

Swami - October 16, 2008 3:03 pm

Four days a ago Sukhi developed a type of emphysema resulting from a chest wound. We found her early in the morning sprawled out on the ground and unable to get up. We nursed her and had the vet come and diagnose and medicate her. However, yesterday her condition worsened and on the vet’s recommendation we rushed her to the hospital. Unfortunately she died on the way only a short distance from Audarya. Vaisnava rites of passage in her honor were performed yesterday afternoon here at Audarya, her forehead adorned with tilak, her neck with a flower garland and cloth from Radharani's (Radha Damodara) sari, etc.


Sukhi was 8.5 years old and mothered three calves, two of whom, Sridama and Rati, were born at Audarya. She was a beautiful and high spirited cow with a motherly instinct that stood out in the herd. We all loved her dearly. Indeed, she was my favorite cow. With the blessing of Sripada Nityananda she will take birth as a Guadiya Vaisnava in human form.

Babhru Das - October 16, 2008 3:17 pm

I'm sorry to hear this terrible news, and my heart breaks. The Audarya-vasis must have had a terrible few days. Sukhi is part of our family, and we can only console ourselves with the memory of the time we've spent with her, and the company of her calves.

Bhrigu - October 16, 2008 3:48 pm

My condoleances to all the Audarya-vasis. This is sad news indeed, but I'm glad to hear that she will take birth as a Gaudiya Vaishnava again to continue her seva.

Vamsidhari Dasa - October 16, 2008 3:50 pm

Oh my God this is so sad. She was so sweet and I loved her so much will miss her sweet nibbles. i am sure that everyone feels very sad and I am with all of you at Audarya.

Prema-bhakti - October 16, 2008 3:54 pm

Oh Sukhi! How sad. She was a favorite of mine. When I was spending a lot of time at Audarya she was pregnant with Rati and we were so worried about her. I have so many sweet memories of her. I am so glad she was with all of you when she left.

Braja-sundari Dasi - October 16, 2008 4:23 pm

Oh my God! No.... I loved her so much... She was one of my favourite...

Rathi Krishna Dasa - October 16, 2008 7:04 pm
Syama Gopala Dasa - October 16, 2008 7:44 pm

that's very sad news!

Radhanama Dasa - October 16, 2008 7:44 pm

very very sad news. :Party:

Syamasundara - October 16, 2008 8:19 pm

I'm said for the Audaryavasis, but happy for her.


Did she get buried there?

Swami - October 16, 2008 9:01 pm
I'm said for the Audaryavasis, but happy for her.


Did she get buried there?


I prefer not to answer a lot of questions on this topic here, but yes, she did.

Yamuna Dasi - October 17, 2008 12:06 am

My condolences... :(

If one would keep Mokshada Ekadashi for an animal, can this grant the animal moksha as described in the story for this Ekadashi, or it is only valid for humans? And what moksha can an animal receive if one keeps this Ekadashi on it's behalf - salvation from samsara and going to Goloka or other kind of liberation?... or this is propaganda from Scriptures to convince us by all means to keep Ekadashi?

Some years ago a kitten of mine died and just 2 days later was Mokshada Ekadashi and I first time heared the story of this Ekadashi and kept it for the salvation of this kitten... Somehow I felt much better after doing it, even not knowing if it was proper or not...

Madan Gopal Das - October 17, 2008 1:08 am

Govinda!!! I am devastated. I feel like my own mother has died. I can't believe it. Someone hug the kids for me. How am I going to tell Gaurangi, who identified with Sukhi so much?? :( Our condolences. It was wonderful to have known you Sukhi Ma.

Citta Hari Dasa - October 17, 2008 1:33 am

Unthinkable! I was stunned to hear this news. May Gopala protect her.

Gaurangi-priya Devi - October 17, 2008 2:03 am

This is such sad news. Sukhi was always such an integral part of my Audarya experience, and I called her my matron cow, as she reminded me to be happy. I will miss her greatly. I'm so glad that you were there, Gurumaharaj, and not in Costa Rica yet. It is her amazing benefit to leave in your presence and the other devotees who loved her so much. It is a passing we would all desire.



Ratna Cintamani Dasi - October 17, 2008 2:29 pm

Agni and my hearts go out to you Guru Maharaja, Vrndaranya, Gurunistha and Nitai. I only hopoe I can be as fortunate as Sukhi and leave my body in your auspicious presence.

Gaura-Vijaya Das - October 17, 2008 2:37 pm

I hope that her progress in GV continues for eternity.

Madan Gopal Das - October 17, 2008 3:07 pm

Here is a video of Sukhi's first day in Audarya. She has a tag in her ear that the monks are trying to remove. Citta and the others had quite a time getting her into the pen. A very spirited girl! At the end of the video GM names her. There are a few more videos from the same time on my youtube site.

I'm going to call her Sukhi

Citta Hari Dasa - October 17, 2008 3:14 pm
Here is a video of Sukhi's first day in Audarya. She has a tag in her ear that the monks are trying to remove. Citta and the others had quite a time getting her into the pen. A very spirited girl! At the end of the video GM names her. There are a few more videos from the same time on my youtube site.

I'm going to call her Sukhi



I remember that day well. She was so strong! She's probably jumping in Krsna's pastures now.

Bijaya Kumara Das - October 19, 2008 8:08 am

She had the markings of tilak and it was nice to watch the video. What an appropriate name Happy cow Sukhi.


I will surely miss her wounderful milk preps. May she for ever serve the visnavas. My condolunces Guru Maharaja and monastics.


In the video it looked like all the other visnava cows were trying to invite her and console her although the fence was in the way it looked like a great conference was taking place for her welcoming.

Gandiva Dasi - October 19, 2008 9:12 am

Sukhi Ma Ki Jaya! So sorry to hear this, Kisori is in tears.