

Swami - June 25, 2008 3:06 am

The fire has taken a serious turn for the worse. It is now 50% down the ridge directly across from our property and the flames are much larger that anything seen thus far. The CDF returned when we informed them and they said they are getting ready to fight it, but things are deteriorating rapidly and Nitai says that they may have to leave soon. It seems unlikely that the firefighters well be on hand before the morning and that could be too late.

Swami - June 25, 2008 4:50 am

There are 30 ft. flames directly across the ridge from the temple. Someone from the fire department will be patrolling the fire road and will send a message to have a fire truck go down our road with a siren to let everyone know to evacuate if/when the fire gets to the creek between the two ridges. They will try to hold the fire at the creek. If they can't do that they will try to protect the houses. A firefighter looked at the temple and Guru Maharaja's house and said that they looked defendable--better than most of the houses on our street. They already saved one house on the other ridge. They can't work on the fire now because the terrain is too steep. How many people are on the firefighting force is unclear, but seems unfortunately minimal. More are supposed to arrive as our fire is now considered an emergency. Hopefully the fire won't cross the creek tonight and there will be more time tomorrow to clear brush, especially around Vrindaranya's cabin. In the meantime the crew (Citta Hari, Nitaisundara, Gaurasundara, and Braja) are working tirelessly to pack valuables. Gopisvara should arrive soon with his moving truck.

Swami - June 25, 2008 5:09 am

There is a wall of fire all the way across the ridge, threatening to block the road, so Audarya has to be evacuated. Brahma has arrived with Lila and they are taking everyone to the Inn. The Deities are already at the Inn and the cows are at the fairgrounds. At this point we are thankful that everyone is safe, pray that the temple will be OK, and bow our heads to the inconceivable will of the Lord. We should be able to get more news in the morning.

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 25, 2008 6:10 am

Oh my God! I cant believe it. Guru Maharaja you sound like there is not much to do unless some miracle happens. I am praying for everyone's safety. I am speechless as I am sure we all are. Not sure how to help except pray.

Where are you getting this news and how can we get it?

Swami - June 25, 2008 6:13 am

For anyone who knows the area the following places have been evacuated:


Orr Springs

Rancho Navaro

East Signal Ridge

Nash Mill Road

Mountain View Road


These ridges are all around us and represent the entire extended neighborhood.


I spoke to Braja-sundari and she said "The whole mountain is on fire. I have never seen anything like it!" I think the 1000 firefighters will be spread thin. They seem to come in force when houses are in immanent danger but do not have the reserves to deal with the burning of the forest. It is very bad.

Swami - June 25, 2008 6:31 am

Where are you getting this news and how can we get it?


I am talking with Nitai and reading the web. Not much at all on the web, but Nitai is right there and talking with the fire chief, etc. I am still hopeful they can stop the fire at the creek in the morning. That will be the turning point one way or the other.

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 25, 2008 6:52 am

Thank you I am going crazy trying to find things on the web 1st hand information is the best. I hope that the fire will stop before it reaches Audarya. It will be hard to sleep tonight

Swami - June 25, 2008 6:55 am

The evacuation of personnel has be postponed. The devotees have reassessed the situation after talking with the fire chief. They will stay overnight with one devotee on watch. The fire is moving down the ridge but will probably not reach the creek by morning. Hopefully the fire brigade will be there in the morning and have more time to deal with the situation while the fire is on the opposite ridge heading down. I will stop here for tonight.

Zvonimir Tosic - June 25, 2008 6:56 am
The Deities are already at the Inn and the cows are at the fairgrounds. At this point we are thankful that everyone is safe, pray that the temple will be OK, and bow our heads to the inconceivable will of the Lord. We should be able to get more news in the morning.


Blazing forest fire (deliberately set) once missed my house (where I was with a newborn son and my wife) by some 100 yards; a sudden wind blast has changed its direction. Hope God will do similar act now, as he's the wind which ignites, directs and extinguishes fires of our lives. All my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 25, 2008 7:05 am
The evacuation of personnel has be postponed. The devotees have reassessed the situation after talking with the fire chief. They will stay overnight with one devotee on watch. The fire is moving down the ridge but will probably not reach the creek by morning. Hopefully the fire brigade will be there in the morning and have more time to deal with the situation while the fire is on the opposite ridge heading down. I will stop here for tonight.



Thank you Guru Maharaja it must be hard to be so far away from home in this situation. I hope you can have some respite too. We are are praying for morning without fire.

Babhru Das - June 25, 2008 9:41 am

I just heard the update on KZYX, which noted that fire seems to be less active at night (this would have been the 2:30 am update there). I don't know how much hope that gives me, but I guess I'll get about the business of chanting, my heart surrendered to the Lord's will. I slept only fitfully, waking to check for updates, and I imagine others among us slept not at all, especially the Audarya-vasis and Swami.

