

Margaret Dale - October 14, 2008 4:26 pm

Is this an OK translation of the Padyavali?


Citta Hari Dasa - October 14, 2008 5:48 pm

I couldn't find any info. on who published it, but from the mention of Mahanidhi Swami in the introduction it appears to me to be put out by someone in Iskcon. The translation is probably decent; at least I doubt it would have any discrepancies in siddhanta. Because it's a collection of verses a straightforward translation is sufficient, whereas with commentary the context of how a verse is being invoked by the commentator determines how a verse should be rendered.

Bhrigu - October 14, 2008 6:11 pm

It is probably the one translated by Kushakratha Dasa. His translations are being republished by Rasbihari Lal.

Shreekrishna - October 14, 2008 6:43 pm

I purchased this book through this exact same website. Its an amazing read... very inspiring. I will check to see the details of whose translations were used, but it is most likely Kusakratha prabhu's...


The book itself is good quality... like a nice book you'd buy at Borders...with a dust jacket and everything...

Babhru Das - October 14, 2008 7:16 pm

The copy on the site indicates this is Kusakratha's translation. Even those who knew and loved him more than I acknowledge some problems with his translations. Nevertheless, I'd buy this if I could. C'mon--it's Padyavali!

Radhanama Dasa - October 14, 2008 8:02 pm

You can also order it directly from Rasbihari Lal here: http://www.rasbihari.com/ for considerably less than the other site (10euro). I did, but I must say it is my first order with them so I can't speak to delivery times etc. but I thought some may want to consider the option. Also http://blservices.com has it for 17 euro (about 23$) and I have ordered for Guru Maharaja from them before, they are very good.


I ordered an extra copy that I will forward to Audarya as soon as it arrives.