

Rama-priya - July 26, 2008 1:08 pm

As some may know we in Poland are trying to create something that in the future would be a some kind a center or asrama. We have a house near Cracow (about 30 km). The house is located on the hill in nice surrounding. Fresh air, forests and wild animals coming to the house especially in the winter, we can experience that. The house was in really bad condition by day by day we are trying to improve that with great help of Jerzy, who lives in that house. Still, there's so much to do but things go into progress. I would like to share with you what actually is going on in this place and how it looks like. Of course pictures cannot show everything but it can create some image about this place.


The house


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During the working with the house


The kitchen

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Rama-priya - July 26, 2008 1:17 pm

The environment


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One of the side of the house

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The heating



The workshop



Kitchen in the workshop



Toilet in the workshop



So, as you see there's a lot of work but we hope that with your mercy we'll be able create something and in the future invite Guru Maharaja and all of you to us.

Syamasundara - July 26, 2008 8:16 pm
:Thinking: :Raised Eyebrow: :Big Grin:
Braja-sundari Dasi - July 29, 2008 10:26 pm

Wow! I`ve been there about nine years ago. What a progress! Room looks really great. And I suppose the man on the picture is Jerzy?

Swami - July 29, 2008 11:20 pm

This is a first for us. Local devotees establishing a center on their own. Very inspiring.

Prema-bhakti - July 30, 2008 12:11 am

Bravo! :Devil: Your cooperative spirit and desire are an inspiration for us all.

Babhru Das - July 30, 2008 12:21 am

Wow--this is wonderful. I'm impressed and inspired. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Rama-priya - August 1, 2008 7:13 am
Wow! I`ve been there about nine years ago. What a progress! Room looks really great. And I suppose the man on the picture is Jerzy?


Yes, on the picture is Jerzy. And this is another photo of his for those who haven't known him yet



Tadiya Dasi - August 14, 2008 12:08 pm

:Shame On You: Wonderful!

Rama-priya - October 1, 2008 6:35 am

Lately, we organized two programmes in Czerna- one on the occassion of Janmastami and the other on the ocasssion of Radhastami. It was our two first programmes. During preparations to Janmastami we were quite a bit nervous and excited how many devotees would come, because some asked us 'why in czerna, maybe better to organize everything as always in our flat in Cracow, for everyone it's easier?" But why everything has to be easier, if we will be looking only for that what is easier we never start anything. And we wanted to start it, even if it is small thing now. We organized everything and to our delight we were all 11 persons. We were so happy that so many came. Deivi sakti organized for few devotees from Cracow transport and brought with her her Deities. Therefore the altar was full of deities. While we were cooking, some were decorating the altar. Almost everyone was engaged in doing something. When all of us gathered (we waited a little bit for Lila śakti and her mother) we started from abhisek. In fact it was double abhisek because Deivi sakti has brought her Radha Krsna as well. Therefore everyone had an occassion to bathe Deities more times than usually. After abhisek Lukasz read the lecture of Guru Maharaja from last year (2007). I think everyone took someting for oneself from it. Then arati, and prasadam feast. Prasadam we took outside the house. During prasadam we talk a lot. Our talks focused on our memories from Finland and my meeting with Paramadvaiti Swami in Hungary. Evening almost everyone left, except my friend Asia. We stay for another day. And because the programm we made on Saturday and Janmastami was on Sunday we spent this day cooking for Krsna and chanting, collecting herbs and so on. Monday morning we left, leaving so much prasadam. Jerzy some prsadam brought to his work and distributed to his frinds in the work and the rest gave workers who help him with the house. I think it was a good end of the programm: prasadam distribution.


On Radhastami there was another programm. Not so many devoties arrived, but also was very nice. This time we started with reading the lecture of Puri Maharaja regarding the day of Radhasatmi. When I stoped reading I could see dreminess on the faces. And really the lecture was wonderfull. He talks about power of the day of Radhasatami, mentions some different stories of Radha's birth and he cites prayer of Gaurakisora dasa Babaji, wherein he's longing for service to Rdaharani. We started with the lecture because we waited for Lila sakti and we didn't want that she left abhisek, and lecture she can read through internet. When we were singing she arrived and we start abhisek. This time was only one pair of Rdaha Krsna bathing. Then offering the feast, arati,kirtan and taking prasadam feast. And second time Jerzy who used to eat only one ot twice a week took full plate of prasadam, without protesting, waht normally it wasn't easy to make him to eat. In the evening we all had to leave so Lila sakti took us with her car to Cracow. When we were getting off the car we saw so many Hindu people one after anothes as never. They were all going to KFC restaurant. we were curious what they eat there. Some of us came closer to see and what we could see it was that they eat the chicken. It was for us really contrast! We could see very cl;early that Krsna consciousness it is not being born as Hindu, that it is something waht you have in the heart, no matter what shape it took. The ideal by which we are charmed and which we want to follow and reach. And it doesn't matter how you dress, how you sing in hindu style or european or church style it doesn't matter important is what is in what intention and for who we sing. This we could see so clearly at the end of Rdahastami day.


When I received the photos from our programmes, I'll put it here. Please, be patient, everything takes me so much time.

Rama-priya - November 16, 2008 3:13 pm

Below pictures, that we made during Śri Radhastami program


First, environment:

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Path towards forest


The house with new balcony:



Our Deities after abhishek


Swami - November 16, 2008 3:55 pm
Below pictures, that we made during Śri Radhastami program


First, environment:

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Path towards forest


The house with new balcony:



Our Deities after abhishek



Is there a room for me in the house?

Rama-priya - November 16, 2008 4:28 pm
Is there a room for me in the house?


For You Guru Maharaja always! Everything that we're trying to arrange in this house is meant for You, for Your pleasure! And of course for all devoties as well.

Rama-priya - January 2, 2009 7:36 am

Govardhana Puja


In Czerna we had also small programm on the ocassion of Govardhana Puja. But this time we had a special guest - Braja sundari. She talks a lot about life in Audarya, Guru Maharaja and all different topics connected with this.




It was for us a great fortune to have her with us on this day. Besides bhajan, kirtan and so on, we had an extra point - chanting Damodarastaka and offering lights to Deities. With these lighs an atmosphere becomes so charming.


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We had also a small Govardhana Hill made of halava. We were singing and circumbulating Him.


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Premanandini - January 2, 2009 11:26 pm

Rama-priya devi: are you planning to invite Samiji to Poland???

Poland is not far from Austria and maybe we could combine - and invite Maharaj to Poland and Austria????


dear Swamiji:

do you remember you old friend Girigovardhan???? :Batting Eyelashes:


Premanandini - January 2, 2009 11:27 pm

He got "help" now from

Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Giridari:


Rama-priya - January 3, 2009 2:53 pm
Rama-priya devi: are you planning to invite Samiji to Poland???

Poland is not far from Austria and maybe we could combine - and invite Maharaj to Poland and Austria????


Oh, yes we're planning to invite Guru Maharaja, but everything depend on His time and our possibilities to collect money and organize everything. Hope that we'll do it. Anyway, we'll keep in touch