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 12:12 pm

Evacuation postponed? How can they even breathe? When we had the fire well outside of San Diego, we wouldn't even see the flames, yet our throats were on fire.

Swami - June 25, 2008 12:16 pm

I am back in touch with Nitai as of 5:00 AM Audarya time. The fire has slowed down over night and is still only about 50% down the ridge as far as we can tell. Hopefully the CDF workers will arrive soon, but I believe there is cause for hope at this point. We will be installing satellite internet at Madhuvan this morning (9:30 AM) and should be able to video conference and make calls from there. Again, a small wave of optimism has arisen for me.

Shreekrishna - June 25, 2008 2:17 pm

Please accept my humble obeisances Swami Maharaj. I hope the satellite internet got installed successfully. The fire does sound dangerous. I miss your conference calls, and am looking forward to when they will start back up again. I hope you are recovered from your injury, and I most certainly will pray for your continued safety...




Krsna cares for His devotees right? My Nrisimha salagram shila takes good care of me. I'll pray to Him to take care of you too!

Gaura-Vijaya Das - June 25, 2008 2:43 pm

[No news for a while. Hope everything is getting weather. There is no indication of rain there according to weather forcast.

Prema-bhakti - June 25, 2008 4:35 pm

I spoke to CH this morning to get an update. I sent an email to some devotees and figured I should post it here too for all concerned. The devotees stayed the night at Audarya and this is the latest:


Spoke to CH at 9 am. He said not to worry too much right now. People have been in and out of Audarya because it has the best vantage point to watch the fire. They said if it can be contained by the fire road and river Audarya should be okay. In the event it jumps the river Vrndaranya's place is undefendable and a goner. The firefighters will then defend all buildings on the ridge putting out flames as they come.


CH says the fire is moving slowly, no wind and burning underbrush which is a good sign.


More later.

Babhru Das - June 25, 2008 4:45 pm

Mahalo, Prema. This is reassuring. I think the temple and Swami's house may be easy to defend. Good thing Swami didn't go with shake roofs. :Big Grin:

Nitaisundara Das - June 25, 2008 4:46 pm
In the event it jumps the river Vrndaranya's place is undefendable and a goner.



I dont think that is necasarily the case, we are going to work on the cabin most of the day and hypothetically it could make it.

Prema-bhakti - June 25, 2008 4:50 pm
I dont think that is necasarily the case, we are going to work on the cabin most of the day and hypothetically it could make it.


That's good to hear.

Syama Gopala Dasa - June 25, 2008 5:39 pm

This can't be true! Or at least let this not become true.

Nitaisundara Das - June 25, 2008 6:33 pm

Things are going relatively well. the fire is making its way slowly but steadily, however the CDF guy said he thinks a day and a half till it reaches the creek. We are making substaintial progress on Vrindas cabin and there are two workers coming as well as one more later. Brahma is going to ukiah where we have reserved the last case of the firegel anywhere near us....the stuff posted by gandiva.

Nitaisundara Das - June 25, 2008 6:39 pm

One service people could do from their own homes is to stream Kzyx & z radio station(google them) and call My or Citta Haris cell phone if anything develops. We were told to listen to the radio but we have too much work to do.

My # 410 207 1146

Citta Hari: 707 684 9817

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 7:22 pm

Our satellite Internet at Madhuvana is now up and working but we won't have full speeds for about 15 more minutes. We'll be speaking with Audarya regularly and will continue with the updates. Guru Maharaja is speaking to Nitai now.


All glories to the Audarya-vasis! I hope that devotees stop by Audarya or send baskets of goodies for Gaura-Nitai's selfless servitors! They will need some serious R & R after this ordeal.

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 7:26 pm
One service people could do from their own homes is to stream Kzyx & z radio station(google them) and call My or Citta Haris cell phone if anything develops. We were told to listen to the radio but we have too much work to do.

My # 410 207 1146

Citta Hari: 707 684 9817

A post to this thread would be good too. Listen for reports about Signal Ridge (the ridge across from us), Cliff Ridge (the ridge to the right), Sky Ranch (our subdivision), or Greenwood Creek.

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 7:40 pm

I found this update on CalFire. Of particular interest is the following:


• Engines: 68 Crews: 17 Helicopters: 6 Water Tenders: 14 Dozers: 26

Overhead: 84 Total Personnel: 684


This gives the total number of personnel for all 131 fires in Mendocino at 684. Hopefully they will start sending more of those people Audarya's way soon.


Only 5 residences have been destroyed so far.


Here is the update:


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

5:00 PM





The Mendocino Lightning Complex has burned approximately 13,000 acres. There are

currently approximately 131 fires. Many have the potential to increase in size. Fires

continue to burn with varying rates of spread in moderate to heavy fuels. Resources

are limited due to the fires throughout Northern California, with resources being

assigned as they become available.


