
Ofenseless chanting

Madeleine Brodd - July 28, 2008 1:46 pm



Shrimad Bhagavatam 11.2.55


"If one utters, even without intent, Sri Hari nama in an offenseless mood, at once heaps of sins accumulated

through many lifetimes, are destroyed. Such a person thereby binds Sri Hari's lotus feet within his heart with ropes

of love and considered the best Bhakta."


Is it possible for neophyte devotees to chant Sri Hari nama in an offenseles mood? or do we first have to come the state of "humble like a blade of grass" ?



Radhe Radhe

Margaret Dale - July 29, 2008 5:58 pm

My understanding (which will undoubtedly be correctly quickly) is that the only way for a neophyte to chant offenselessly is by the direct grace of Krsna or guru. Chanting in an offenseless way is a very powerful and amazing gift. It seems like it should be easy to do, and it is, but I anyway am so caught up in my mind's chatter and the environment that I never seem to be able to focus exclusively on being in the presence of Krsna in his name. But we should keep chanting. As it says in the first verse of the Sisastikam, cetah darpana marjanam sankirtan cleanses the mirror of the mind. We cannot fully reflect the glory of Krsna with our current filthy mind (unless guru drops in and wipes a spot clean) but the only way to come to that point is to keep chanting, and the more effort we make at approaching being offenseless, the better the cleaning.

Syamasundara - July 30, 2008 12:06 am

How do you define neophyte? Based on his or her current birth? Someone can be very advanced in his or her spiritual practice, although not perfected when death comes; so, he or she will have to take another body, and when they come to Krsna and his devotees they may appear clueless or neophytes, but after hearing the basics they conclude that that's it, they have no other interest in the world and they "start" chanting very focused or even offenselessly.


Hari Nama Prabhu is quite unlimited and independent, but above all, merciful. This is, I think, the focus of that sloka and similar ones.

Margaret Dale - July 30, 2008 4:59 am

I think that if someone is that advanced as you describe, despite appearing to be a neophyte in this time, that devotee will automatically be as humble as grass and as tolerant as a tree. If one is not truly humble, then one will have an inflated sense of oneself which makes it nearly impossible to have complete faith in Krsna nama. We will always feel that there are some things that we can do ourselves and will be holding something back.


I think it is definitely wise to work toward humility but not to be discouraged by difficulties. Syamasundara is right that the holy name is very merciful and will help us as long as we continue to turn to Him.


Guru Maharaja gives a wonderful discussion of advancement in chanting and devotion in the form of his book Siksatikam.

Madeleine Brodd - July 30, 2008 11:26 am

"How do you define neophyte? Based on his or her current birth? "


Thank you Syamasundara for your answer.

My definition of a neophyte devotee is very much like myself. I don't have so much faith in Guru, Krishna & sastra. I have very much attatchments for material things & I´m very puffed up becaue I think myself as the doer, and so forth. I Chant Hare Krishna with not very much faith.



Thank you Margaret, I agree with you. "Chanting in an offenseless way is a very powerful and amazing gift." I also agree with you that we should keep chanting and the more we chant the pure we will be to chant without offense.

Prahlad Das - September 7, 2008 3:18 am


Shrimad Bhagavatam 11.2.55


"If one utters, even without intent, Sri Hari nama in an offenseless mood, at once heaps of sins accumulated

through many lifetimes, are destroyed. Such a person thereby binds Sri Hari's lotus feet within his heart with ropes

of love and considered the best Bhakta."


Is it possible for neophyte devotees to chant Sri Hari nama in an offenseles mood? or do we first have to come the state of "humble like a blade of grass" ?

Radhe Radhe



What to speak of those who are constantly chanting Hari Nama without offense.

It is also very possible for neophytes to chant with offense. 100 steps forward 10 steps back??? Lets keep on pushing on Hari Hari Hari Bol :Raised Eyebrow: