
Sanga terms

Margaret Dale - August 16, 2008 4:41 am

In today's Sanga, I did not understand the meaning of a couple of terms. First, "bhakta abhiman mula balarama." Where does this quote come from? Second, what/who is Mula-Sankarsana?

Thank you!

Citta Hari Dasa - August 18, 2008 5:25 am
In today's Sanga, I did not understand the meaning of a couple of terms. First, "bhakta abhiman mula balarama." Where does this quote come from? Second, what/who is Mula-Sankarsana?

Thank you!



The quote is from Caitanya-caritamrta Adi 6.88. It means that Balarama is the root (mula) of the serving ego (bhakta-abhimana).


Mula-Sankarsana is an expansion of Balarama, the "root" or original Sankarsana. Sankarsana means "he who draws together." This is a big topic and is explained in the Cc as well in the Adi lila.