Evacuations: Evacuation Warnings have been issued in Montgomery Woods/ Orr

Springs Road to Running Springs Road; Mountain View/ Mile Post 9 Area; Red

Mountain/ Bell Springs from Hwy 101 to 13600 Bell Springs Road; Chicken Ridge Area;

Navarro/ Flynn Creek; Cherry Creek/ Intersection Highways 101 and 162; The

Community of Cummings; Town of Leggett.


Evacuation Centers:

• Point Arena High School, 270 Lake Street, Point Arena, Phone: 301-758-0638

• Willits High School, 299 North Main Street, Willits, Phone: 707-513-6091


Animal Evacuation Centers

• Large animals: A call must be made prior to delivering animals.

o Mendocino County Fairgrounds, Ukiah. 707-462-3884. After business

hours: 707-972-8340

o Albion Headlands, Albion. 650-322-1070.

• Small animals can be taken to the Mendocino Animal Care and Control Ukiah

Shelter. After business hours: 707-272-4337.



• Engines: 68 Crews: 17 Helicopters: 6 Water Tenders: 14 Dozers: 26

Overhead: 84 Total Personnel: 684



• Public Fire Information Number: 707-467-6426

• Start Date and Time of Incident: 6:00 PM, June 20, 2008

• Incident Size: 13,000 Acres

• Injuries to date: 2

• Residences Threatened: 525

• Residences Destroyed: 5

• Number of Current Fires: 131

Guru-nistha Das - June 25, 2008 7:41 pm

All respect to the devotees in Audarya!

My heart's with you guys. God, I wish I could be there to help you out.

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 25, 2008 7:53 pm

Yes, thank you all for your selfless service! You are all examples of courage and pure devotion. Thank you for these updates that at least temporeraly help with the anxiety.

Great job!

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 8:01 pm

Here is an article about how people are hiring their own crews since the state's resources are so tapped. Mendocino Redwood Company is mentioned, so perhaps they will start working on the ridge across from us...it's their land that is currently burning.


MENDOCINO COUNTY Some property owners hiring private crews, leasing copters





Published: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 4:30 a.m.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 3:42 a.m.

An unprecedented onslaught of flames continued Tuesday to scour bone-dry wildlands of Mendocino County, forcing state fire commanders to make cold, hard decisions about which of the 106 fires to fight and which to ignore.


It was a scene being repeated across Northern California as overmatched fire crews were confronted for a second day by more than 800 lightning-caused blazes.


At the state command post in Ukiah, the decisions were straightforward: Attack the fires that threaten people and homes, worry about the others in the coming days -- or weeks.


As a result, some desperate Mendocino County property owners Tuesday turned to hiring private firefighting crews and leasing helicopters to help fight fires on their own land.


"We understand the state's problems, but we can't wait for our lands to make their way up the priority list," said Mike Jani, chief forester for Mendocino Redwood Co. of Ukiah.


Jani said 31 lightning-caused fires are flaring across a 228,000-acre strip of company timberlands running along the rugged Mendocino-Sonoma coastline.


Jani said company crews and state firefighters are coordinating firefighting efforts, but more personnel and equipment are needed.


"We have two 20-man private crews arriving from Montana, and we may bring in more," Jani said.


The company has rented a private firefighting helicopter to dump ocean water on a fire near Rockport on the north Mendocino Coast.


On Tuesday, Mendocino County remained the hardest hit in Northern California. Though the number of fires decreased to 106 from the 131 reported Monday, the blackened acreage reached 19,000 -- about 30 square miles. And 46 fires -- almost all in remote areas -- remained unattended.


For now, the fast-changing events are pushing aside a contentious public debate over whether such fires should be allowed to burn themselves out and whether longtime state fire-suppression policies can ever end in victory over catastrophic wildfires.


Critics say no, not as long as state, county and city officials continue to allow urban intrusion into dangerous fire zones where wildlands and housing meet.


As it is, an estimated 60 percent of Mendocino County's 90,000 residents live in homes and small communities scattered throughout wildland areas, from Piercy to Potter Valley, from Branscomb to Brooktrails.


But racing flames and a second day of foul air quality left no time Tuesday for any debate over firefighting tactics.


"We are aggressively attacking the fires. We don't have time or energy for anything else," said Cal Fire spokeswoman Tracy Boudreaux.


Current firefighting priorities were clear as state efforts unfolded Tuesday to fight major fires in Lake and Mendocino counties.


About 130 firefighters battled the fast-moving Walker fire, which has burned 9,000 acres in a remote section of northeastern Lake County.


In contrast, nearly 700 firefighters were attacking dozens of Mendocino County fires in areas where small communities, homes, and ranching and timber equipment are threatened.


State fire officials Tuesday described the current wildfire situation as "dire."


Cal Fire set up a special command center at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds in Ukiah and brought in a veteran state firefighter to oversee a 40-member technical crew to plot the Mendocino County wildfire strategy.


