
Aryan invasion theory & KC & science

Madeleine Brodd - July 20, 2008 1:09 pm

Bhrigu. I´m a little bit intrested in what Tripurari Swami said about the aryan invasion theory & KC & science.

I hope you would like to share something of what he said. My eagerness would really appreciate that ;)




Bhrigu - July 20, 2008 4:15 pm

Actually, Guru Maharaj just asked me what scholars say on this theory today, and I just gave him a summary of the most common versions. Both the theory of the aryans coming into India and originating in India have their good and not so good points. A lot has been written about these things, but they have become so controversial and inflammatory that it is difficult to get a good, neutral overview.


What he said about KC and science can be best understood from the lectures.