
More on Balarama

Syama Gopala Dasa - August 18, 2008 5:35 pm

While reading the latest Sanga, I was wondering if Balarama means he "who takes

pleasure in exhibiting spiritual strength" and eg


"Whenever Krsna would do something incorrect, Balarama would show his

displeasure, as he did when Krsna advised Bhima to strike Jarasandha

below the belt and thus deviate from the ksatriya code."


How is this exposed in a devotee who is in sakhya-bhava?

Syamasundara - August 19, 2008 1:00 am

How long does it take for the software to go over the list of Sanga subscribers??

Margaret mentioned a Sanga last night, now again, but I am yet to receive it.