Commander Joe Waterman, speaking to the county Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, praised local volunteer fire departments and Sheriff Tom Allman and deputies for their efforts since the first fires broke out during weekend thunderstorms.


"These people have been in the trenches since day one. If not for them, this crisis would be far greater," Waterman said.


Waterman warned county officials that it could take "weeks" to gain control over the region's wildland fires.


The same prognosis was made by local air quality and health officials, who warned Tuesday that unhealthy air could linger for days and even weeks over Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma and Napa counties. Some concerned bicycle riders and pedestrians were observed Tuesday wearing face masks in Ukiah.

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 8:33 pm

The fire department just called Audarya. The winds have picked up. They said that the fire will jump the creek. We only have about 12 hours. Our crew is frantically trying to clear brush around my cabin, as the fire department has said that they won't even try to defend it since there isn't a road to it. Brush is already cleared around the temple and Guru Maharaja's house. Brahma is picking up the fire gel now...let's hope it works. :Big Grin:

Lukasz - June 25, 2008 9:16 pm
let's hope it works. :Big Grin:


Polish devotees are praying all the time :Praying:

Swami - June 25, 2008 9:18 pm

The increased winds have made the situation go from bad to worse. In my estimation the situation is bleaker than ever.

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 9:47 pm

Ok, now I'm worried. So, Vrnda's cabin hadn't been gelled yet?

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 9:49 pm

A neighbor came by and asked if our team needed any help. When the devotees said definitely, they went and got extended family to come over. We now have a large crew clearing 20 ft. around the cabin. The crew includes Citta Hari, Gopisvara, Nitaisundara, Gaurasundara, and the neighbor family.


Otherwise, bulldozers can be heard in the distance, somewhere to the south.

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 10:04 pm

Slight state of shock is starting to ensue... I feel so impotent. This is probably the only time in which I won't be crying for pictures to be posted.

Then again...



Please don't underestimate the damages of breathing smoke. Is everyone well equipped for that?

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 10:21 pm
the fire department has said that they won't even try to defend it since there isn't a road to it.


What about that big ole water tank up on top? Don't they have a hose that's long enough?

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 10:36 pm
Ok, now I'm worried. So, Vrnda's cabin hadn't been gelled yet?

Brahma just arrived with the gel. They are trying to time the application just right because it lasts for 8-24 hours. We only have one shot at this...the stuff is sold out everywhere and we're lucky we got some. Nitai called the distributor, who said that he was out of the gel but that he had dropped off some at a store. Nitai called the store and left a message saying that he would pay more than anyone else to get the product. He is doing an amazing job; he's a natural-born manager.


Earlier Nitai said that the smoke wasn't bad because the wind wasn't blowing towards them. We'll have to ask again but he hasn't mentioned it. They will have to evacuate if the smoke gets bad.


As for the two tanks, they'll be used for Guru Maharaja's house and the temple.


We have 10 people currently working on the cabin and we put in a call to KZYX for more volunteers. Brahma tried to get some workers but said, "Everyone there is to get has already been gotten."


At this point all we can do is try to save the buildings. Guru Maharaja says that if all our forest burns down, we'll plant pasture and fill it with cows.

Nitaisundara Das - June 25, 2008 10:44 pm

Guru Maharaj or vrinda if you see this please call my cell

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 10:44 pm
Guru Maharaja says that if all our forest burns down, we'll plant pasture and fill it with cows.


:Big Grin: :Praying:


I'm sorry, I couldn't help cracking up when I read it; but yes, I'm sure all this is happening for a specific reason. Hopefully not a costly one.

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 10:51 pm

Actually, it's starting to make more and more sense. Fifteen cows, though small, were starting to be a lil tight on two acres, flying some to CR would have been a drag, so would having the few Audaryavasis clear all that steep hill side, so there you have it. Also, now that it's all burned, there is no risk of fires there for the rest of the year, and all that ash will adjust the pH of that clay soil just right! Soon, it will all be forgotten and the valley will be even more peaceful, without logging going on on the next ridge. Too bad for the view for a couple of years...

Syamasundara - June 25, 2008 11:14 pm

Oh, somehow I thought the fire was already past the creek. That's good!


We'll be planting our own alfalfa and special grasses for lactating cows! :dance:

Swami - June 25, 2008 11:15 pm

Nitaisundara talked with the fire department again. They are trying to stop the march of the flames near Maple Basin Road (at the fork on the way to the waterfall). They are using tractors and if they are successful in stopping its march they will bring in convicts to help put out hot spots on the mountain in an effort to drive the fire back up Cliff Ridge. It's a bit hard to picture all of this, but this bit of news gives new hope that the fire will not cross the creek.


Yes, a landscape of cows. Previously these hills were sheep pasture spotted with redwoods. Things change.

