
Portland: Guru Maharaja visits the Great Northwest!

Hari Bhakti - October 3, 2008 6:15 pm

Dear friends,


Ever thought about visiting Portland, Oregon? Well, now is your chance... ;)


Guru Maharaja has kindly agreed to spend a few days with us here in Portland on October 24th-27th. He will be speaking Friday evening at a local yoga studio (followed by kirtan with Agni) and Saturday afternoon at Portland State University. Guru Seva is graciously hosting morning programs at her home Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Sunday evening we will meet at my place to share some prashad and a little time with Guru Maharaja before he heads back to Audarya on Monday morning.



If you need accomodations just let us know you are coming as soon as possible, so we can save you some space.



If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.


See you soon!

Prema-bhakti - October 4, 2008 6:29 pm

CH and I will see you there!! ;)

Vamsidhari Dasa - October 5, 2008 9:05 pm

I really wish I could come but my numerous obligations these days are keeping me away from where my heart is. Maybe if you think of me very hard I might appear! :Angel:

Sridama Dasa - October 7, 2008 3:09 pm

Oh man, I wish I could be in Portland... :Angel:

Sounds like a great time!

Hari Bhakti - October 13, 2008 6:35 pm

Just in case your still on the fence, here is a sneak-peak at Guru Maharaja's yoga studio program in Portland.



Bhrigu - October 13, 2008 7:20 pm

Nice! Too bad Portland is a little far from here. :Party:

Gandiva Dasi - October 14, 2008 8:55 am
Just in case your still on the fence, here is a sneak-peak at Guru Maharaja's yoga studio program in Portland.



$8 What a bargain :Party: