
Commentaries on gayatri mantras

Yamuna Dasi - August 10, 2008 10:11 pm

I have read in Shridhara Maharaja’s “Subjective Evolution of Consciousness” his devotional explanation of brahma gayatri. Did he write or give orally an explanation of the other 6 gayatris and if so where can I find it?

Or other acharyas commentaries and explanations of the gayatri mantras?

Swami - August 11, 2008 12:37 am
I have read in Shridhara Maharaja’s “Subjective Evolution of Consciousness” his devotional explanation of brahma gayatri. Did he write or give orally an explanation of the other 6 gayatris and if so where can I find it?

Or other acharyas commentaries and explanations of the gayatri mantras?


Nothing from SM


Narasingha Maharaja published a book entitled Sri Gayatri Mantartha Dipika with articles on Guru, Gaura, and Krsna (kam) gayatris written by different devotees, including myself. Note that usually we only give four gayatris in our line, these three and Brahama gayatri, along with Guru, Gaura and Krsna (Gopala) mantras. So I am not sure about the six you ask about, although there are certainly more than six out there, Radha, Rama, Nityananda, gayatris. etc.


In my Gopala-tapani commentary I have given a fairly elaborate explanation of the 18 syllable Krsna (Gopal) mantra that is central to our diska line. It is spread over several verses in the purva tapani.

Yamuna Dasi - August 12, 2008 5:45 pm

Thank you, Maharaj!