Swami - June 25, 2008 11:39 pm

We have a new optimism at the moment. We also now have a Skype internet phone number here at Madhuvan. 707.684.4199. Talk to you later. . .

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 25, 2008 11:46 pm

Nitaisundara said that KZYX called to ask if we still needed volunteers, but he felt that our Mexican neighbors were doing such an amazing job that we might not have anything for more volunteers to do. He said that the neighbors are cutting and immediately hauling everything away at lightning speed. What a godsend.


Citta Hari has been invaluable cutting down trees with the chain saw. I've seen previously that he gets into the zone and makes every cut with the concentration of a Zen master.


Gaurasundara has resumed packing. Nitai is watching an application video about the fire gel. Thank you Gandiva for mentioning this gel. It has gotten great reviews from firefighters.

Swami - June 26, 2008 12:51 am

The CDF says that at this time it looks good for stopping the fire before the creek. The work at Vrindaranya's cabin is completed except for applying the gell (thank you Gandiva!). If and when the CDF give an evacuation notice signaling that the fire has crossed the creek, we will apply the gell and abandon the property. At this point,, if the fire is to cross the creek it looks like it will do so at about midnight. So the next six hours are crucial. If it does, the building are still quite defensible.

Swami - June 26, 2008 12:52 am

Nitai has been interviewed by kzxy and should be on their 6:00 PM report.

Rathi Krishna Dasa - June 26, 2008 1:25 am

I sent an email to my Guru Maharaja to keep him up to date on this particular Audarya-lila. His response was short and to the point. "Thanks for keeping me informed. Let’s pray for them!"

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 1:36 am

According to the woman on the radio we have inmates stationed here!! :dance:



God how embarassing hearing myself on the internet

Babhru Das - June 26, 2008 1:48 am

I could not get the feed. I guess there are just too many people in Alachua watching television at night.


I feel useless, impotent. I do wish I were there to help.

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 26, 2008 2:20 am

Two of the neighbors who helped us are professional loggers. Apparently there were sometimes four chain saws going at once! I believe that we sometimes had 14 people working simultaneously. Last I heard the wind was going in the opposite direction, so there has been no smoke.


Our party basically ran out of food. Propane was disconnected and everyone ate the food that Citta Hari brought until it ran out. Guru Maharaja called Brahma and he has arrived with food. He also rented a storage facility for us. He said that everything looked very safe.


Guru Maharaja spoke with all the devotees in a video conference. I saw part when he was speaking with Gaurasundara and he looked totally exhausted. He has been working round the clock for days. He said that the cows are really well situated, two to a stall with water in each stall. Mayapur quipped that they are getting a vacation. Someone we don't even know volunteered to help transport the cows and took two loads.


Nitai heard that they are running a tractor down Signal Ridge but ran into problems with a creek. Estimates for when the fire will get to the creek is midnight or perhaps later. Of course if the winds change it could be earlier.


The Mendocino fires are #3 priority in California, after Butte and some other county. Under ideal circumstances they would have 5-6 times more firefighters and more equipment in Mendocino.


It would be great if any devotees could come to Audarya this weekend to cook and basically try to serve the devotees.

Margaret Dale - June 26, 2008 2:30 am
Our party basically ran out of food. Propane was disconnected and everyone ate the food that Citta Hari brought until it ran out.


It would be great if any devotees could come to Audarya this weekend to cook and basically try to serve the devotees.


Can any cooking be done at Audarya without the propane? Or should people bring food that can simply be assembled?

Prema-bhakti - June 26, 2008 2:41 am

CH has a credit card to buy bhoga and supplies if needed for the devotees there. I just talked to him and they were eagerly awaiting the burritos from Brahma's place.

Swami - June 26, 2008 2:42 am
Can any cooking be done at Audarya without the propane? Or should people bring food that can simply be assembled?



I don't think we can cook there now. So perhaps sandwhich ingredients, cookies, etc.

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 26, 2008 2:51 am

I was thinking that by the weekend the propane would be on...hopefully that's not optimistic.


The Audaryavasis have a credit card too; everyone has just been too engaged to pick up food. I believe that almost all preparation is done, so there should be time for now for at least a little eating and sleeping. :dance:

Rasa-parayana - June 26, 2008 3:01 am

oh,wow! I hope everything will be ok :dance:

Prema-bhakti - June 26, 2008 3:05 am
I was thinking that by the weekend the propane would be on...hopefully that's not optimistic.


The Audaryavasis have a credit card too; everyone has just been too engaged to pick up food. I believe that almost all preparation is done, so there should be time for now for at least a little eating and sleeping. :dance:


Yeah, I guess I was hoping maybe someone would be able to get to the store sooner than waiting for a delivery.

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 4:55 am

We can turn propane on we just have to turn it off if we have to go. We do have standard bhoga, grains flour dal spices. No veggies and no time/stamina/motivation to cook.

