
sakti tattva

Gaura-Vijaya Das - October 5, 2008 12:31 am

Sakti tattva is most illusive for me to understand. So I will want to clarify some points with the help of devotees.

What exactly is the relation between svarupa sakti, yogamaya and subhadra. Is radharani is presiding over hladini sakti and is she manifestation of svarupa sakti at the same time?

I will really be grateful for devotees to clarify the dynamics between all personalities I mentioned above(underlined)

Citta Hari Dasa - October 5, 2008 6:18 pm
Sakti tattva is most illusive for me to understand. So I will want to clarify some points with the help of devotees.

What exactly is the relation between svarupa sakti, yogamaya and subhadra. Is radharani is presiding over hladini sakti and is she manifestation of svarupa sakti at the same time?

I will really be grateful for devotees to clarify the dynamics between all personalities I mentioned above(underlined)



A short answer would be:


Svarupa-sakti is a synonym for Krsna's antaranga-sakti--his internal energies. Sri Radha presides over hladini-sakti, which, along with sandhini and samvit is one aspect of the svarupa-sakti. Guru Maharaja has explained that all the forms in the spiritual world are manifestations of sandhini-sakti. Yogamaya is an expansion of Radha who is in charge of orchestrating the lila to facilitate the exchange of rasa between Krsna and his various devotees. I will leave it for someone else to answer about Subadhra since my understanding of her is not that clear.