
Questions from Todays Swami call 10-05-08

Karnamrita Das - October 5, 2008 5:39 pm

We had a very enlivening call today---as always--with 6 questions. Maharha asked one from the Brihat Bhagavatamrita. She was wondering that when Gopa Kumara confided in Narada that he was feeling dissatisfied being in Vaikuntha, Narada said he was as well. This was confusing to her since she has read that everyone living in Vaikuntha was completely satisfied. Her follow up question to GM answer describing the different types of devotees and realms of perfection, was if those in Vaikuntha are making spiritual advancement and might "progress" to Goloka.


Next we heard from Shri Krishna, who asked GM to explain how it is that our Gaudiya Sampradaya is more closely in agreement philosophically with Ramanuja Acharya, then Madhavacharya etc.


Then Maharha asked a sweet question as to why there is such emphasis on Krishna's lotus feet rather then Krishna himself. It was to me a wonderfully illuminating answer.


The 5th question was asked by Archana Siddhi who inquired about what appeared to be contradictory verses---she wanted to know how to harmonize them. First in the 10 offenses we often recite it is said that it is an offense to consider the names of the demigods to be independent or equal to the name of Lord Vishnu, whereas in another verse from the Padma Purana quoted in the Brihat Bhagavatamrita, it says that one shouldn't make a distinction between the name, form, and qualities of Lord Shiva, and Lord Vishnu.


This lead to the final question asked by Govinda Vallava who thinks of Mother Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, as doing her function as service to Krishna, calling on her for help. We heard about how broad proper KC is, and the fundamentalist perspective.


You can download the call at the following link: Swami call link