Any help is course desired but we feel the need to say there can be no formalities in any sense. We have been going non-stop for days with little sleep and high stress which probably has not even hit us yet. There is no standard program. We have to feel like we can be totally candid. And anyone who comes needs to be totally flexible and do as we see fit. I'm sure everyone has the experience of too many cooks in the kitchen and with this situation it would be especially bad.

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 26, 2008 5:30 am

Since yesterday it has been like Twilight Zone to read this thread. I hope that the fire will stop at the ridge or before. I am so sad that I cannot go to Audarya to help even a little. Thank you for the updates. I am thinking of all of you up there constantly and hope you will remain safe.


Prema just emailed this:


"Just talked to CH again. He said the Calfire people were just up there and said they doubt the fire will jump the river unless there are strong gusts of winds. They said the situation in Chico is much more dangerous than what they saw at Audarya. CH said the fire is a lot more calm then when they watched it last night. They packed up a lot of stuff already and is in storage in Boonville and they have car and truckloads of other stuff including GM's books, etc, if they do have to evacuate.


CH says it looks good and is hopeful they can contain the fire and keep it on the other side of the river."

Zvonimir Tosic - June 26, 2008 6:34 am
CH says it looks good and is hopeful they can contain the fire and keep it on the other side of the river."


When this nightmare is over, hopefully we can call that lovely creek the river Viraja.


Also, I'd like to congratulate Audaryavasis for their tremendous work, self-sacrifice, fight and hope. You're absolutely wonderful and, if it means anything to you, my heart is there with you! What you've done is a bright example on how all of us should act, think and perform our duties, every day.


Every day is an emergency day in this world consumed by the fire of ignorance and exploitation, and there's no time for rest; there's always someone in need for help, someone to set free from inferno.

Swami - June 26, 2008 11:32 am

It's 5:30 AM here at Madhuvan, 4:30 AM at Audrya. We are quite optimistic at this point. Margaret brought tons of bhoga to Audarya. As of 2:00 AM Audarya time (my last contact with Nitai) the fire had not crossed the river and the CDF felt they could keep it on the other side of the creek. I will call Audarya later this morning.

Babhru Das - June 26, 2008 11:55 am

Thank you. I'm sure we all find this very encouraging. Lots of prayers and crossed fingers (at least figuratively speaking), I'd guess.

Rathi Krishna Dasa - June 26, 2008 1:16 pm

Perhaps our collective hearts can start beating at a more normal pace now. :dance:

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 1:25 pm

about 6 30 here, fire has continued moving down, slowly. No word from fire dept yet today, we got decent sleep last night so we are feeling pretty good. tons of bhoga :dance:

Gaurasundara Das - June 26, 2008 2:22 pm

a man from the logging company that owns the land just came by and said things were looking good. a lot of progress was made yesterday. they cut a fire line down the ridge on the left with a bulldozer as far as they could and are going to finish it by hand today. then they will start a back fire up the ridge to stop the one coming our way. the wind is in our favor.

Ratna Cintamani Dasi - June 26, 2008 3:52 pm
a man from the logging company that owns the land just came by and said things were looking good. a lot of progress was made yesterday. they cut a fire line down the ridge on the left with a bulldozer as far as they could and are going to finish it by hand today. then they will start a back fire up the ridge to stop the one coming our way. the wind is in our favor.



Thanks, it is very relieving to get up to date information. You are constantly in our thoughts.

Citta Hari Dasa - June 26, 2008 4:21 pm

The situation is looking good. The flames are moving very slowly, burning the dead fuel in the understory, which needs to happen to keep the forest healthy. The wind has been very favorable; there has been no smoke at Audarya since I arrived.


Yesterday an engine from Cal Fire showed up and I told them about Vrindaranya's cabin. They have 1300 feet of hose and could reach it easily. He also said that the clearance around the buildings up on the ridge is very good; every fire crew I've talked to about that has said that the buildings on top are not problem to defend. So even if the wind picks up the buildings, even Vrinda's cabin, would most likely come through just fine.


I talked to Robin Byrd, one of the locals who has done work at Audarya, and he said this particular fire has burned 8,000 acres. He has had 5 bulldozers working nonstop since Saturday. The community spirit here in Anderson Valley is amazing. People are really pulling together and helping each other out. Given the latest news and what I've seen so far I think Audarya will come out totally unscathed; if the backfire works (which it should, since the winds are very favorable) then I could see them having this fire contained by tonight. For now, we're resting up, and watching and waiting.

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 4:34 pm

Today so far we have been able to take a breather. Gaura and I got our first showers in 50+ hours, Braja and Margaret are cleaning up the prasadam and kitchen from tuesday's lunch, when this began. Gaura is going to go down and clean up the cow stalls at the fairgrounds. I will probably begin taking advantage of the fact that half of our storage area is empty and thus it will be much easier to organize; a task that has been on my list for months. We are hopeful. Unfortunately chances are even if this dies down we will probably have to be on alert for days.

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 4:45 pm

Pictures that Gaura took, these are all from tuesday, last night and now the flames are not as bad. the pistures are pretty amazing but do not nearly convey the actual sight.





Vamsidhari Dasa - June 26, 2008 5:16 pm

Oh, thank God for this news. I feel like I want to roll on the ground :Party:

It is amazing what devotees at Audarya have done. The spirit of generosity in the community is also touching. I hope cows are OK. Who knows what they are thinking? :dance::Hypnotized:

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 5:46 pm
I hope cows are OK. Who knows what they are thinking? :dance::Hypnotized:



"FOOD......I WONDER IF SHE IS IN HEAT" pretty much the standard


Other wise the cows are good. Moving them was intense! One high-up fireman had told us as we were packing the deities we might only have 2-3 hours so we were frantic. Damodar was by far the worst, literally plopped over on his side, all fours out on the ground not willing to move an inch, we had to drag him in spurts all the way to the trailer, such a drama queen!

Brahma Dasa - June 26, 2008 6:38 pm

Bhumi Escapes :dance:



This morning when Lila and I were cleaning the cow pens, Bhumi the largest cow in the herd, pushed her way past me and escaped into the wide-open spaces of the Mendocino County Fair Grounds. As she went out the gate--Lila grabbed her halter, but Bhumi just pulled her along, looking at Lila as if to say—I’m A Big Girl--so how’s a little girl like you going to stop me.


To no avail, we chased her around the fair grounds trying to herd her back to her pen. Just when we were ready to call Audarya for help---Bhumi’s natural desire to be with the other cows—and around food—brought her back to the pen area, and I was able to hook a rope on her and lead her back into her individual pen.


Bhumi then when back to eating and seemed happy like any other tourist, to have gotten a chance to tour the sights of the Mendocino County fairgrounds.


All is well with the cows at the Fairgrounds.



Prema-bhakti - June 26, 2008 7:22 pm

Pretty good cowherding for city folk! :dance:

Gaurasundara Das - June 26, 2008 8:20 pm

boonville fairgorunds




Vamsidhari Dasa - June 26, 2008 8:58 pm

yeaaaaaaahhhhhh! :dance::Hypnotized::Party:


Babhru Das - June 26, 2008 9:16 pm

Thanks for the encouraging reports and for your dedicated service, which is a manifestation of your love for Nitai-Gaurasundara and for Guru Maharaja.


Yeah, Bhumi's a character, all right. I remember that, as I walked up the hill to the temple one day during the winter, she was ambling down the path with one of the other cows (I don't remember who now). She saw me and took off running right toward me and got me climbing up the hill on the high side of the path. Real sense of humor, that gal!

Babhru Das - June 26, 2008 9:21 pm

It looks as though the fire is leaving the trees fairly unmolested. Is that the case?

Vrindaranya Dasi - June 26, 2008 9:35 pm
She saw me and took off running right toward me and got me climbing up the hill on the high side of the path. Real sense of humor, that gal!

She likes to gallop over at full speed and stop dead in her tracks inches before mowing you over. :dance:


Thanks for the cow photos. I was feeling the pangs of separation from them and had even been considering asking for some earlier today. If you get a chance, it would be great to see a picture of Sevji.


I can't express enough gratitude for everyone who worked on clearing the fire break around my house. I know it was extremely exhausting work on very limited sleep. I indebted to you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!




Swami - June 26, 2008 9:43 pm
It looks as though the fire is leaving the trees fairly unmolested. Is that the case?



Yes, this seems to be the case, and interestingly to the extent that this is what happened, it would be positive for the health of the forest. God works in wonderful ways.

Nitaisundara Das - June 26, 2008 10:13 pm

Yes alot of the burning is just the forest floor, especially in the past 24 hours. Although we have seem some trees explode with flames 15 or so feet above their peak.


By the way, in addition to the family that stormed Vrinda's cabin and helped us we had already hired two workers. At the end when asked how much they charged, they did not want or take any money!


"Service according to necessity draws remuneration" feast your eyes: :dance:


Babhru Das - June 26, 2008 10:28 pm
Yes, this seems to be the case, and interestingly to the extent that this is what happened, it would be positive for the health of the forest.

This is just what I was thinking. I remember several controlled burns in the redwoods when we lived at Bhaktivedanta Village, near Sequoia National Park.

God works in wonderful ways.


Braja-sundari Dasi - June 26, 2008 11:02 pm

Thanks Gaur for the pictures! I`m missing our sweet cows! They have really nice place there fortunately...

Syamasundara - June 27, 2008 12:02 am
about 6 30 here, fire has continued moving down, slowly. No word from fire dept yet today, we got decent sleep last night so we are feeling pretty good. tons of bhoga :dance:


Decent sleep? Four hours? GM just said you talked with him at 2am...

Syamasundara - June 27, 2008 12:04 am
burning the dead fuel in the understory, which needs to happen to keep the forest healthy.


...Come again? :dance:

Madan Gopal Das - June 27, 2008 1:20 am

Awww, I love those pic's of the cows. It's like a field trip for them! A little change of scenery...

Nitaisundara Das - June 27, 2008 1:56 am
Decent sleep? Four hours? GM just said you talked with him at 2am...



No I woke up periodically throughout the night to check on the fire, there was a dark figure lurking on the deck carrying 5+ bags of food. Thanks so much to Margaret!! So when I cam back in, I wrote very briefly update to GM about margaret and the fire. I can barely even remember writing it.

Citta Hari Dasa - June 27, 2008 2:25 am

Yes, muchas gracias to Margaret!! Your timing was impeccable. Sorry we weren't more conversational--I was still feeling subhuman this morning. We really appreciate your service and hope to see you again soon.

Margaret Dale - June 27, 2008 4:13 am

I did nothing. It is you who worked so hard to build and then protect the new temple. I was just glad that it seemed Audarya was going to be OK and that you found some service for me.

Syamasundara - June 27, 2008 4:31 am
I did nothing. It is you who worked so hard to build and then protect the new temple. I was just glad that it seemed Audarya was going to be OK and that you found some service for me.


I was also happy to see that you are still alive and connected. I hadn't seen you here or on yahoo in a loooong time, and was about to write you again to check in.

Bijaya Kumara Das - June 27, 2008 8:22 am

great to hear all is okay


thanks Citta and crew

Citta Hari Dasa - June 27, 2008 6:45 pm

One of the fire chiefs was just here and he said that the fire has not crossed the creek anywhere. They are continuing to backfire different areas, and he said that if what they do holds then the threat to the houses on Panorama will be basically eliminated.


The air is still and heavy with smoke--we can barely see the ridge across from Audarya. No wind is a good thing, and from what we've just heard it's looking like Audarya is safe now unless the wind picks up drastically.

Rasa-parayana - June 27, 2008 8:04 pm

oh,what a relief ;)

Vamsidhari Dasa - June 27, 2008 8:47 pm


Nitaisundara Das - June 27, 2008 9:33 pm

There are four firemen posted here for over 3 hours, you cant see a thing on the other mountain, so smoky. Things are good I guess. There has been mention of dry lightning this weekend but hopefully it will be confined to the eastern portion of mendocino. Otherwise today some post-traumatic sleep disorder set in. We were trying to do stuff but just crashed. I am going to try and do more now.

Margaret Dale - June 29, 2008 4:12 am

Have you seen any new lightning yet? Have they officially controlled the fire on the next ridge?

Nitaisundara Das - June 29, 2008 4:43 am

Well today in the evening I got perhaps the most definitive update I have recieved thus far in the whole experience. The main fire which threatened us is about 85% contained(woohoo). There are two more fires on the mountain across from us, both of which are still on the other side of the ridge. The first one is behind and to the right of the main one, today it probably joined borders with the original at a spot where the original was already out, presumably meaning this second one could only spready away from us if at all. The third one is a slight threat at this point. This one is to the left of the original and it is possible that it could spread over the ridge and come towards us. The man told me they will probably be working on it ommorow, at this point nothing has been done to that one. So thats the latest. They might be backburning for almost a week more so the cows may have to stay out for a while. We brought the cats back because they were miserable in their cages. As far as these possible lighting storms,.......so far so good, the forecast is for northeast mendocino which is not us, so lets hope it stays that way. The danger is not entirely over but we are back to showering and changing clothes daily :ph34r:

Thank you all for your prayers and concern, this has no doubt been a crazy experience! must have been suspenseful for you all

Syamasundara - June 29, 2008 5:01 am
Thank you all for your prayers and concern, this has no doubt been a crazy experience! must have been suspenseful for you all


No doubt, but also a great reason for introspection and meditation. Or at least myself, being so impotent from here, I thought I'd make a good use of this experience by meditating on Kunti and the Pandavas, Krsna swallowing a forest fire and the cowherds' behavior, the transient nature of everything, the will of the Lord...

Nitaisundara Das - July 2, 2008 3:50 am

Today the cows came back :ph34r::dance::Cow: it took some hours but with Citta Hari;s help we got it all done. They definitely seem happy to be back, even if they were still a pain to load up at the fairgrounds. We have shifted out of post-trauma-marathon relaxation mode and into try to get everything back to normal before Guru Maharaja comes back-marathon mode. GM will be back for only a day before going to Finland but we are very excited. The main fire is done!! there a few whisps of smoke but no danger. One other fire is still burning in the far distance, we will keep a loose eye on it. This has been a good fire drill, much more draining and less enjoyable then those ones in school.